Do you want to be a friend (partner) of the WNY Women’s March?
The WNY Peace Center is looking for partners and/or co-sponsors – those who share our enthusiasm for activism and advocating for peace and justice – for our Women’s March 2022 event on May 15th. If your organization affirms our principles/goals (see below) and will publicize, please consider co-sponsoring this event. Additionally, if your business would like to support this event, please consider providing a special partner discount/coupon to our attendees, or anything else that comes to mind in solidarity!
What: Annual Women’s March of WNY in Buffalo
When & Where: Sunday, May 15th, 2022. The community will meet at the southeast corner of Lafayette Avenue & Niagara Street at 12:45 PM, then march together at 1 PM to Broderick Park (foot of Ferry) for the event.
Who: All members of the WNY community are invited for solidarity, healing, inspiration, and shared learning and perspectives. The event is organized by the WNY Peace Center and hosted by Riverside Salem UCC/DC. We will have a family area, guest speakers and performers, and a comfortable environment for all to stand in solidarity.
Why: Our mission statement, arrived through a consensus by women community leaders in WNY, is: The Women’s March of WNY, opposed to all forms of oppression, seeks to increase equity and equality for women and all oppressed people. We seek structural and systematic changes to our government and organizations in order to guarantee that all women have proper access to healthcare and are free from violence and hate. We believe this regardless of a person’s racial, economic, or citizenship status; and we value the dignity and humanity of women of color, women with disabilities, and lgbt/queer and gender non-conforming people, and everyone’s equal place in the movement and in society.
Your business (along with your special for the day) will be promoted in an event program that march attendees will receive – at NO COST to you! Please submit your interest here: https://forms.gle/wEsTYu5x2ysD59Ln9.
If you have questions, please call 716-332-3904 or email womensmarch@wnypeace.org. For full event details, visit bit.ly/WMwny2022.
We look forward to partnering with you!