Special events Tues & Sat re Taxes, Militarism; Pastors4Peace 4/19

Dear Friends,                wnypeace.org      716-332-3904    716-931-3520

Many thanks for those who collaborated or came out to make our All-Day-MLK on April 4 such a memorable time. We have more opportunities coming up to get informed and inspired as we grow a movement! Please join us as you can. We especially draw your attention to three events:
Tues, April 11, 6:30-8pm, Town Hall on Budget: How the Proposed Trump Budget will impact WNY. Speakers include Assemblyman Sean Ryan and ___ [your name here]. Hamburg Central High School – Auditorium; 4111 Legion Drive – Hamburg (Village). More info below!
Sat, April 15, 1-2:30pm, Tax March/Rally. Solidarity event for National day of action.  Niagara Square Rally (1pm); then march to IRS, Federal Office Bldg., 130 South Elmwood Ave; around that block and back to Niagara Square. Speakers include Wayne Alt, WNYPC (lifelong activist!); Samantha Nephew,  Citizen Action; and many more. See more below.
Cuba – US, Open the Door! Pastors for Peace. 6pm social and refreshments, 7-9pm program. Latin American Solidarity Committee of the WNYPC. Fundraiser for Pastors for Peace (ifconews.org), At WNY Peace Center/ Network of Religious Communities Building, 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance and parking round back). $10 in advance; $12 at the door. $5 for students. $20 for patrons. More info below.
Many other worthy events are coming up. Please check them out at wnypeace.org on the calendar. Some also appear below, in chronological order, with campaigns and list of regular events at end. *Of note, Subversive Theater’s “The Trial of Trayvon Martin” is a stellar and original production (see subversivetheatre.org). Don’t miss it!*

We’ll see you-  hopefully soon – at one event or another! Many thanks!!

We shall overcome!!   Si, se puede!!      Peace, Solidarity, and yes Love.


Sun, April 9, 1:30-3:30pm. Nekanesakt Meeting. At Burning Books, 420 Connecticut St, Buffalo. Indigenous People and allies working to support Native peoples, land struggles, protecting the earth and sovereignty in the most effective way. Discuss/work on mission statement, goals, responsibilities, a non-profit and a bank account. All are welcome.

Sun, April 9, 4-7pm. POEM – Peace On and with the Earth Month – program and potluck. With poet Sinead Tyrone (new book A Song of Ireland); and Songs of Peace and the Good Earth offered by musical artists Nan Hoffman and Joe Tumino. Riverside-Salem UCC/DC. 3449 West River Road, Grand Island.


Mon, April 10, 1-3pm Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center.  91.3FM WBNY, livestreaming at wbny.buffalostate.edu, and/or


Tues, April 11, 6:30-8pm, Town Hall on Budget: How the Proposed Trump Budget will impact WNY. Speakers include Assemblyman Sean Ryan and ___ [your name here]. Hamburg Central High School – Auditorium; 4111 Legion Drive – Hamburg (Village).

Our Town Hall panel will discuss the ramifications of the Trump Administration’s proposed budget on Western New York, including impacts on civil rights and social justice, women’s rights, LBTGQ rights, immigrant and refugee rights, the environment, Great Lakes protection, infrastructure, affordable housing, affordable health care, jobs, and economic development.

Hosted by Richard Lipsitz, President of the WNY Area Labor Federation, the panel will include NY State Assemblymember Sean Ryan and representatives from area healthcare, education and environmental organizations. Many organizations cosponsoring, incl WNYPC.


Tues, Apr 11, 6:30-8:30pm. Nekanesakt/Buffalo Supports Standing Rock Water Protectors. Pete Hill, NACS,  will present Native Cultural Competency including movie “Unseen Tears” and discussion of the trauma of residential schools. All are welcome!


Thurs, Apr 13, 3:30-4:30pm. Resist Militarism! Anti-Weaponized-Drone Vigil at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station. Call Russell, 570-5200 for carpooling.
Fri, Apr 14, Remembering Sr. Karen Klimczak: Good Friday Stations.
Noon, 4/14; Downtown Buffalo: based on Catholic Worker Stations Sister Karen made before her untimely leaving us. Begins at noon at homeless Jesus statue in front of St Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral at Main and Church and ending there. There will be about seven stations and walk of ½ to ¾’s of a mile. Stations will be less than two hours so meter parking can be used, lot under Main Place Mall (enter on Pearl St. under overhead pedestrian bridge between Eagle and Church streets from Erie County Rath Building to mall, surface lots, or lot on North Division between Washington and Ellicott.
7pm, 4/14; St Columba-Brigid, 75 Hickory St, Buffalo: part of St. Columba-Brigid’s Good Friday Service, The Sister Karen stations made last year at St Columba-Brigid will be used for the Passion Reading in the Service.


Sat, April 15, 1-2:30pm, Tax March/Rally. Solidarity event for National day of action.  Niagara Square Rally (1pm); then march to IRS, Federal Office Bldg., 130 South Elmwood Ave; around that block and back to Niagara Square. Speakers include Wayne Alt, WNYPC (lifelong activist!); Samantha Nephew,  Citizen Action; and many more. See more below.

Topics include our need and right to see Donald Trump’s tax return; as well as the terrible use of our tax dollars, with a clear and growing majority of our discretionary budget going to military aggression, and outrageous cuts proposed to already under-funded life-sustaining programs. Please come out with the WNYPC and cosponsors including ACTionBuffalo, Buffalo Resists, Citizen Action of WNY, Huddle for the 27th, Turning Election Emotion Into Action, and We the People.
LASC (Latin American Solidarity Committee)

Cuba – US, Open the Door! Pastors for Peace. 6pm social and refreshments, 7-9pm program. Fundraiser for Pastors for Peace (ifconews.org), with a report on congressional action with regards to USA-Cuba relations, by speakers from IFCO-Pastors for Peace, including John Waller who has visited Cuba over a dozen times with Pastors for Peace and the British Cuba Solidarity Campaign.   At WNY Peace Center/ Network of Religious Communities Building, 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance and parking round back). $10 in advance; $12 at the door. $5 for students. $20 for patrons.




Tell Congress: No Blank Check for Endless War on Syria! Donald Trump has started an illegal war on Syria. Tell congressional leaders: Rein in Donald Trump’s unauthorized military strikes and hold immediate emergency deliberations on Trump’s illegal escalation of military engagement in Syria.


LASC and Immigrant & Refugee Justice Taskforces

Workers’ Center member and leader, Jose Coyote Perez, was detained by ICE in Batavia. He is also a father of four children and community leader in Upstate and Central NY, member of the Workers’ Center of CNY and other community organizations. His case was administratively closed in September, but he was detained on February 24, 2017.
Please continue to call the Buffalo Fed. Detention Facility office of the Chief Counsel (716) 551-4741 and press 4# (four followed by the # sign)

“Proposed script: My name is ______ I want to bring to the attention of the Chief Counsel the case of Jose Coyote Perez, A#099757267, who is in Batavia detention Center. He is the father of four children and community leader in Upstate and Central NY, member of the Workers’ Center of CNY and other community organizations.”

Be prepared! They may tell you that is not the place to call but just tell them you want to leave the message for the Chief Counsel (if she doesn’t answer), it is very important to tell them the A#.

Jose is in good spirits, he knows he has a lot of support from all over Upstate and Central NY. Thank you for the support you have already shown and let’s continue to show our support!

Si se puede!
*One of our two recently declared Sanctuary Churches, Pilgrim St-Luke’s needs to put in showers for people staying there! Please send your contribution (payable) to:

Pilgrim St-Luke UCC
335 Richmond
Buffalo, NY 14222

with Sanctuary Care in the memo. Or go to their website here to donate on line. Also any plumbers who would be willing to work pro bono or at a discount should contact Rev. Justo Gonzalez (716-989-9207; or pastor@lovefaithjustice.org). For the Buffalo 25 and their families you can also send contributions for them Payable to

Trinity Episcopal Church (with #Buffalo25 on the memo line of your check); to Trinity Episcopal Church; 371 Delaware Ave.; Buffalo, NY 14202.

* School of the Americas’ Watch is looking for a full-time national coordinator and organizer; and a part-time Tucson-based regional organizer. For more info, go to: soaw.org.


Other regularly scheduled efforts in the One Struggle, One Movement:

Fridays 6pm: Stop The Violence Coalition, United Way Bldg, Delaware and Summer Sts.

Saturdays, Noon-1pm: Women In Black. Nonviolence vigil, Bidwell and Elmwood.

Sundays, 4pm Riverside-Salem UCC/DC progressive program and potluck. 3449 West River Road, Grand Island.

Mondays, 1-3pm, Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center radio show on 91.3FM, WBNY; with Avery Edwards, Vicki Ross, and special guests. Go to wbny.buffalostate.edu or http://tunein.com/radio/WBNY-913-s27549/.

Tuesdays, 6:30pm Buffalo Supports Standing Rock Water Protectors! 420 Connecticut St, at Burning Books, with Indigenous Women’s Initiative, NACS, WNY Peace Center, and more.

2nd and 4th Thurs of month: Resist Militarism! Anti-Weaponized-Drone Vigil at Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, 3:30-4:30pm. Call Russell, 570-5200 for carpooling.

1st and 3rd Thurs of month: Interfaith Peace Network meeting and breakfast-luck, 8am-9:30am; NRC Bldg, 1272 Delaware Ave. Parking and entrance round back.


Call above or look at website calendar and separate event listings for more info.
To submit event for consideration for listing, please send (text, not flyer) to weeklynews at wnypeace.org.
To unsubscribe, reply with “unsubscribe” in subject line.

Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love. We shall overcome!!
