Recent Activities

Dear Friends, 50th year 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 10/21/17

What a week it’s been!! So glad to have had so many come out and get signs for #loveisloveBUF!! About 250 came out and got maybe 350 signs! We do still have about 200 left after sending a promised shipment to Rochester. #loveisloveBUF!!!

Don’t miss our LASC Peace Coffeehouse on Monday, Oct. 23, 7-9pm at the Canisius Col Science Lounge: Mexico – An Indigenous Woman President? Politics of Latin America. María de Jesús Patricio Martínez has been nominated for Mexico’s presidential election next year. Local experts will speak: Gwynn Thomas on South American women presidents; and Tom Potts and Bill Jungles on Mexican perspectives. You’ll be able to pick up #loveisloveBUF signs at the LASC Coffeehouse, too!! Hasta pronto!

The deadline is Oct 27th for ads for our 50th Annual Dinner with AMY GOODMAN!!! (Nov 3, Bflo-Niagara Convention Ctr.
for full information! Also please buy your tickets now!! Very few tickets will be available at the door. Ticket deadline noon Oct 30. Don’t miss truth-teller Amy Goodman! And check out!

Don’t forget to donate for hurricane and earthquake relief in Puerto Rico, Cuba, Mexico. See below. Fully

AMY GOODMAN: tickets; tmorow#loveisloveBUF

Dear Friends, 50th year 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 10/18/17

Many thanks to the some 120 or more who came out to protest as Chris Collins held a million-dollar fundraiser with Vice President Mike Pence yesterday. People can laugh or minimize, but “…Unarmed Truth and Unconditional Love will have the final word in reality …” (Rev. Dr. King, Jr).

Again, please get your ticket, and/or place your ads etc. NOW for our 50th Annual Dinner with AMY GOODMAN!!! Nov 3, Bflo-Niagara Convention Ctr.
for full information! Very few tickets will be available at the door. Don’t miss truth-teller Amy Goodman! And check out!

Tragedy in Las Vegas; Gun Control & Tax Legislation; Tom Porter in Tuskarora; ++

Dear Friends, 50th year 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 10/2/17

Apologies for another “Frequent Update” so immediately, but we needed to share:

*Deep condolences for all affected by the tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas. The grieving families and friends, the wounded, the many … the whole country again shocked and horrified. May the legislators uphold their responsibility to the country rather than cater to the NRA’s $$. Enough is enough – it is way past time to talk about it. We must DO something about it!!!

**Correction: Tom Porter – or Sakokwenionkwas – will speak 10/3 at the Tuscarora Nation House