Environmental Justice

Si, se puede! We’re making progress! Sustainable & steady…. (2/4/17)

Dear Friends, 716-332-3904

What wild times, with the wonderful and terrible ever more evident! Don’t forget your deep slow breathing. We look forward to seeing you at some of the wonderful happenings, and work with you on some campaigns. And please senators to urge them to use the full 30 hours permissible for debate to stop each nominee in Trump’s #SwampCabinet! (see below).

* No Ban. No Wall. March for Immigrant Refugee & Muslim Solidarity! Sun, Feb 5, 1-4pm, starting at Columbus Park, Niagara & Porter St. (moving inside, after 1 hr, for tabling plus)

* The WNYPC’s quarterly membership meeting will be Sat., Feb 18, at 2pm at 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance & pkg round back). Come review, reassess, and help us plan! Potluck as well.

The “Water is Life Walk on Buffalo” was a wonderfully uplifting. Thanks to so many of you (see another great photo below!) for coming out – the police estimated the crowd at 400. “One: We are the people. Two. We love each other. Three: We will not let them wreck our planet.” Nya weh especially to our dear Indigenous brothers and sisters.

Announcements: Jan. 5, 2017

Dear Friends,

Many thanks to the many of you who came out today (in the biting cold ), and to you all for all of your activism, support, and solidarity!!

As you’’ll have noted, there’s a lot going on! More every day! We must stop the drumbeat toward more hate, war-mongering, and injustice. So here’s a supplemental (and slightly tweaked )weekly update including a few newly popped up events:
Sat, Jan 7, 3-5pm, Free Leonard Peltier!– Watch Movie, Sign Petitions, etc. all at Burning Books, 420 Connecticut St., Buffalo. Come watch “Warrior– The Life of Leonard Peltier” and sign petitions, send post cards to urge Pres. Obama in his last moments to grant Clemency to Leonard Peltier! Also, you can go to http://www.freepeltiernow.org/ for more info.

Support Standing Rock Water Protectors

We were more than honored to have Lakota Spiritual Leader Chief Arvol Looking Horse here on Monday. His strength and depth were inspiring. You can see Orin Languelle’s excellent photo essay of the experience here: Standing Rocks Arvol Looking Horse Speaks in Buffalo: Photo Essay.

Chief Arvol emphasized that this is a spiritual struggle – he asked for our prayers.