WNY Peace Center Weekly Update – June 22, 2016
WNY Peace Center Weekly Update – June 22, 2016 Contact: 716-332-3904
Please send announcements to weeklynews@wnypeace.org for possible inclusion in the Weekly Update.
Also, check out our website: wnypeace.org
Hi, Friends and Members!
Welcome to all, especially those who signed up over Juneteenth!
Besides our usual list of events, we wanted to offer these volunteer opportunities that should be fun, rewarding, and helpful to our community and organization:
2016 Buffalo Infringement Festival
The Peace Center will be participating in the Infringement Festival, doing street theater about the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. Contact Russell Brown, at 716-570-5200; hobadoxa@me.com if you would like to participate.
Camp Peaceprints – July 18-29
Drivers needed:
* for transport to swimming sessions, Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30-2:30pm. You can swim too! (Will cover all expenses.)
* Van driver for afternoons: 2:45- 4pm, Monday through Friday. (Small stipend.)
Please call: 716-332-3904, or 716 931-3520.
WNY Peace Center Office
Looking for volunteers in the office, everything from handwriting thank-you notes to helping with web communications. Please call if interested: 716 332-3904.
Thank you to those who have recently renewed your membership and of course, many thanks for your own good work!
Camp Peaceprints for Youth 8 to 13
Camp Peaceprints – Pathways to Peace: Monday to Friday July 18-29, 10am-3pm. St. Mary’s School for the Deaf, 2253 Main St, Buffalo.
Alternative summer camp focusing on multifaith and other compassionate views. Skill building includes peaceful conflict resolution, leadership skills, arts, etc. – and swimming, 4 times! In partnership with SSJ Sr. Karen Klimczak Center for Nonviolence, WAVE and others. Volunteers and youth assistants welcome.
Environmental Justice Taskforce
Meeting: Friday, June 25, 4:30pm. Crane Library, 633 Elmwood Avenue.
No meeting on Thursday, July 7.
Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center.
Radio show: 91.3 FM. Produced by Jack Kanack. Monday, June 26, 1-3pm.
Hosts Vicki Ross and Avery Edwards. Call in phone number: 716 878-5104.
Guests Rev. Vivian Waltz and Marilyn Gibson on Camp Peaceprints and the promotion of nonviolence and a culture of peace.
Racial Justice Taskforce
Community Speak-out re Ethical Police Officers/Community Policing
Saturday, July 18, 7pm. Gloria J. Parks Community Center, 3242 Main St, Buffalo. Town Hall, second in series (Precinct D). Meeting/discussion; information given and sought. Police are also invited.
Latin America Solidarity Committee
Travel opportunities:
Witness For Peace is offering travel opportunities to the following places. The Latin American Solidarity Committee is offering financial assistance for those interested.
1. Cuba:
Economy & People. July 10-20, 2016
Faith, Politics, Economic & Changing US-Cuban Relations. September 20-29, 2016
Art Culture and Cuban Revolution. November 20-30, 2016
2. Honduras:
Learn from Indigenous and Afro-indigenous Leaders in the face of Economic, Ecological and State Violence. July 16-25, 2016
3. Mexico:
Drug War and Social Control, Militarism and Immigration. January 13-22, 2017
For more information: www.witnessforpeace.org or 202-547-6112; and/or 716 332-3904
School of the Americas Watch Event: Convergence on the U.S./Mexico Border.
Protest the US and Canadian governments of manipulation and intimidation of Latin American countries. October 7-10, 2016. For more information: SOAW.org/border 202-234-3440; and/or 716 332-3904
Prisoners Rights Taskforce
Continuing Vigil at the holding center including #JusticeForIndia
Every Wednesday 4-5 pm. Erie County Holding Center, 40 Delaware Ave, Buffalo.
Town Hall Meeting (BARC) about Erie County Holding Center and #JusticeForIndia.
Thursday, July 14, 5:30pm. Buffalo and Erie County Library, Downtown Central, 1 Lafayette Square.
Resist Militarism! Taskforce
Vigil: Disrupt the death squadron operating at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station (NFARS):
Join us at the main gate to the NFARS on the 2nd & 4th Thursday each month (June 23) at 3:30-4:30pm (or pick another day of the week and bring a group with signs).
For more information, contact Russell Brown, at 716-570-5200; hobadoxa@me.com.
Peace-Justice-Nonviolence Walk and Festival 2016
Sunday September 11th – 2:30pm-6pm
Canalside, downtown Buffalo
WNY Coalition of Peace, Justice & Nonviolence Advocates Joining Together for Mother Nature and All of Our Brothers and Sisters!
Music, Tabling, Children’s Activities, and more!
If you or your organization would like to be a partner or help with event planning, please contact one of us:
Vicki Ross (716) 931-3520 victoryross9@gmail.com
Tom Casey (716) 491-9172 caseytpc@aol.com
Paul McQuillen (716) 997-8659 paulmcqesq@nyagv.org
Art exhibit: Cassandra, New York City artist, shows her first Buffalo exhibit, “SOULJA – Peace and Love Warriors.” Featuring large prints, bronze sculptures and murals with themes exploring feminism, homosexuality, Latin culture and more. Through Friday July 29.
¡Buen Vivir! Gallery for Contemporary Art, 148 Elmwood Avenue in Allentown
Contact for gallery hours: email: Gallery@BuenVivirGallery.org or phone: 716 931-5833.
End trapping on public lands in Grand Island and Western New York
Read about and sign petition at:
Liberating the Green Hill Beagles
Thursday June 23, 7pm. Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo.
Prisoners Are People Too
At our next meeting we will look back, look forward, and celebrate life.
Monday, June 27, 7- 9pm. Pratt-Willert Community Center, 422 Pratt Street, Buffalo.
For more information, contact Karima Amin, karima@prisonersarepeopletoo.org or BaBa Eng, g.babaeng@yahoo.com
Sierra Club Climate & Clean Energy Writers Group
The July Writers Group session will feature Renee Vogelsang and Betta Broad of New Yorkers for Clean Energy as part of their Electric Vehicle powered tour of New York State.
Monday, July 11, 6-7:30pm. Unitarian Universalist Church, 695 Elmwood Avenue at Ferry, Garden entrance, second floor Alliance Room. Free and open to the public.
billnowa@gmail.com for info.
Elmwood Festival of the Arts
Saturday and Sunday Aug 27-28, 10am-5pm.
Come to the WNY Peace Center table on the Cultural Row!
Women In Black – weekly vigil for nonviolence. Every Saturday noon to 1pm. Bidwell and Elmwood. Signs provided. (You don’t need to be a woman or wear black.)
To Unsubscribe, please email weeklynews@wnypeace.org naming the email to be unsubscribed.
General Info :
For questions, comments, inquiries, suggestions, and concerns regarding the Peace Center, contact our Executive Director at:
Victoria (Vicki) Ross
Phone: (716) 931-3520
Email: victoryross9@gmail.com
Our Weekly Office Hours (for drop-in visits, calls, etc.) are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 1-3 p.m., or by appointment.
1272 Delaware Avenue (use back entrance and ring buzzer to get inside), Buffalo, NY 14209
Phone: (716) 332-3904
Eric Gallion
Phone: (716) 310-4292
Email: egallion@verizon.net
Charley Bowman
Phone: (716) 688-2374
Email: CandABowman@verzion.net
Website: http://wnypeace.org/new/projects.html
Frank Gage
Phone: (716)893-5584
Email: snowbird1967@roadrunner.com
Phone: (716) 876-3872
Main Website: http://www.lascwny.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LASC-wny/143873822377380/
WNY Peace Center Page: http://wnypeace.org/program/lasc.php/
Victoria Ross
Phone: (716) 884-0582, (716) 931-3520
Email: victoryross9@gmail.com
Chuck Culhane
Phone: (716) 228-2076
Email: culhane9@gmail.com
Website: http://wnypeace.org/program/Prison%20Action%20Committee.php/
Heron Simmonds-Price
Email: heronimousphunk@gmail.com
Phone: (716) 768-2986
Russell Brown
Phone: (716) 570-5200
Email: hobadoxa@me.com
Website: http://wnypeace.org/program/ResistMilitarism.php/
Student/Low Income: $10
Peacenik: $50
Sustainer’s Circle: $125
Director’s Circle: $250
Major Donor: $1000
Lifetime Membership: $2500
Other Donations (you may indicate any reason):
Send Checks and/or Money Orders (made out to “WNY Peace Center”) to:
Western New York Peace Center, 1272 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209. Please write “Membership” or your purpose for your donation on the memo line of your check.
You can also pay with your credit card via PayPal at www.wnypeace.org
Main Website: http://wnypeace.org/new/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WesternNewYorkPeaceCenter/
Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/wny8peace8center/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-irmY8IAJdDGF8oFTB98nA/feed/