Recent Activities

9 Arrested At Good Friday Hancock Drone Action

Syracuse, NY – On Good Friday, April 14, nine non-violent civil resisters of Upstate Drone Action were arrested at the main entrance of Hancock Air National Guard Base protesting the extrajudicial drone killings perpetrated from the base. Three people hung on drone crosses representing victims of US drone strikes from seven majority Muslim countries. Eleven others carried smaller drone crosses bearing words, “Drones crucify: Children, Families, Love, Peace, Community, the US Constitution, the UN Charter, the Rule of Law, US Treaties, Due Process, and Diplomacy. The WNY Peace Center is proud to be a part of Upstate Drone Action (aka the Upstate Coalition to Ground the Drones and End the Wars), and to have Charley Bowman on hand taking excellent video (see below).

The Good Friday Hancock Drone Action Statement read, “Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus. Recognizing that 70% of our nation identify as Christian, we come to the gates of the Hancock drone base to make real the crucifixion today. As Jesus and others were crucified by the Roman Empire, drones are used by the U. S. Empire in a similar fashion. In Roman times, crosses loomed over a community to warn people that they could be killed whenever the Empire decided. So, too, our drones fly over many countries threatening extrajudicial killings and upon whoever happens to be in the vicinity.

Victory!! No NAPL Permit!!!

We can thank the brave Indigenous Water Protectors and persistent activists and allies, Governor Cuomo, the DEC, and all who participated in protesting and working to stop the Northern Access Pipeline! and of course, the Creator for the Water itself and its protection!

Today, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation announced that the 401 water quality permit was denied: No NAPL – No Northern Access Pipeline!!

Story links include:

One: We Are the People!    Two: We Love Each Other!    Three: We will not let them wreck our Planet!!!!

We shall overcome!    Si, se puede!!

Sun 3/12 MPP – Music & Fun(d)raising; movie; & more

Dear Friends, 3/12/17 716-332-3904 or 716-931-3520 for more info

Hope you’re ready for a busy day! We hope you’ll come out to our
fun(d)raiser 4-7pm at the Sportsmen’s Tavern to hear great music while
supporting the WNYPC!:

* MPP – Major Progress Program: A Benefit Concert for the WNY Peace
Center! Sun, March 12, 4-7pm, Sportsmen’s Tavern, 326 Amherst St.,
Buffalo. ($10). Paul Yates, George Puleo, Greg Opalinski, Paul Swisher,
David Kane, Myron Deputat, Jack Prybyeski, Jim Linsner, Frank Pusateri,
and special guest the Dooleys.
And before that, we hope you’ll make it (again today) to

* “Journey of the Universe” showing, 2-4pm, Burchfield-Penney Art Center,
1300 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo. Come see this award-winning documentary about
how our beautiful planet came to be. Organized by the Interfaith Climate
Justice Community.

* 4pm Riverside-Salem UCC/DC progressive program and potluck. This week
White Privilege exploration. 3449 West River Road, Grand Island.