Vital #PoorPeoplesCampaign Training May 9, 5:30; +…. ;-)
Dear Friends! 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 5/4/18
Happy belated May Day, Spring, Renewal Happy Release of political prisoner Herman Bell!
Thanks to many of you for renewing your membership in the WNY Peace Center (and for those who haven’t, you can always renew/become a member on line at Our Annual Membership Meeting is coming right up: Sat, May 19, 2-5pm here at 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo 14209 (entrance & pkg round back of bldg). All are welcome, and if you’re a member you can also vote. We’ll be reviewing the past year and preparing for the next one! Come ahead for solidarity, inspiration, organizing, and a no-worries potluck.
We also are almost upon the 40 Days of Action of the new Poor People’s Campaign (PPC). Please join us for a PPC Intro and Nonviolent Moral Fusion Direct Action Training, Weds May 9, 5:30-8:30 at Rafi Green Ctr, 1423 Fillmore Ave, Buffalo. Register at 716-332-3904;; or on the facebook event page. Also it’ll be helpful for all, not just for those if risking arrest – although it is one of two required NDA trainings required if you are willing to risk arrest. The second is the day of in Albany at about 10:30am. It’s also another no-worries pot luck as well. Hope to see you there! #UnitetheStruggles.
And please register for the bus for the first day of action on May 14, leaving 4:30am from the LaSalle Metro/Park&Ride. Theme: “Somebody’s Hurting My People, & It’s Gone On Far Too Long!” Register at
And on the facebook event page.
So to recap with some additions, significant events for your calendar may include (with more detail on website calendar & post):
– Sun May 6: Living with Nature in Your Yard, 1-3 St Timothy’s, Grand Island
– Tues May 8: NY Renews trip to Albany;
– Weds May 9: PPC Nonviolent Direct Action Training 5:30-8:30, Rafi Greene Ctr, 1423 Fillmore Ave;
– Sat May 12: Muslim Public Affairs Council Dinner, 6pm Hyatt Regency
– Mon May 14: Poor People’s Campaign Kickoff in Albany; 4:30am sharp bus leaves LaSalle Sta NFTA Park&Ride, 3030 Main St, Buffalo 14214. Register at
– Tues May 15: Honduran Musicians/Activists, Latin American Solidarity Committee, Pilgrim-St Luke’s, 335 Richmond Ave (cnr W Utica);
– Sat May 19: WNYPC Annual Membership Meeting, 2-5pm, 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance & pkg round back behind bldg.)
– Tues May 29: PPC bus to Albany with Veterans, War Economy and Stop Militarism themes.
– Weds-Fri June 13-15: Univ, Community, & Gov’t Partnerships, Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko Ctr for Race, Equality & Mission; Niagara University
The West Valley Nuclear Site’s comment period was extended to May 25. Please request full clean-up (and repeat as necessary/feasible)! Go to
Anytime now, #45 may fire Mueller or Rob Rosenstein. If it happens, we’ll gather and the Marcy Casino for a march down and up Elmwood. Stay tuned, and/or text Text “ALERT” to 668-366 to get rapid response updates.
Our website and facebook page have more events and campaigns, (Keep checking for additions! 😉 #unitethestruggles
Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, Justice, and yes Love.
Remember to tune in: DEMOCRACY NOW! IS NOW BEING BROADCAST MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. Hear it over the radio or streaming live at or
Below are
– more event listings (see also calendar & facebook page);
– Taskforce items and campaigns; and
– regularly scheduled events – all in that order.
And be sure to go to for more event listings – there’s plenty more and additions are frequent! …..
No hate, no fear as we are #StillResisting. #UnitetheStruggles !
Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love. #loveisloveBUF <3