Recent Activities

Woman’s Solidarity March – 4.5-5K – We’re Growing and We Shall Overcome!!

What an inspiring #StillResisting Weekend!!! Amazing to have had you all – us all – together for people and the planet!! #UnitetheStruggles #PowertothePolls #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver!!

Some 4,500-5,000 came out to stand up and march for Each Other, for human rights, gender justice, racial justice,  – immigrants and refugees, trans and Muslim – the poor, the oppressed and the prisoners of every injustice.

THAT is who and what we were marching for, and that is WHY We Shall Overcome.

We did not come out for hate but for Love, not to blame but to inspire, not to curse but to develop the courage and the faith to know that we can change the world, we can make a difference, and together, si, se puede!!!

Those who think it’s just about women’s rights – well seems they didn’t read our plan or hear our speakers. However imperfectly, we are trying to #unitethestruggles

We also couldn’t be more grateful to our more-than-wonderful speakers, singers, drummers, helpers of every kind, and last but especially cosponsors. Thank you/Asanti/Gracias/Tashakor/Sucran/Moracozay/Sukriya/Polikalal/ShehSheh/Merci from the bottom of our hearts!!!!  #UnitetheStruggles!!!!

Holiday Blessings; Stand wMueller; #WePersistBUF – Women’s Sol March – more

Dear Friends! 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 12/21/17

All the holidays (Hanukkah; Christmas; Kwanza; New Years, +) serve to remind us of what’s truly important – People and the Planet, the Spirit(s) and the Principles. May we find more strength and courage in the new year, more compassion and commitment, so that together, we can unite and Justice and Peace prevail…. Si, se puede! …. with Truth and Love.

Worried people have speculated that it’d be just like he-who-shall-not-be-named to fire Mueller on Friday to get a little attention on it as possible. So **IF** – and only if – that happens, Buffalo Stands with Mueller (including Move-On, Sister District, StandUpWNY, the WNY Peace Center, and more) will gather at Noon to 1pm, Sat 12/23, at Lafayette Presbyterian Church, for a short march. To receive event updates, and for related events (call tonight; sign-making tomorrow), RSVP at

Heads up: Buffalo’s Still Resisting Weekend; #wepersistBUF!! on Jan 20&21. Save the dates, especially, Sun, 1/21:
– Women’s Solidarity March. Staring at Buffalo City Hall Steps 2:30pm; stops tbd to 4pm;
– Elsa Rassbach, internationally well-known author and speaker, will be speaking 7pm at WNYPC/NRC, 1272 Delaware Ave. Elsa Rassbach is a US citizen, filmmaker and journalist; and heads the “GIs & US Bases” working group in DFG-VK (the German affiliate of War Resisters International, WRI). She is active in Code Pink, No to NATO, and the anti-drone campaign in Germany.

More to follow!

Another Victory: Chuck Culhane (WNYPC Prisoners’ Rights Taskforce Chair), Nan Haynes, Karima Amin, and Rev. Eugene Pierce were granted standing in the Court with regard to events transpiring at the Erie County Holding Center. To be continued….

We are also looking forward to working hard with Partnership for the Public Good, Open Buffalo, partners and allies on Community Policing, Enhanced Training, Fix-It tickets, Law-Enforcement-Alternatives-to-Detention, stopping arrests or hassling over small quantities of marijuana, Bail Reform, and more in the New Year. We shall overcome!!

Democracy Now!; Net neutrality (2-days); protests 2morrow, Sat!

Dear Friends! 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 12/12/17

Even more of a whirlwind than last week – especially as a holiday season is upon us! May that help us remember to keep faith and hope alive as we pursue justice for people and the planet!

Success!: Democracy Now! will be broadcast here at WBNY 91.3FM, Buffalo’s Alternative Radio Station, at its live time 8am-9am. It will start

So, on to a few priorities:
– Net Neutraility!! Please make comments and calls!! Only two days left!!
– Tues, 6:30pm Meeting re Columbus Statue removal, 420 Connecticut;
– Weds, 5-6pm, Justice for Meech Davis, downtown location tbd
– Thurs, 10am-Noon, Cariol Horne Court Support; City Ct, Judge Hannah;
– Thurs, 7pm-8:30pm, Mtg to plan Jan 20, Anniv of Women’s March;
– Sat, #taxscam #collinsdoesntcare Protest (signs provided!), McKinley Blvd & Southwestern Blvd.
– Sun, 4-7:30pm, Music in the Woods, Nan Hoffman & Friends, at Riverside Salem Environmental Cottage, 3449 W River Rd, Grand Island (potluck, good music, good activist company!!)

The Golden Jubilee Fund is up to $3,656 – only $1,344 to go AND THE DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 31!!