
Our Mission: 

The Western New York Peace Center (WNYPC) is committed to peace through justice both locally and globally by promoting peace education, issue awareness, and policy advocacy. Our mission is to enhance the well-being of our community through nonhierarchical and reciprocal collaborative efforts; cultivating a movement dedicated to both preventing violence against individuals and the environment, while facilitating regenerative healing from years of trauma and oppression. We prioritize peaceful conflict resolution within communities with a particular emphasis on empowering youth, as well as life-long learning.


Our History and Work:

Founded in 1967 as the Buffalo chapter of Rev. Dr. King’s Clergy and Laity Concerned, the Western New York Peace Center (WNYPC) has grown from focusing on the Vietnam War to addressing wide-ranging global and local issues. With a diverse Board and  over 100 members, we’re committed to justice and universal respect, focusing on disadvantaged communities in the Buffalo Metropolitan area.

Our work includes task forces on human and civil rights, economic, racial, and environmental justice. We resist militarism, advocate for prisoners’ rights, and collaborate with Peace Action NYS for policy change. Our community engagement includes the “Talking Peace” radio show, vigils, marches, and events featuring speakers like Cornel West, emphasizing nonviolent action and diverse activism.

We foster youth activism through the PeaceJam curriculum and Camp Peaceprints, while promoting personal and systemic healing via mind-body skills groups, cultivating effective change agents in our community.


We get guidance from the lives and teachings such icons of justice and peace as Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Mahatma Gandhi, Ella Baker, Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Dr. Vandana Shiva, and so many more; as well as from the (Haudenosaunee) Great Law of Peace, International Law,  and the principles that uphold what is best in our various societies and cultures.

Go to our Get Involved drop-down menu on the home-page banner to
– become a member (by donating to support the WNYPC);
– subscribe to our Weekly News mailing list;
– get contact info for official/gov’t representatives;
and more. We’re all in this together, and together #WeShallOvercome! Si, Se Puede …. !