County Law 78 – Advisory Board for Sheriff’s Department oversight, Talking Peace, and looking forward to the new year!
716-332-3904 12/30/18
We hope that you are enjoying this season of peace!
Please call your county legislator to support the proposed County Law 78, which creates a new professional Advisory Board for the Sheriff’s Department. If you need to find out who your county legislator is, it seems that the best way to do that currently is by going to, enter your information, click on your precinct, and click My Elected Officials. (The voter lookup function stalls sometimes). You can access the proposed law by going to the following link:
Also, join us tomorrow (Monday) for Talking Peace, our weekly radio show, on WBNY 91.3fm! We will be focusing on a Retrospective and Prospective look at last year and also what our focus will be in the upcoming year. Our guest will be Dr. Rolanda Ward, Director of the Rosa Lee Bente Ostapenko Center for Race, Equality & Mission at Niagara University. You can listen online by going to
Much to do for peace and justice in the new year! Please mark your calendars for the following events (more information on our calendar):
1/16 – And the Beat Goes On – Poor People’s Campaign 51 Years Later
1/20 – WOMEN’S MARCH-Buffalo/WNY! (also sign-making and press conference)
1/26 – WNY Peace Center Quarterly Meeting
2/13 – WNY Peace Center Fun-Raiser and Membership Drive
3/1 – WNY Peace Center Fundraiser with The Dooley’s (will be on our calendar as other details are finalized)
Of course, more events will be added to our calendar as the information becomes available.
**Lastly, please keep us in mind for your year-end donations and holiday gifts! Your support goes a long way towards peace and justice. Thank you!**
Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love
We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver
REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS in the One Movement, One Struggle:
Riverside-Salem UCC/DC – Progressive program followed by potluck. Sundays, 4-7pm. Environmental Cottage, 3449 West River Road, Grand Island. All are welcome.
Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on 91.3FM, WBNY. Mondays, 1-4pm. Call-in show! Go to
Buffalo Supports Standing Rock Water Protectors/Nekanesakt. Indigenous support group/allies. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 6:30-8pm. At Burning Books, 420 CT Ave. All are welcome!!
Prisoners’ Rights Taskforce – Wednesdays 4-5:30pm protest/vigils at the Erie County Holding Center (Delaware & Church). All are welcome. Please bring signs.
Interfaith Peace Network 9:15am at 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY 14209 entrance and parking round back.) Breakfast potluck, planning/publicizing, & discussion.
Vigil for Victims of ICE Terror – Thursdays, 5-6pm, ICE building on the corner of Delaware and Chippewa. Bring your signs and spirit of Solidarity. We will not stay silent! #EndICETerror #FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE
Environmental Justice Taskforce – Vigil to Protest the Shipments of VERY Dangerous Radioactive Liquid from Canada coming over the Peace Bridge. Fridays 2-3pm, Front Park at Vermont & Busti, Buffalo. Signs welcome and also usually available. Next meeting: Thursday, 1/3/19, Niagara Porter Library, 6-7:30pm.
Stop The Violence Coalition – 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month; 6pm, United Way Building, Delaware and Summer Sts.
Women In Black – Nonviolence vigil, Bidwell and Elmwood. Saturdays, Noon-1pm. Signs also available. (and you don’t need to be a woman or dress in black)
To subscribe, write to with “subscribe” in subject line.
To unsubscribe, write to with “unsubscribe” in subject line. (Sorry for occasional delays!)
Please submit possible listings for consideration to
Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love
We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver
The time is now, and we are the people we’ve been waiting for.
And remember to tune in: DEMOCRACY NOW! IS NOW BEING BROADCASTMONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. Hear it over the radio or streaming live at
Below are
– more event listings (see also calendar & facebook page);
– Taskforce items and campaigns; and
– regularly scheduled events – all in that order.
No hate, no fear as we are #StillResisting. Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love.
Join us for And The Beat Goes On: the Poor People’s Campaign 51 Years Later. 1/16/19, Raqs Solidarity, 322 Amherst St., 6-8pm. Cultural arts and political education. Potluck if you would like to bring a dish (though not necessary). Free and open to the public.
Please continue to support the Poor People’s Campaign. Current focus: Voter Registration and empowerment. Stay tuned for information on future events and ways to get involved. Also, visit and join the Poor People’s Campaign online: and on facebook (locally, statewide and nationally): Poor People’s Campaign WNY, NYS Poor People’s Campaign, Poor People’s Campaign.
New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act (aka DASA or The Dignity Act) seeks to provide the State’s public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function. More information at:
Next meeting: Thursday, 1/3/19, Niagara Porter Library, 6-7:30pm.
Two big victories!!: Judge’s put a halt to two terrible proposed pipelines:
– Keystone Pipeline (proposed for entire North-South in Central US); and
– NAPL/Northern Access Pipeline (proposed to take fracked gas from PA through WNY).
We are overjoyed, yet ever-vigilant. Join us for:
No Nuclear Waste over the Peace Bridge
Join us every Friday from 2 PM to 3 PM at the corner of Busti Ave and Vermont St. in Buffalo NY. Vigil against the shipment of high level LIQUID radioactive spent fuel from Chalk River Ontario to Aiken South Carolina. If any of it spills out, it will be next to impossible to clean.
Action Alert re Stone Dam Road Pipeline: go to
WOMEN’S MARCH – BUFFALO/WNY!!! January 20, 2019. Niagara Square. 1:30pm. Call 716-332-3904 to get involved as a co-sponsor. Also, Women’s March press conference for elected officials, Thursday, 1/17/19, 12pm, Niagara Square. Call 716-332-3904 if interested in speaking. In addition, Sign-making for the Women’s March 1/20, 12-1pm, WNY Peace Center, 1272 Delaware Avenue (entrance and parking at the back of the building); hot drinks and pastries provided. RSVP (and be counted!) at More information at wnypeace.organd
If you believe that discrimination against all women should be eliminated, please support enacting the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in the city of Buffalo. Follow this link for more information: and contact your district’s councilperson to urge them to support this ordinance too.
Darius G. Pridgen- Ellicott District- 716-851-4980
Christopher P. Scanlon- South District- 716-851-5169
David A. Rivera- Niagara District- 716-851-5125
Joel P. Feroleto- Delaware District- 716-851-5155
Richard A. Fontana- Lovejoy District- 716-851- 5151
David A. Franczyk- Fillmore District- 716-851-4138
Joseph Golombek, Jr.- North District- 716-851-5116
Ulysees O. Wingo, Sr.- Masten District- 716-851-5145
Rasheed Wyatt- University District- 716-851-5165
(Note all-male Common Council – symptomatic of issues!)
Vigil for Victims of ICE Terror
Thursdays, 5-6pm, ICE building on the corner of Delaware and Chippewa. Bring your signs and spirit of Solidarity. We will not stay silent! #EndICETerror #FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE
Calls are still needed to your NYS Assembly Members to ask them to support NYS ASSEMBLY Bill #4050. IF SEAN RYAN IS YOUR ASSEMBLYPERSON, PLEASE CALL HIM! 716-885-9630! ALSO CO CLERK MICKEY KEARNS (716) 858-8785.
The GreenLight NY program restores access to drivers’ licenses to all community members, to avoid abusive immigration enforcement. For more info, please come out to above mentioned event, or go to; Green Light Petition
Vive la Casa, shelter for people awaiting documents and/or sanctuary, still desperately needs personal hygiene products and of course, CASH.
(Checks to Jericho Road/VIVE) 50 Wyoming St., Buffalo, NY 14211, 892-4354.
Invest in the children of farmworkers! A donor has agreed to match gifts given through Rural and Migrant Ministry board members through the end of the year. Contact the Rural and Migrant Ministry for more details.
Vigil for Victims of ICE Terror Thursdays, 5-6pm, ICE building on the corner of Delaware and Chippewa. Bring your signs and spirit of Solidarity. We will not stay silent! #EndICETerror #FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE
Venezuela Sanctions Petition
After the attempted assassination of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, your help is requested. Please sign the petition to end US and Canadian sanctions: The civilians and general populations are the ones to pay for this kind of foreign policy. The US government needs to stop penalizing the common people and destabilizing other countries. Please sign and share. Many thanks to Shontae Cannon-Buckley for her work on this issue!
As you know, people desperately need our help because of the continuing devastation caused by “natural” disasters (read fossil-fuel-burning-generated Climate Catastrophe) as well as other factors. You can contribute as follows:
Puerto Rico—Go to for a full report on ways to help.
We also recommend:
– Mutual Aid Community Soup Kitchens Paypal address: run by Giovanni Roberto, friend of MaryAnne Grady Flores ( and Puerto Rico activist].
– The is another fund governed by many grassroots community groups.
– Cuba—Alliance for Global Justice/Irma Relief, 418 W. 145th St.. New York, NY 10031 (for tax deductible). Not tax deductible, IFCO/Irma Relief (same address) Phone: 212-926-5757. Please give generously – the situations continue to be terrible for many!!
-Chenalhó, Chiapas—Humanitarian crisis
This article in the National Catholic reporter gives a brief overview of the situation.
If you would like to help, go to
Wednesdays 4-5:30pm protest/vigils at the Erie County Holding Center (Delaware & Church). All are welcome. Please bring signs.
Please join us in promoting the H.A.L.T. Solitary Confinement campaign. Please call your State Senators and ask them to cosponsor and vote for the bills S. 4784. (You can also thank the representatives who passed it in the Assembly!)
Other Ways you can help:
– Sign the petition to support the HALT Solitary Confinement Act:
– Encourage your organization to endorse the HALT Solitary Confinement Act:
The Western New York Peace Center has created a fund for the purpose of supporting police officers who face reprisals from their department from choosing to strictly uphold their oath to protect and serve the community. The Peace Center has named this fund after Cariol Horne who saved the life of a citizen, but was fired just prior to earning her 20-year pension. Our goal is to encourage good police officers in following their moral conscience if and when it conflicts with the infamous blue wall of silence.
Join the #BuffaloLLEP movement. It’s easy.
Join the hundreds of Buffalonians who make up the #BuffaloLLEP movement, asking Mayor Byron Brown to make low-level marijuana arrests Buffalo’s lowest level enforcement priority (LLEP).
People across the U.S. recognize what a destructive failure the 40-year “war on drugs” has been. In Buffalo, the news hasn’t sunken in yet, though, as those living in communities of color & low-income areas are still disproportionately targeted by law enforcement for marijuana arrests. Join the #BuffaloLLEP movement to stop these unfair & harmful enforcement tactics!
Learn more.
Each Police District has a Chief and Community Police Meeting. We encourage people to go to them and communicate freely on issues of concern. See calendar for listings, and/or call your District and ask when & where the next Chief and Community Police Meeting will be held.
Meetings are 3rd Wednesdays of the month at Tipico Coffee, 7pm.
Know about the King’s Bay Plowshares? 7 courageous and compassionate Catholic Workers who went to largest submarine base in the world Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base in St. Mary’s, Georgia on April 4th, 2018. They went to make real the prophet Isaiah’s command to “beat swords into plowshares”. Read their story at .
Donate, help us organize on their behalf, and agitate and pray for their acquittal. They face very serious charges of up to a decade of prison time, just for reminding our government of the illegal and foolhardy nature of our nuclear weaponry.
Please call our Senators and Congresspersons to urge them to
– Vote in favor and cosponsor if possible Senator Markey’s Bill # 200 and House Bill, Rep Lieu # 669, to Restrict First Strike with Nuclear Weapons.
– Support House Resolution 922 to define presidential wars not declared by Congress as impeachable offenses. These wars include wars of co-belligerency such as the US role in the atrocities in Yemen.
If you’d prefer to send an email to your senators, please do so.