Tomorrow 8-8: Indigenous Peoples Nuclear Free Future 3pm-dusk, Bflo Hist Museum

Dear Friends,             50th year            716-332-3904; 716-931-3520                         8/7/17

We had a very exciting week with our 1-2-3 Resist Militarism! Triad! There wasn’t a dry eye in the house at the Lonely Soldier Monologues; Lisa Ling and Paul K. Chappell were wonderfully inspired and inspiring speakers, and National Bird deserves another viewing!!

Join us tomorrow at Indigenous Peoples Nuclear Free Future Day! Again – an inspired and inspiring event, and a wonderful opportunity to support both. Come from 3pm to dusk or any portion thereof, at the Buffalo History Museum (just north of the 198 at Elmwood Ave).

Also, it’s important to continue to STOP The Attempts to repeal and/or de-fund the Affordable Care Act (ACA, aka Obamacare)! See Weds 7-9pm Canvassing Training below.

FYI, the National Fuel Eminent Domain Case is being decided by the Judge. It was not an immediate ruling in favor of the Corporation as the other two case were, so -> there’s hope!!

And Sept 16 will be our 4th Annual Peace-Justice-Nonviolence Festival & Walk! We’ll start at 11am with tabling and Special Children & Youth Workshop with the Anne Frank Project; continue with an interfaith intercultural program and C&Y play at 1pm; Walk at 1:45pm. All at Canalside!! Music, food, fun and inspiration! To sign your group up as a partner, contact Tom Casey; as a sponsor ($), contact Paul McQuillen; as a tabler, Sr. Maureen Harris – All are welcome

Please go to the calendar page of as well as our Facebook page for additional information and events. Si, se puede!!


Environmental Justice Taskforce

Indigenous Peoples Nuclear Free Future Day
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Declaration of Rights of Indigenous People.
Indigenous speakers and musicians, including Joanne Shenandoah, Oneida, and Darelyn Spruce, Seneca. Hear from Congressman Brian Higgins about Stopping the Solid and Liquid Nuclear Waste being transported over our bridges and byways. Also, Jim Anderson will be calling from Nagasaki where he will just have met with Hibakusha, survivors of the Nuclear Attack. Decorate Japanese lanterns for a Toro Nagashi ceremony at dusk – remembering victims of Nuclear weapons and activities. Nuclear issues, support renewables will be featured. Sponsored by the Buffalo History Museum, Indigenous Women’s Initiatives, the WNY Peace Center, and more.
Tuesday August 8, 3pm to dusk. The Buffalo History Museum, One Museum Court (Elmwood just past R#198), Buffalo, New York.


Resist Militarism! Taskforce

Meeting Weds, 8/8, 1pm at Cafe Aroma. Discuss and evaluate recent events; whether to continue vigils at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station; ads to enlisted personnel to stop following illegal orders, more.

Health Care is a Human Right – Base Building and Canvassing Training

The New York Health Act, the bill to guarantee health care to all New Yorkers, passed the NY State Assembly for the third consecutive year in 2017. In 2018, we plan to #PassNYHealth in the State Senate. Join the fight! Come for canvassing etc training at the New York State Nurses Assocation office, Market Arcade, 617 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14203. To register for this training, please RSVP here:

Also please call your State Senator and ask them to support (numbers on Issues/Taskforces – Govt’l Info tab on this website). Learn more




Resist Militiarism! Taskforce
Support Roots Action’s call for a ban of weaponized drones. Our government is setting up killer drone bases all over the country and all over the world. The 107th Attack Squadron at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station is slated to begin assassinations from there by the end of the year, possibly the end of the summer. It is past time to grow the opposition to these horrors. Ban Weaponized Drones:
Immigrant & Refugee Justice Taskforce
Please call your NYS Assembly Members and ask them to support NYS ASSEMBLY Bill #4050. The subject Greenlight program restores access to drivers’ licenses to all community members, to avoid abusive immigration enforcement.  For more info, please go to; Green Light Petition
Vive la Casa, shelter for people awaiting documents and/or sanctuary, desperately needs toiletries, razors, toothbrushes, sanitary napkins/maxipads, storage shelves, baskets for storage and of course, CASH.
(Checks to Jericho Road/VIVE) 50 Wyoming St., Buffalo, NY 14211, 892-4354.
Please support the Sanctuary Church, Pilgrim St. Luke’s UCC, (Utica and Richmond, Buffalo, NY 14222), with CASH to support the construction of showers.
For more info, call Rev. Justo Gonzales, (989-9207 or 885-9443).

Credo Action (associate to wireless telecommunications co) Petitions:

#In order for us to fight back on Trump’s war on immigrants, we must expose the financial institutions that are backing his hate and build a massive public outcry demanding that they cut all ties to Trump’s racist regime and get out of the dirty business of deportations and mass incarceration. As shareholders, account holders and consumers, we have the power to force banks like JPMC to act.

Tell JP Morgan Chase and all major banks: Stop financing private prison and immigrant detention corporations. Click here to sign the petition.

#Donald Trump is making good on his dangerous campaign promise to the fossil fuel industry to open up wide swaths of the Gulf of Mexico for oil and gas exploration and drilling.

Trump’s plan to aggressively expand offshore drilling threatens our ocean and coastal regions with oil spills, pipelines and a worsening of the climate crisis.

But we can stop it. The Interior Department’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is accepting public comments for the next few days regarding these oil and gas leases in the Gulf, so we must speak out now to stop these reckless attacks on our climate and environment.

Tell the BOEM: No more drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Click here to submit your comment.


REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS in the One Movement, One Struggle

Riverside-Salem UCC/DC Progressive program and potluck.
Sundays, 4-7pm. Programs vary, and include a go-round, discussion, sharing, and potluck. Special Food session! Environmental Cottage, 3449 West River Road, Grand Island.

Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on 91.3FM, WBNY
Mondays, 1-3pm. Special reports today include Sam K-Loehr of War Tax Resisters; John Cunningham re nuclear and fracking pollution; and possibly Jim Anderson in Nagasaki; more!
Go to or

Buffalo Supports Standing Rock Water Protectors/Nekanesakt
Every other Tuesday, 6:30-8pm – next is Tues, August 15. Meeting with discussion, action planning, and striving for the Good Mind. Burning Books, 420 Connecticut St. Sponsors include Indigenous Women’s Initiatives, NACS, Burning Books, Sierra Club, WNYPC.

Environmental Justice Taskforce
Protest the Shipments of VERY Dangerous Radioactive Liquid from Canada.
Fridays 2-3pm, Front Park, Buffalo.

Fridays, 6pm: Stop The Violence Coalition, United Way Building, Delaware and Summer Sts.

Saturdays, Noon-1pm: Women In Black. Nonviolence vigil, Bidwell and Elmwood.


More listings on website ( and in previous email posts.
Please submit possible listings for consideration to
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Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love. We shall overcome!!