Latin American Solidarity

Special events Tues & Sat re Taxes, Militarism; Pastors4Peace 4/19

Dear Friends, 716-332-3904 716-931-3520

Many thanks for those who collaborated or came out to make our All-Day-MLK on April 4 such a memorable time. We have more opportunities coming up to get informed and inspired as we grow a movement! Please join us as you can. We especially draw your attention to three events:
Tues, April 11, 6:30-8pm, Town Hall on Budget: How the Proposed Trump Budget will impact WNY. Speakers include Assemblyman Sean Ryan and ___ [your name here]. Hamburg Central High School – Auditorium; 4111 Legion Drive – Hamburg (Village). More info below!
Sat, April 15, 1-2:30pm, Tax March/Rally. Solidarity event for National day of action. Niagara Square Rally (1pm); then march to IRS, Federal Office Bldg., 130 South Elmwood Ave; around that block and back to Niagara Square. Speakers include Wayne Alt, WNYPC (lifelong activist!); Samantha Nephew, Citizen Action; and many more. See more below.
Weds, April 19, Cuba – US, Open the Door! Pastors for Peace. 6pm social and refreshments, 7-9pm program. Latin American Solidarity Committee of the WNYPC. Fundraiser for Pastors for Peace (, At WNY Peace Center/ Network of Religious Communities Building, 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance and parking round back). $10 in advance; $12 at the door. $5 for students. $20 for patrons. More info below.
Many other worthy events are coming up. Please check them out at on the calendar. Some also appear below, in chronological order, with campaigns and list of regular events at end. *Of note, Subversive Theater’s “The Trial of Trayvon Martin” is a stellar and original production (see Don’t miss it!*

We’ll see you- hopefully soon – at one event or another! Many thanks!!

We shall overcome!! Si, se puede!! Peace, Solidarity, and yes Love.

Environmental, Immigrant/Refugee, Indigenous actions +

3/17/2017 (716-332-3904 or 716-931-3520 for more info)
Dear Friends,

The National Days of Action Planning has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 23, at 6pm at WNYPC, NRC Building, 1272 Delaware Ave. (entrance & parking round back). See below (under Peaceful Conflict Resolution) for more info.

Many, many thanks to Paul Swisher, Paul Yates, George Puleo, Greg
Opalinski, David Kane, Myron Deputat, Jack Prybyeski, Jim Linsner, Frank
Pusateri, and the Dooleys!! Our fun(d)raiser 4-7pm at the Sportsmen’s
Tavern was a rousing success. The MPP – Major Progress Program – brought
together wonderful people, great music, and excellent support for the
WNYPC! We couldn’t be more grateful, and hope to have an MPP again before
long!! Again, great all round!!

As usual many announcements follow. See you out there!

Peace/Salam/Shalom/Shanti! Nya weh/Asanti/Gracias/Tashakor/Thanks!!


* Sun, March 19 – Significant Impact Walk. Visit local landowners who face eminent domain by NAPL. Contact Joe Gibson, Clean Air Council, , (716)444-6427. Volunteer videographers and photographer welcome. Bring a picnic and your musical talents and celebrate the last day of winter together! Dress warmly.

* Mon, March 20 – Please join us for the WBNY Environmental (incl Talking Peace) A day long radio show with speakers, Jack Kanack, Lynda Schneekloth, Joanne Hamiester, Bob Cielsieski, Charley Bowman, and many more! For a complete listing, , event page.
Those who are out of town can receive the broadcast via the internet at – click on the “listen now!” button under the 91.3 or
The show will be rebroadcasted on Monday, April 3, 2017 from 10 AM to 6 PM.

* Weds, March 22, 6-8pm Coexisting with Coyotes! Grand Island; Huth Road
Elementary School (1773 Huth Road, Grand

Sun 3/12 MPP – Music & Fun(d)raising; movie; & more

Dear Friends, 3/12/17 716-332-3904 or 716-931-3520 for more info

Hope you’re ready for a busy day! We hope you’ll come out to our
fun(d)raiser 4-7pm at the Sportsmen’s Tavern to hear great music while
supporting the WNYPC!:

* MPP – Major Progress Program: A Benefit Concert for the WNY Peace
Center! Sun, March 12, 4-7pm, Sportsmen’s Tavern, 326 Amherst St.,
Buffalo. ($10). Paul Yates, George Puleo, Greg Opalinski, Paul Swisher,
David Kane, Myron Deputat, Jack Prybyeski, Jim Linsner, Frank Pusateri,
and special guest the Dooleys.
And before that, we hope you’ll make it (again today) to

* “Journey of the Universe” showing, 2-4pm, Burchfield-Penney Art Center,
1300 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo. Come see this award-winning documentary about
how our beautiful planet came to be. Organized by the Interfaith Climate
Justice Community.

* 4pm Riverside-Salem UCC/DC progressive program and potluck. This week
White Privilege exploration. 3449 West River Road, Grand Island.