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WNYPC taskforce mtgs; Town Halls on policing & families of inmates

May 19th, 2020

In an effort to limit digital overload, we are highlighting a few special events this week and then refer you to our website for details on our regularly scheduled events and COVID-19 ‘Helping Hands’ resource list.

– Tonight at 8, join the reactivated Racial Justice taskforce for a physically distanced conference call to determine how the WNYPC can address local issues of police brutality, policing standards, and other racial disparities. Call in to 701-802-5296 using Access Code 4891145.

– Tomorrow at 6 PM, come be part of grounding the drones and ending the wars with the Resist Militarism! taskforce. Planning is in process for (physically distant) events in Niagara Falls, with PeaceAction Niagara University and more; for moving toward having monuments for Peacemakers not just warmakers; retracting the AUMF; and more. All are welcome via Zoom using Meeting ID 886 4837 5765 and Password 053203.

– Then join the Buffalo Police Advisory Board for its virtual town hall tomorrow night at 7:30. This will be a space for participants to share their feelings on current local police practices and events, as well as an opportunity to share ideas on what policing should look like in the future. To join on Zoom, use Meeting ID 990 2923 4912 and Password PABMeeting.

– On Thursday at 1 PM, the Alliance for Families for Justice presents its town hall on the plight of families of those incarcerated during COVID-19. Hear family members with loved ones incarcerated in NYS prisons share their lived experiences and urgent concerns. We demand a plan from Governor Cuomo to address the COVID-19 crisis in prisons and save lives! Upon registration, you will be sent the link and password to the Zoom meeting; registration closes tomorrow, May 20th.

Lastly, we want to announce that the Immigrant & Refugee Justice (IRJ) taskforce has postponed their May monthly meeting until next week. Please visit their Facebook group for more details, including their #IRJtoRally, #IRJtoAct, and #IRJtoRead activities.

Please see details and much more below, including special events this week, regularly scheduled events, campaigns, fundraisers, and more at, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)! We update our Event Calendar often as we learn of new events, so please be sure to check back regularly!

*** And lastly, a reminder to pace yourselves – do only what you can without engaging in digital overload. No one call do it all. Let us know what kind of help you might need from the WNYPC; please feel free to reach out!

Peace, thanks, solidarity and yes – love.

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Talking Peace; KBP7 Pt 2; #HALTSolitary; Global Days of Listening

May 15th, 2020

Dear Friends,

We know that many people are starting to feel the effects of digital overload, so this week we are here to offer a highlight of a few important events:

– We want to be sure you know that our radio show, Talking Peace on WBNY 91.3 FM, recently returned after a COVID-related hiatus. Join us for our next show Monday, 5/18 for a special call-in show featuring Clare Grady and Martha Hennessey of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7. The first hour will discuss criminal US nuclear militarism and the seven Catholic Workers’ courageous Plowshares action highlighting the omnicidal Trident submarines on the base. They now each face up to 25 years, with sentencing scheduled for 5/28 and 29. We thank them and pray for them, our s/heroes. The second hour will feature cohost and PANYS President Jim Anderson with Corrections Advisory Specialist Heron Simmonds discussing local and national racial justice issues – including video of Buffalo Police beating an unarmed man; Armaud Arbery’s murder in GA; and racial disparities in policing, healthcare, environmental pollution, etc. Our shows also stream online at, – please join us!

– On Saturday, 5/16 at noon, the KBP7 defendants will hold another webinar, Disarm & Divest During COVID-19 Part 2, before their sentencing. Jeremy Scahill, cofounder of the intercept, will host the webinar. Lead attorney Bill Quigley will also join followed by a Q&A. The panel will continue and expand their discussion of the need for civil resistance disarmament actions such as the Kings Bay Plowshares 7, the continued build-up of militarism, and the destitute condition of our world before and during the pandemic. They will also speak on divesting military funding to serve human needs during COVID-19 and beyond. If you missed Part 1 of this fantastic webinar – which also featured WNYPC Annual Dinner Keynote Speakers, Dr. Cornel West (2020) and Medea Benjamin (2019), you can catch up here. On Zoom, Meeting ID 816 7974 5485.

– This Sunday, 5/17, you can join the CAIC meeting about getting the #HALTSolitary bill passed using the Zoom link here. (Meeting ID 942 909 6816, Password Aubry; or dial-in at 1-646-558-8656 Mtg ID same, password 551359).

– On Thursday, 5/21, the Afghan Peace Volunteers invite everyone to say #Enough! We’ll build a critical mass of nonviolent relationships for a green and equal world without war. Join the Global Days of Listening beginning at 7:30 AM to celebrate 10 years of active listening to people around the globe, collaborating around each other’s paths of action toward a peaceful world. This month’s topic is What can each of us do now to build a better post-pandemic world? We know this is a topic all of you are considering, and we are particularly looking for youth guests (18-35 in this context) who share the APV’s vision of a Green, Equal, and Nonviolent world.

Please see details and much more below, including special events this week, regularly scheduled events, campaigns, fundraisers, and more at, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)! *** We update our Event Calendar often as we learn of new events, so please be sure to check back regularly!

And lastly, a reminder to pace yourselves – do only what you can without engaging in digital overload. No one call do it all. Let us know what kind of help you might need from the WNYPC; please feel free to reach out!

Peace, thanks, solidarity and yes – love.

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WNYPC Annual Report

We hope you are as excited as we are about tomorrow’s WNYPC Annual Membership Meeting! In preparation for the meeting, you can now view the Annual Report online! Please check out all of the great things we have been up to in the past year, and what we hope to accomplish this coming year!

Board Candidate bios are included in this report. Remember, all are welcome to attend but only members can vote. If you need to re-up your membership before the meeting, check out our *MATCHED FUNDS* campaign on GoFundMe Charities.

Peace, thanks, solidarity and yes – love.

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