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#WomensWave, UN Human Rights Day, and many great events!!

716-332-3904      12/4/18

Dear Friends,

Hello! It is great to be in community with everyone.

We’re looking forward to Human Right’s Day on Monday, December 10, declared by the UN. Let us all find a way to lift up this necessary reminder of human rights, and engage ourselves and our community.

We have begun planning for our sister Women’s March!! We’re looking for co-sponsors who uphold the principles of the Women’s March, and will help promote the event, to their membership and others. Please contact us at director@wnypeace.orgif you’re interested in being a part of the planning process and/or would like to co-sponsor. The sister Women’s March will be held on Sunday, January 20, 1:30pm, at Niagara Square. Those who are interested in rsvp-ing to the march can do so on our facebook page, the women’s march national rsvp page, or just plan on coming! It will be here before we know it, and we look forward to having everyone in solidarity towards women’s equity.

We have many great events this week that you won’t want to miss! See them below.

*Also, a huge Thank you to all who donated for Giving Tuesday and renewed your membership and investment in Peace through Justice! We always look forward to having your involvement in our events and campaigns. We are, of course, in our end-of-year membership drive, and encouraging everyone to renew your membership for the new year, which continues throughout 2019. Looking forward to another amazing year working towards change.

So we look to see you at the events this week!

Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love

We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver


Subversive Theatre will present staged readings of Guns of Christmas on Dec 5 and 6 at the Buffalo History Museum (Wednesday) and the Central Library (Thursday), originally written for Subversive Theatre to mark the 100thyear anniversary of the notorious “Christmas Truce”. 6pm.

Mark Dunlea of the Green Education and Legal Fund will be visiting us from Albany to discuss ways we can move to 100% clean energy. Thursday, Dec. 6, 6pm. Niagara Branch Library (Niagara and Porter). Co-sponsored by WNY Drilling Defense and the Environmental Justice Task Force of the WNY Peace Center.

Community members are encouraged to join in a Ring of Peace at Congregation Shir-Shalom to show solidarity with the Jewish community. This is an outside demonstration. Following the demonstration, community members are invited to join for the Hannukah program: Shedding Light on Hannukah. Thursday, Dec. 6, 6:30pm, 4660 Sheridan Dr, Williamsville NY 14221.

Stop the Violence Coalition meeting, Friday, Dec. 7, 5:30pm, United Way, Delaware and Summer St. All are welcome to work to stop the violence.

REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS in the One Movement, One Struggle:

Riverside-Salem UCC/DC – Progressive program followed by potluck. Sundays, 4-7pm. Environmental Cottage, 3449 West River Road, Grand Island. All are welcome.

Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on 91.3FM, WBNY. Mondays, 1-4pm. Call-in show! Go to

Buffalo Supports Standing Rock Water Protectors/Nekanesakt. Indigenous support group/allies. 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 6:30-8pm. At Burning Books, 420 CT Ave. All are welcome!!

Prisoners’ Rights Taskforce – Wednesdays 4-5:30pm protest/vigils at the Erie County Holding Center (Delaware & Church). All are welcome. Please bring signs.

Interfaith Peace Network 9:15am at 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY 14209 entrance and parking round back.) Breakfast potluck, planning/publicizing, & discussion.

Vigil for Victims of ICE Terror – Thursdays, 5-6pm, ICE building on the corner of Delaware and Chippewa. Bring your signs and spirit of Solidarity. We will not stay silent! #EndICETerror #FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE

Environmental Justice Taskforce – Vigil to Protest the Shipments of VERY Dangerous Radioactive Liquid from Canada coming over the Peace Bridge. Fridays 2-3pm, Front Park at Vermont & Busti, Buffalo. Signs welcome and also usually available.

Stop The Violence Coalition – 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month; 6pm, United Way Building, Delaware and Summer Sts.

Women In Black – Nonviolence vigil, Bidwell and Elmwood. Saturdays, Noon-1pm. Signs also available. (and you don’t need to be a woman or dress in black)

Click below for more information and events; also see our website ( and previous email posts.

To subscribe, write to with “subscribe” in subject line.

Remember to tune in: DEMOCRACY NOW! IS NOW BEING BROADCASTMONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. Hear it over the radio or streaming live at


716-332-3904      11/26/18

Dear Friends,

Giving Tuesday has arrived!

We are in awe of how many people have joined with us over the years, and continue to join us, to create positive change in our communities, and in the world.

Whether it has been through our social justice taskforces, working with our committees on sustaining the work, or volunteering with us at community events to continue to spread the message and get others involved, we are thankful for you.

As you know, the WNY Peace Center has been working towards Peace through Justice since 1967. We are honored to continue doing this necessary work. As everyone prepares for the biggest day of giving of the year, please consider donating to the WNY Peace Center.

Or consider becoming members, or renewing your membership, which continues throughout 2019. For organizations, we also offer institutional membership! Give us a call at 716-332-3904.

This is an amazing way to see your contributions in full force. We look forward to another 51 years of working towards Peace through Justice.

Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love

We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver · WNY Peace Center, 1272 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209

MONDAY Emergency Rally for Yemen Relief, 12-1:30pm

716-332-3904      11/24/18

Dear Friends,

The Senate is set to vote this week on SJR 54, joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress. 

Join us outside Sen. Schumer’s office, 130 S. Elmwood Avenue, MONDAY 12pm-1:30pm, to encourage him to co sponsor the resolution. Demand an end to US involvement in Yemen which has directly contributed to the humanitarian crisis that exists today.

The United States began supporting the Saudi and United Arab Emirates war on Yemen during the Obama administration, providing weapons, mid-air refueling of Saudi bombers, logistical support via surveillance drones to the Saudi-led collation, and has engaged in targeted drone strikes. 

The US backed, Saudi blockade of Yemen’s main ports prevent lifesaving aid from consistently entering the country. 18 Million Yemeni are food insecure, 2.9 million children and women are acutely malnourished, and 120,000 children have died due to malnutrition or malnutrition caused diseases. Many families are dependent on rations to survive. 

In August, 2018 a 500lb laser guided missile manufactured in the USA by Lockheed Martin targeted a school bus full of children on a field trip. 34 children were killed and many more were wounded. According to a November Associated Press article, a third of all U.S. drone strike casualties in Yemen are civilians, many of them children.

With over 15,200 reported cases of Cholera, 16.4 Million Yemeni are without access to basic health care, while US backed Saudi Coalition bombers have attacked hospitals and Doctors Without Borders clinics on at least 6 occasions since 2015 

Congress has never voted to go to war in Yemen. Although, the Senate has come withing three votes shy of stopping arms sales to Saudi Arabia that fuel the war, the House of Representatives voted twice against taking steps to stop the US’s illegal involvement in the war.

Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love

We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver

More Event Listings:

Monday evening:

* LASC Coffeehouse, 7-9pm, Canisius College Science Hall. A Sandanista Point of View on the Crisis in Nicaragua.

* Prisoners Are People Too Monthly Meeting, 7-9pm, CAO Rafi Green Center, 1423 Jefferson Ave. Film Showing: Prison Song.

Many thanks, peace, solidarity, and yes – Love

We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver The time is now, and we are the people we’ve been waiting for. And remember to tune in: DEMOCRACY NOW! IS NOW BEING BROADCASTMONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. Hear it over the radio orstreaming live at