For Much-Needed Gun Control: Email or Call Your Senators!

For Much-Needed Gun Control: Please Email this Weekend or Call Monday Morning
Your action needed!

Email and/or call your senators!

Senator Schumer: email Jordan Nicholson <> OR call 202-224-6542; or 716-846-4111;
Senator Gillibrand: email Jim Kennedy <> OR call 202-224-4451; or 716-854-9725;

* thank them for their work on gun control,
* ask them to continue supporting the Universal Background Check Amendment to the Appropriations Bill
* ask them to do everything they can to Ban Assault Weapons

For more info, please see below or go to

Early this morning — after nearly 15 hours, holding one of the longest filibusters in U.S history — a bipartisan coalition of senators led by Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy forced leaders in the Senate to allow a vote on key gun violence prevention legislation!  This vote is scheduled to be held late Monday afternoon.

This legislation is in the form of two amendments to a 2017 CJS Appropriations Bill.  The first amendment proposed by Senator Feinstein would close the Terror Gap to keep individuals on the terrorist watch list from purchasing guns.  The second amendment proposed by groups of Senators would call for Universal Background Checks so that every private gun sale involves a NICS Background Check.  Now almost 40% of guns sales at gun shows, on the internet or between individuals do not include background checks.

Both Senators Schumer and Gillibrand have been terrific on the gun safety issue. Please take a moment to call them to tell them you appreciate their support for federal laws that match New York’s.

Thank them for their support for strong and effective Terror Gap and Background Check bills to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have them.

Tell the staffer that answers –
Hi, my name is ______ and I’m calling to let Senator _____ know that I appreciate his/her support for strong and effective background check and terror gap amendments to keep guns out of the hands of those who should not have them.

 I hope you will vote YES on the Feinstein amendment and YES on the Universal Background Checks amendment. Thank you!

A lot of phone calls are being made, so you may get the office voicemail when you call. Please leave a message for the Senator if you can’t reach a staffer.

Together we can make a difference!