716-332-3904 | Thursday, May 27th, 2021 | wnypeace.org
Dear Friends,
We’re more than glad to remind you that as of June 1, Deidra EmEl will be our Executive Director!! She’ll continue to shine with the grace, vision, and dedication to Principles and the Spirit that got her to this point!
We remind you, too, that we’re looking for an Office Manager and/or volunteer for administrative-type duties. See the job description as the next to last item of this email/post.
Still shaking our heads over the Buffalo News’ mistake(s) re our beloved Father Joe Bissonette. The paper put an unsubstantiated accusation of child sexual abuse on the front page. Featuring such a spurious charge without due diligence, is sensationalism, and shows lack of regard for the consequences of amplifying such ridiculous accusations. They followed it up with another front page article the following day, giving the evidence provided in a letter by his brother Raymond Bissonette disproving it (without mentioning the letter). Please see Ray’s wonderful letter at the end of this email/post. Hopefully it will stop the Buffalo News from such behaviors , much as they need to sell papers – there are other ways!!!
Please join us tomorrow, Fri, 10am, at a special Parole Justice Rally at 5500 Main St, Williamsville, NY. Help us reunite our families and end mass incarceration: support the #ElderParole and #FairAndTimelyParole Bills (and please call Assemblyman Jon Rivera 716-885-9630 to urge his support).
Happy Pride Month!! This year the month will be full of great opportunities for smaller gatherings daily at art showing(s), free yoga & meditation, coffee hours and more. See the complete lineup here. The Pride Center of WNY would also like to invite you to eat, drink, and enjoy live music and togetherness at this year’s FLEX event, where BBQ will be provided with vegetarian/vegan options available on a first come first served basis. Socially distanced eating space will be open at The Underground Niteclub (21+) and Johnson Park. Community partners will be present to increase health literacy and wellness. Please RSVP using this link: https://form.jotform.com/211376171151144
We are also still looking for volunteers for Camp Peaceprints, to be held M-F July 12-23. Camp Peaceprints is a collaboration between the SSJ Sr Karen Klimczak Center for Nonviolence, the Interfaith Peace Network, the WNYPC – and now (new partner) YO NY, a new youth program who will provide the meeting space (at 2251 George Urban Blvd, Depew, NY 14043). Volunteers are needed for driving children to camp, swimming (yes!), accompanying us on field trips, etc. Our theme this year, Camp Peaceprints Explores the World, will be fun while full of social justice, conflict resolution, arts, and leadership skills. Please email office@wnypeace.org or victoryross9@gmail.com.
With this communication coming out less often, and so much going on – and more than every only coming together at the last minute! – you’ll want to check our website and social media for news more often. For details – including special and regularly scheduled events this week – plus campaigns, fundraisers, and more please go to wnypeace.org, our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!
Peace, thanks, solidarity, and yes – love!!
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716-332-3904 | Friday, May 14th, 2021 | wnypeace.org
Dear Friends,
After the polling we did to determine what was optimal, we decided that this communication should only come out about every two weeks, with exceptions as needed. In light of that, we’re changing the name to Talking Peace News!
Just a reminder that our incoming Executive Director, Deidra EmEl, is looking for an Office Manager and/or volunteer for administrative-type duties. See the job description at the end of this email/post.
We are also looking for volunteers for Camp Peaceprints, to be held M-F July 12-23. As many of you know, Camp Peaceprints is a collaboration between the SSJ Sr Karen Klimczak Center for Nonviolence, the Interfaith Peace Network, and the WNYPC. Volunteers are needed for driving children to camp, accompanying us on field trips, and/or to be a flock leader leading/fielding one of the small groups making up the camp. Our theme this year, Camp Peaceprints Explores the World, will give a the tapestry over which the social justice, conflict resolution, arts, and leadership skills will be woven. Please email office@wnypeace.org or victoryross9@gmail.com.
Worldwide violence, oppression, and injustice is rampant. People are suffering so much in Palestine (rally tomorrow Sat 1pm in Niagara Sq), Afghanistan (GDL conversation with Afghan Peace Volunteers on 5/21), Myanmar (vigils Sat/Sun 10-11:30am Bidwell & Elmwood), etc.; while here in WNY we have primaries coming up (Candidates forums on 5/19 and 5/24); 31% of Buffalonians living in poverty (twice as much as the NYS average); and still no Citizen Review Board for Policing (please sign the petition for a referendum). See below for details to take a stand on any and all of these – at events or through campaigns.
Also many thanks to those who donated so generously, including the Environmental Justice Taskforce, and especially Beanie Jamieson, Seneca, who organized a super fundraiser, all making our 8-person, 3 vehicle trip to #DefendTheSacred and #StopLine3 possible. And huge Nya weh to Onondawaga Protectors, Nekanehsakt, and WNYPC-ers who made the trip to help make the 23 mile Mayday for Mother Earth paddle a success, with some 45-50 canoes and kayaks! We will persist, here and elsewhere, to protect our water, and PeopleAndThePlanet! #MniWaconi!!
With this communication coming out less often, you’ll want to check our website and social media for news more often. For details – including special and regularly scheduled events this week – plus campaigns, fundraisers, and more please go to wnypeace.org, our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!
Peace, thanks, solidarity, and yes – love!!
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716-332-3904 | Friday, April 30th, 2021 | wnypeace.org
Dear Friends,
We’re happy to announce, for those of you who have not yet heard, that our next Executive Director will be Deidra EmEl!! Deidra is a longtime peace and justice community activist and well known to many in Buffalo and WNY. Deidra has been with the WNY Peace Center for years, as a volunteer and activist, and a vital part of our team since Feb 2018, as Office Mgr/Coordinator. Deidra has the vision and lifelong dedication to #PeopleAndThePlanet, to #MoralIntegrity and #UniversalSolidarity; and to #UnarmedTruth and #UnconditionalLove, to lead us as we continue to #UniteTheStruggles.
Deidra will be Co-Director with Vicki Ross through the month of May, and will be the sole Executive Director as of June. We couldn’t be more grateful to and for her, and more excited about our next phase as an organization! Andare!!
We also have a pressing need for more administrative help, certainly now and possibly into the future. If you have skills and interest to work for ~10hours/week, on QuickBooks and various Office Management task, please send us your resume to be considered for an interview. A job description with tasks etc. is at the bottom of this email.
Tomorrow, come celebrate with us as we join in the Open Buffalo organized Know Your Rights cookout at MLK Park, Noon-3pm; all about the legalization of marijuana through the Community Restoration Project. Free food, music & info. More below.
We’re also joining with CodePink to Divest From the War Machine: Follow the $$$; on Tuesday at 8pm. This zoom will give us the info and the means to work on moving the money from the bloated, wasteful Pentagon budget that is responsible for so many crimes of commission and omission. Join us for this important effort, and again – onward!!
We’re especially excited too, about two events on Wednesday, Cinco de Mayo, 5/5: first, a fundraiser from noon-6pm and beyond, at 1299 West Ave, Buffalo, for the Water Protectors’ & WNYPC Environmental Justice Taskforce’s Expedition to MN. Two vehicles will caravan to MN to join Winona LaDuke and HonorTheEarth’s MayDay, MayDay on Mother [Earth]’s Sunday, to #StopLIne3. More info (incl re the Spaghetti Dinner and donating items for the Chinese Auction/Raffle) below.
Then, again on Weds, 5/5, at 7pm, don’t miss a special opportunity to zoom with Gail Walker, Director of IFCO/Pastors for Peace at a special info-session and fundraiser for our beloved community in Cuba. Cuba is a world leader in medicine and solidarity. Come for inspiration, education, and action!! – see you virtually there!!
Please see details and much more – including special and regularly scheduled events this week – plus campaigns, fundraisers, and more at wnypeace.org, on our Facebook page, Twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (@wnypeace)!
Peace, thanks, solidarity, and yes – love!!
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