June 19th, 2020
So much has happened and is happening, that it’s hard to know where to start – except with a deep breath of love and courage!
We again express extreme grief and concern about the longstanding injustices that have been made more obvious over the past years, months, and days. This includes most recently the cruel (and unfortunately not “unusual”) punishment of Deyanna Davis. Please see her fundraiser here; and plenty more on the need for and ways to work for her compassionate release at https://linktr.ee/deyannadavis – and a great video by Akram Shibly; Deyanna’s not a flight risk; is a truly hurting young mother and student; and the Erie County Holding Center, well, it holds a world of maltreatment including homicide by medical neglect #ReleaseInmates.
There has been a great trauma to our community, and we need to find the ground of our dwelling – the roots that help us to continue on with our struggle. We have no choice but to, so we need to pace ourselves for this marathon (that includes self-care during COVID and this Census year).
This is a transformative time, with growing clarity regarding racial injustice, police brutality, and the militarization of police. Buffalo’s being in the national eye has finally led to the appropriate attention for Cariol Horne, someone we are proud to have as a member of our board. See Cariol on CNN speaking about her experience as a BPO intervening in a chokehold situation over a decade ago. You can find more information about Cariol and her latest work on Cariol’s Law (and keep an eye out for a call to action on Monday). Lastly, there is her Whistleblower fundraiser – please share widely and contribute if you are able. #GeorgeFloydNeededCariolHorne
Big shout out to the many devoted young (and not so young) activists gathering every day at Niagara Square since Monday, June 1, in determination that this time, platitudes and incremental change will not be enough. A Change is Gonna Come – NOW!!
Tomorrow, 6/20, join a General Assembly in Niagara Square at 1pm. Demands to be made to the authorities will be discussed; and groups and organizations (including but not limited to the WNYPC) will be there to talk about their work and visions. It will be an opportunity to meet lots more activists engaged in the struggle (including some of our board members and staff). We hope you can join in this critical time – we are all in this together.
Special shout-out too to Black Love Resists in the Rust (BLRR)’s establishment of Liberation Square. We thank BLRR for occupying the Square to push for Deyanna’s compassionate release (see above), and all their leadership. Yes, the struggle is everywhere!!
We want to highlight a few upcoming events, including
Next Thursday, 6/25 at 6pm on Zoom we are hosting a Know Your Rights webinar featuring Daire Brian Irwin, Esq. and John A. Curry III, NYCLU; as well as
Monday, 6/22 we have a great radio show featuring Myles Carter and Rev. Denise Waldon speaking on E-District events of 6/1 (including Deyanna Davis’ compassionate release efforts) and racial justice issues; Brooke Binkowski and Professor Mike Niman speaking on disinformation and propaganda. 1-3 pm on 91.3 FM or wbny.buffalostate.edu
Another session (same workshop) of the Know Your Rights will be in person (with physical distancing) at Niagara/Liberation Square, Sunday June 28 at 1pm.
Zoom session with experts on Cuba’s wonderful medical aid to the world (June 29, see below).
our youth (virtual) summer camp – Camp Peaceprints – which is less than one month away! More details and to register here.
We hope you were able to participate in last week’s Juneteenth of Buffalo virtual festivities. We look forward to when we are able to all able to celebrate in person again. In the meantime, we’ll take time to reflect on the significance of this day in American history, and continue our work in the fight against racial injustice and violence. You can still check out their videos here (great info and inspiration).
Lastly, we have had many people reach out inquiring about lawn signs as a way to express their solidarity. We have many #UNITE lawn signs – designed by our own Office Manager & Coordinator, Deidra – left from last fall’s Annual Dinner. (We do also have some #LoveIsLove signs left.) These are WNYPC Membership gifts, so after joining please email office@wnypeace.org to set up a pickup time.
#PeopleandthePlanet #UniteTheStruggles #OneLove
Speakout on Ethical Peace Officers, an open and honest (virtual) discussion on standards of conduct, use of force, and DE-ESCALATION.
Tuesday, June 9th, 7-9 PM on Zoom (see details below).
Mayor Byron Brown, Commissioner Byron Lockwood, Deputy Commissioners Barbara Lark and Joseph Gramaglia, and the community have all been invited. Hosted and organized by the WNY Peace Center’s Racial Justice Taskforce. Cosponsored by We Are Women Warriors and SSJ Sr Karen Klimczak Center for Nonviolence. The Mayor’s office has said either he or a representative will attend.
Our siblings of color suffer death and oppression after centuries of racism and violence. However, through Unarmed Truth and Unconditional Love we can work for a culture of peace. Peace through Justice.
We invite your participation.
Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 835 4443 7863
Password: 683731
Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdu3MYCMIL
May 27th, 2020
In an effort to limit ongoing digital overload, we are continuing to highlight just a few important items and special upcoming events and then refer you to our website for details on our regularly scheduled events and COVID-19 ‘Helping Hands’ resource list.
We at the WNY Peace Center are extremely alarmed at the recent video of two Buffalo Police officers repeatedly punching a captive man in the head, coupled with the many terrible stories of aggressive, unreasonable, and/or racist behavior on the part of Buffalo Police Officers, as told by attendees at the Buffalo Police Advisory Board Meeting of 05/20/2020. We have sent out a press release to that effect, publicly inviting Mayor Brown, Commissioner Lockwood, and Deputy Commissioners Gramaglia and Lark to join us in a Speak-Out for Ethical Peace Officers – on June 9th at 6pm (or at a mutually agreed upon time). We, of course, also invite you to attend for an open and honest virtual discussion on standards of conduct, use of force, and de-escalation. More details will be shared as they are confirmed.
In response to the current $14 billion COVID-related budget crisis, Governor Cuomo is withholding authorization of NYS contracts beginning July 1st. This affects all operations – in particular, the funding of social programs like food banks and SNAP (food stamp) programs. The Network of Religious Communities (NRC) is one of 45 agencies currently receiving funding to provide SNAP education and assistance in NYS counties, and their Nutrition Outreach program is one of the programs dramatically impacted. We are asking friends of the NRC and those who recognize the importance of the SNAP program – especially during the current public health crisis – to contact their NY State Representatives and Senators urging them to have the Governor authorize vital state contracts for the fiscal year beginning July 1st. Please visit our Campaigns page for more details.
New sentencing dates were announced for the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 – June 8th, 29th, and 30th – per the request of the defendants in order to accommodate their right to be sentenced in person in an open court, witnessed by the public. As they wait for their sentencing, each of the KBP7 continues to serve their communities as human needs grow exponentially during this COVID-19 pandemic. Please see their recent webinars on disarmament and divestment here and here. If you would like to write to Judge Lisa Godbey Wood in support of the defendants, you may do so here.
Lastly, on Saturday the WNYPC hosted a special episode of Draw and Talk with Valentino Dixon (one of our newest board members!) and featured a discussion with local social workers. You can watch and participate in the drawing session yourself – at home, at your leisure – and send us photos of you work to share! You can check out more of Valentino’s drawing lessons and discussions on YouTube and Instagram.
Please see details and much more below, including special events this week, regularly scheduled events, campaigns, fundraisers, and more at wnypeace.org, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)! We update our Event Calendar often as we learn of new events, so please be sure to check back regularly!
*** And lastly, a reminder to pace yourselves – do only what you can without engaging in digital overload. No one call do it all. Let us know what kind of help you might need from the WNYPC; please feel free to reach out!
Peace, thanks, solidarity and yes – love.
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