Talking Peace News

Re-Writing The National and World Narrative on Climate, Race, Sustainability and Voting power

716-332-3904      10/4/18


We greet you in celebration of an awesome week working collectively towards justice!

Thank you to all who came out yesterday to our sunrise Witnessing Vigil in solidarity with survivors of sexual assault and abuse. It was a powerful moment to stand in solidarity, lift up our voices to dismantle oppression and show others that this behavior, whether in our homes or highest courts, is absolutely unacceptable.

We continue our community work towards peace through justice, dismantling oppression and uniting the struggles towards equity, equality and a world where everyone is safe and celebrated.

We also want to acknowledge last week’s events, including An Evening with Aviva Chomsky at Trinity Church – which was a very powerful talk disrupting the myths around immigration and labor. We must be informed to achieve true justice and equality.

The 14th Annual WNY Environmental Summit at Daemen College was also a very important event in order to gain knowledge on how we can continue to respect the earth and the living beings on the earth, including us as human beings!

Looking forward, there are some really promising ways to get involved this week! We hope to see you at one or all of these events.


October 4 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
1300 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, New York 14222 Film screening and community conversation. The Burchfield Penney’s second screening of The Blackness Project, created by award-winning film producer Korey Green who seeks to rewrite America’s racial narrative. The film is a featured length educational documentary about culture and race from the African American perspective.

Tim DeChristopher at Burning Books
October 4 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo, NY 14213. “Being serious about tackling the climate crisis means we have to be willing to confront corporate capitalism and the system that is driving that crisis.” – Tim DeChristopher, whose disruption of a 2008 Utah oil & gas lease auction cost him 21 months in prison.

15th Annual World On Your Plate Food and Sustainable Living Conference
October 6 @ 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Wick Student Center, Daemen College, 4380 Main Street, Amherst, NY 14226 FOCUSING ON FOOD, NUTRITION, THE ENVIRONMENT, FARMING AND POLITICS. October 5-6, 2018. Friday, October 5, 5-9pm. Saturday, October 6, 8:30am-4:30pm. Free to students with pre-registration and ID. Otherwise, Pre-register at

Climbing Poetree; dual-voice spoken word with infectious beats and multimedia theater
October 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Matt Urban Center, 1081 Broadway, Buffalo, NY 14212. Dual-voice spoken word, with infectious beats and multimedia theater. Alixa Garcia and Naima Penniman form the award-winning duo, exploring diverse themes such as healing from state and personal violence, human rights, and racial/social/economic justice.

Get In The Game Voter Registration Party!
October 7 @ 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Community Beer Works, 520 7th Street, Buffalo, NY 14201. Registering to vote is fast and easy and helps you participate in the decisions that shape this country. The WNY Peace Center, Coalition for Economic Justice, Push Buffalo, and VOICE-Buffalo will throw a voter registration party complete with music, beer, food, and soft drinks (for voters under 21).

We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver
The time is now, and we are the people we’ve been waiting for.

Remember to tune in: DEMOCRACY NOW! IS NOW BEING BROADCAST MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. Hear it over the radio or streaming live at or

See entire post for: More event listings (see also calendar & facebook page);
- Taskforce items and campaigns; and
- regularly scheduled events – all in that order.

No hate, no fear as we are #StillResisting.  Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love.

Talking Circle, Poor People’s Campaign, Resist Militarism, Elmwood Festival of the Arts and More!

716-332-3904       716-931-3520               8/23/18

Dear Friends,

Please join us in sending healing thoughts and prayers for Jack Kanack, the Weather Medic, producer of our Talking Peace radio show (Mondays 1-4pm, WBNY 91.3FM), winner of the Stellar Journalism Award and the Peace Education Award last year. Jack is in the Gates Cardio-Vascular ICU after having a major heart attack on Monday (luckily he’d already checked himself in on Sunday due to warning symptoms). 

Besides all his radio work, weather forecasting, work and support for the WNY Peace Center (especially the Environmental Justice Taskforce), organizing for American Meteorological Society, etc., Jack is the primary (read one-and-only) caregiver for his mother. Jack has worked way too hard for way too long!

We need to take care of ourselves as we go along, making sure not to go too flat out so we maintain our health and balance for the long haul. That’s not selfish, that’s needed for the good of all. And yes, in the face of dire and compelling issues!

Besides being a fresh reminder about pacing ourselves, this and Frank’s passing are also reminders about loving and caring for each other here and now. Which is why we’re doing the work in the first place. Full circle. 

* Many thanks – Nya weh – to the 150 or so who came out for the Indigenous Peoples Day on Thursday, August 9. It was inspiring. We work for the 7th Generation while we appreciate each other and the Creation here and now. As always, there are a lot of events this week, including the regular Wednesday vigil today at the Erie County Holding Center, 4-5:30pm, where the National Prison Strike Aug 21-Sep 9 is being publicized. Please come out (with signs if possible).

Today is even busier, with choices to be made:

– 5-6pm Regular Thurs Vigil to Stop ICE Terror; Delaware & Chippewa, Buffalo;

– 5-7pm Talking Circle led by Agnes Williams, Seneca, Indigenous Women’s Initiative at NACS, 1005 Grant St, Buffalo;

– 6-7:30pm Poor People’s Campaign – WNY Steering Meeting, WNYPC/NRC Bldg, 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo (entrance & pkg round back of building);

Racial, Economic, Environmental Justice – & Stop the War Crimes

716-332-3904 716-931-3520 8/14/18

Dear Friends,

Many thanks for all of you who came out to honor Frank Gage yesterday. Being the “Alt-imate” Activist for Peace that he was (an award he received from the WNY Peace Center – as well as the Peace Education Award), Frank would be glad you came out for his family and community. Frank’s family requested donations be made in Frank’s honor to the WNY Peace Center. (; or snail mail to 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY 14209).

Frank would also thank you, as we do, for coming to the Indigenous Peoples Day on Thursday, August 9, where we focused on the Seventh Generation and a NuclearFree Future! Nya weh to the Indigenous Women’s Initiatives, who lead organize this fantastic event every year.

There are a lot of events this week, many centering on Racial Justice and the very criminal injustice system. Don’t miss our Racial Justice Taskforce Meeting, Sunday August 19, 1-2:30pm at WNYPC, 1272 Delaware (one week earlier than its usual week because of the Elmwood Festival). See more at – either our calendar for more details and events, or the rest of the weekly update post!


MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. Hear it over the radio or

streaming live at or

#UniteTheStruggles #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver #LoveisLoveBUF

Below are
– more event listings (see also calendar & facebook page);
– Taskforce items and campaigns; and
– regularly scheduled events – all in that order.
And be sure to go to for more event listings – there’s plenty more and additions are frequent! …..

No hate, no fear as we are #StillResisting. #UnitetheStruggles !

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love. #loveisloveBUF <3