Thanks!!; Tomorrow@Naval Park Anchor 10:30am; Weds: Bail Reformed? 6pm
716-332-3904 11/10/19
Dear Friends,
Many thanks to the some-200 people who came out to hear from shero Medea Benjamin of CodePink, Valentino Dixon, The WNY Resistance Revival Choruse, and more. Thanks too to the so many who made it happen (see more below).
Again, don’t miss the big events this week
– Armistice Day tomorrow/ Monday (please meet us at 10:30am at the Buffalo and Erie Co Naval and Military Park, at the Anchor). The day was meant to honor the peace, and the many victims of war.
– Bail Reformed? What the New Law Means for Erie County, Weds, Nov 13, 6-7:30, At the Frank E. Merriweather, Jr. Library, 1423 Jefferson Ave (@ E Utica), Buffalo, New York. The WNY Peace Center will host a community discussion to break down the New York State criminal justice reform bill that passed, changes to cash bail beginning January 1, 2020, and what this reform means for the community. The evening will commence with a panel discussion followed by a Q&A. Panel participants include the office of Erie County District Attorney John Flynn, Vera Institute of Justice, Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo, The Partnership for the Public Good, VOICE Buffalo, and others.
At the County Legislature, please come out to Old County Hall, 92 Franklin, 4th floor, on Weds, 11/13, at 10-10:30am to hear the Sheriff’s explanation of an 11% increase in their budget.
Also on Thurs, Nov 14, at about 2:30pm, Old County Hall, 92 Franklin, 4th floor, the Erie Co Leg Public Safety Committee will cover Legislator Baskin’s Resolution for the Corrections Advisory – for which we have nominated Heron Simmonds. Please come out to support!
Pllease sign the WNY Youth Climate Council’s petition to Buffalo Common Council to declare a Climate Emergency! Please
Sign Now
(if link doesn’t come through, you can go to our posting of this email and click on “Read More” – it’ll be under Environmental Justice!) They’ll be submitting it to the Buffalo Common Council in about a week.
Again, please don’t forget to support our Friends of Democracy Now! in Buffalo campaign. Democracy Now! gives people the info needed to build a movement/ #unite, and we need the funds to keep it on WBNY. Please contribute via the WNYPC – online or with a check sent (and made out) to WNY Peace Center, 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14209, and write in the memo line: Friends of Democracy Now! in Buffalo (or in a note in the online submission). We need to keep DEMOCRACY NOW! BROADCAST Live MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. and streaming live at
As always, more below, and lots more at, and on our facebook page, twitter (@wnypeace), and instagram!
Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love.
#Unite! #OneLove
WNYPC 52nd AnnDin-Thanks!
We couldn’t be more grateful after a beautiful 52nd Annual Dinner last night!
The thanks need to go all round
• To Medea Benjamin – so insightful, creative, intelligent, and truly loving and committed spirit! Her keynote rocked the house, and will energize our work! Firedrill Fridays, here we come! No Green New Deal Without Peace!
• To Valentino Dixon – an amazing man who after 27 years of unjust incarceration, is as open-hearted, caring, compassionate, devoted artist, exoneree and community activist. We are proud and grateful to work with you on Criminal Justice Reform.
• Drea D’nur and the WNY Resistance Revival Chorus – what inspiration! We couldn’t appreciate these wonderful women and their rousing, rising music more than we do. More music in the movement – amen/amein/alhumdulillah/om shanti.
• Peace Action Canisius College – an imaginative, hard-working, and dedicated group of young leaders, movers, and shakers, that we’re privileged and eager to work with!
• Our Great Coordinating Board, and Taskforce Chairs – who make it all happen all year long.
• Likewise our great Staff – amazing women – Deidra EmEl, Nicole, and (intern) Hidy – their patience, persistence, and loving cooperative spirits make all the difference.
• Special Thanks to Lisa Jo Schaeffer who did the program book with short notice and additions etc right up to the last minute!
• And to the Dinner Committee, especially co-chairs Mary Bisson and Marty McGee, and Basket Queen Ellen Moomaw (you too our dear Peg Price) – !
• And of course the Convention Center, endlessly flexible and hospitable
• And last but not least our dear devoted Members, Friends, Allies and Partner, and especially the some 200 of whom came out last night with steadfast support and dedication to Peace Through Justice at Home and Abroad!
This year we’ll be able to work even harder on our annual dinner and make it even better, since for a truly remarkable change we already have our keynote for next year. Mark your calendars to save the date: Monday (yes Monday), November 9, when Rev. Dr. Brother Cornel West will be our keynote speaker!
We shall overcome – Si, se puede – Harambee/Together!
Events this week:
Riverside Salem Environmental Cottage
November 10 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Riverside Salem Environmental Cottage & UCC/DC – Various progressive spiritual activist and naturalist programs, Sundays, 4-6pm followed by a pot-luck. 3449 West River Road, Grand Island, NY 14072. This week Session 3 (of 3) on Jim Antal’s book, Climate Church Climate World.
Armistice Day
November 11 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
Reclaim Armistice Day as a somber day to remember all victims of war and be called to work for peace. We will gather at the Buffalo Naval Park at the Anchor (Marine Drive & Erie St.) at 10:30am. Please join us! Signs welcome. (Get white poppies at the WNYPC Annual dinner on Nov 8 – see separate listing)
Talking Peace w WNYPC on WBNY 91.3FM
November 11 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on 91.3FM, WBNY. Mondays, 1-3pm. Call-in show with Jim Anderson and Vicki Ross co-hosting. Also streaming on-line at Special Armistice Day edition with Russell Brown, WNYPC Board (Co-)Chair, and Veterans for Peace Ch 128 President. Resist Militarism!
No More Deaths! – Vigil at Erie Co Holding Center
Weds, Nov 13 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm – 4 DEATHS in 2 ½ months! Sheriff Howard is (yet another) elected official who needs to be impeached. Please join with the WNYPC’s Prisoners’ Rights Taskforce and our many allies at this regular Wednesday vigil at the Erie County Holding Center (Delaware & Church). Come ahead – All are welcome. Grieving families will be joining us, and people with related lived experience are more than welcome! Please, too, bring signs. Cosponsored by Voice Buffalo, Brothers Doing Better, Prisoners Are People Too, Buffalo AntiRacism Coalition (BARC), Black Love Resists in the Rust, SURJ, and more. Also please call Gov Cuomo at (518) 474-8390 to urge him to remove Sheriff Howard as he clearly is not up to the job.
Bail Reformed? What the New Law Means for Erie County
November 13 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
At the Frank E. Merriweather, Jr. Library, 1423 Jefferson Ave (@ E Utica), Buffalo, New York. The WNY Peace Center will host a community discussion to break down the New York State criminal justice reform bill that passed, changes to cash bail beginning January 1, 2020, and what this reform means for the community. The evening will commence with a panel discussion followed by a Q&A. Panel participants include the office of Erie County District Attorney John Flynn, Vera Institute of Justice, Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo, The Partnership for the Public Good, VOICE Buffalo, and others.
Erie Co Leg Public Safety Com – Corrections Advisory Bd Res’n
November 14 @ 2:30 pm – 3:00 pm
At Old County Hall, 92 Franklin, 4th floor, the Erie Co Leg Public Safety Committee will cover Legislator Baskin’s Resolution for the Corrections Advisory – for which we have nominated Heron Simmonds. Please come out to support!
No Nuclear Waste over the Peace Bridge
November 15, 2-3pm
At the corner of Busti Ave and Vermont St. in Buffalo NY. Vigil against the shipment of high level LIQUID radioactive spent fuel from Chalk River Ontario to Aiken South Carolina. If any of it spills out, it will be next to impossible to clean>
Transforming Transportation – Panel
November 18 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
UB South Campus, Hayes Hall 402. This is a Sierra Club panel discussion that will dig in to the needs of our community, environmental justice as well as the CLCPA and the study that was just presented by the Atlantic Chapter of the Sierra Club, Transforming Transportation. Parking available at St. Joseph’s University Church; or the Park & Ride.
Peace Coffeehouse: Cuba & the US: Friendshipment Caravans
November 25 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
At Canisius College – Science Hall (convenient parking on Main near Delavan) Cuba and the United States: Friendshipment Caravans Speakers Vicki Ross and Marie Schuster: a report on their experiences with the Pastors for Peace Caravan which visited Cuba this July, organized by the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO). With IFCO, they challenged the travel restrictions imposed by the United States, which try to stop us from seeing the truth of Cuba for ourselves. Come learn about Cuba-US bilateral relations, reject the new activation of titles III and IV of the Helms-Burton Act, and call for the end of the US blockade against Cuba.
Sponsored by Peace Action-Canisius, and and WNY Peace Center Free and open to the public
(WNYPC) Gender Justice Taskforce Mtg
November 25 @ 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm
At the Merriweather Library meeting room, 1324 Jefferson (at E Utica), Buffalo. Come out to discuss the Women’s March, intersectionality, and much more. All are welcome! (light snacks provided)