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LASC Coffeehouse TONIGHT and the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

716-332-3904 1/28/19


Greetings for Peace and Justice!

We hope to see you TONIGHT at the Latin American Solidarity Committee Coffeehouse, Canisius College Science Hall, 7-9pm. There will be a report on activism at the US/Mexico border and the Batavia Federal Detention Facility, with local group Justice for Migrant Families.

Thank you to everyone who is making their voice heard on the crisis in Venezuela! Continue to contact your congress members and stand up for our community members abroad.

As we start a new year inspired and renewed by the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and other peace and justice activists, we honor them for what they have taught us, and continue to teach us today. Dr. King lived honestly, authentically, and spoke out against the injustices plaguing this nation. Looking at our world and our part in it with a critical and mindful viewpoint helps us to continue to do our part to change things.

Thank you to everyone who attended the Poor People Campaign’s cultural event ‘And The Beat Goes On: the Poor People’s Campaign 51 Years Later, as well as the MLK events at Kleinhans and Johnnie B. Wiley and across the region.

The Racial Justice Taskforce is looking for people to participate in a 19 day Ma’at Memorial to India Cummings. Email Heron Simmonds at if you’re interested.

We survived the cold, but had to postpone the Women’s March-Buffalo/WNY! The planning group is in the stages of confirming future dates for Women’s March-Buffalo/WNY 2019, and for community events addressing the Women’s March and the women’s movement. Stay tuned to and to our weekly news, event calendar on our website, and facebook for upcoming details and events.

Prisoners Are People Too will also have their monthly meeting tonight at the CAO Rafi Green Center, 1423 Fillmore Avenue, 7-9pm.

Finally, we had a very productive quarterly membership meeting on Saturday! Thank you to all who came out and made their voices heard in celebration of the WNY Peace Center and helping to shape and guide the future of this awesome organization.

More events on our calendar!

Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love

We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver

Postponed: Women’s March – Buffalo/WNY; plus …

716-332-3904 1/19/19

Dear Friends,
Just another email to make sure you got the news that THE WOMEN’S MARCH – BUFFALO/WNY IS POSTPONED due to the snow, cold, and high winds (especially in Niagara Square). (We didn’t schedule it for today like other marches in order to enable people to attend WMs in DC or Seneca Falls, and still come to ours! The weather dictated otherwise.) The movement is ongoing – see previous email, please.

You can put whatever energy you wanted to use for the March to contacting Senator McConnell at (202) 224-2541 or on a form on his website, ie, at
index.cfm/contact?p=ContactForm and tell him he needs to get people paid again for their work. Our federal workers are hurting and need their paychecks – at our four international bridges, in airports, … everywhere federal workers are not getting paid!

And you can tell he-who-shall-not-be-named in the White House the same thing at 202-456-1111, or

Hopefully we can go to the “Follow His Footsteps” MLK Celebration tomorrow 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm, at Kleinhans Music Hall, 3 Symphony Circle, Buffalo, NY 14201, as the plows will have had more time, and it is indoors!

Lastly, you can – as we will – contemplate the importance of #womenswave and #UnitetheStruggles; of Equity, Freedom from Violence, and Reverence for the Environment; and pray or put your concentrated attention and intention to the strength of will we need to support Unarmed Truth and Unconditional Love for each other and for all the Creation.

We hope to see you Saturday 1/26
– at Women In Black Noon-1pm at Bidwell&Elmwood;
– at Rebellion Day 1 – Extinction Rebellion, US, 1pm at Bidwell&Elmwood;
– at the WNY Peace Center quarterly Membership meeting, 2-4pm at 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance & pkg round back of bldg; all can attend but only members can vote).

Please mark your calendars for Monday, 1/28, when the LASC Coffeehouse, 7-9pm at the lounge of the Science Hall of Canisius Col (Main & Jefferson), will have Canisius students reporting on their experiences in working on current immigration issues, both on the US/Mexico border and at the Batavia Detention Facility. It’s sure to be a compelling presentation!

See more listings on the website ( and in previous email posts.

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love.

#UnitetheStruggles #womenswave

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Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love
We shall overcome #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver
The time is now, and we are the people we’ve been waiting for.

And remember to tune in: DEMOCRACY NOW! IS NOW BEING BROADCAST MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. Hear it over the radio or streaming live at

Women’s March – Buffalo/WNY – POSTPONED!!

Hi, dear Friends! We are postponing the Women’s March – Buffalo/WNY due to expected bad weather (snow and extreme wind chill, especially in the Square). Safety first!! We are about alleviating suffering, not causing it!

The Women’s March is an outgrowth of the work we’ve been doing all along, and this year more than ever, we’d already planned to keep the momentum going throughout the year, with

  • discussions of controversial subjects (including the nature of the Women’s Movement – how it is now and how we want to improve it);
  • ongoing work on our local goals
  • and of course – the actual Women’s March, being postponed to a date to be determined.

We appreciate you all so much, and of course we’ll keep working together!! Looking forward to our next ….

#WomensWave     #UnitetheStruggles

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and Love.        Vicki