Talking Peace News

Today: call for HealthCare; Film tonight. Thurs#FREEnewyork; Sat Members’Fling!

Dear Friends! 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 2/12/18

Please join us calling for NYS Health Care today! Today is the statewide call-in day to the New York State Senate for the New York Health Act (S4840)!

We are asking New Yorkers across the state to call (email and/or tweet!) your State Senator today and ask them to fight for truly universal, guaranteed healthcare!

The Assembly passed the New York Health Act three years in a row. Now we need the Senate to do the same!

If Chris Jacobs is your State Senator, you can also meet with his reps on Thurs, 2/15, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm at the Niagara Branch Library, 280 Porter Avenue, Buffalo. Any topic is welcome, so universal Health Care and the Farmworkers Fair Labor Practices Act (S. 2721/ A. 4189) are both key issues to mention (for more info on the latter, go to

Lots more going on – hope to see you tonight at the Central Public Library for At the River I Stand (film showing, part of the #PoorPeoplesCampaign), #FreeNewYork for much needed change to the criminal justice system (Thurday, 5:30-8pm, 1199 SEIU, 2421 Main [at Jewett]), our Membership Fling on Saturday (3-5pm WNYPC worry-free potluck – and bring your springiest plate!), LASC Coffehouse on Puerto Rico on 2/26, and much more. Please check out for the latest post and calendar.

#unitethestruggles We shall overcome – Together!/Harambe!!

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, Justice, and yes Love.

Please plan to come to our Bringing in the Spring Membership Fling for inspiration, education, action, and fun on Sat, 2/17, 3-5pm at the WNYPC (1272 Delaware Ave, entrance & parking round back). No-worries potluck, please bring your springiest plate), and #unitethestruggles. Check out the taskforces, Poor People’s Campaign, and much more.


1yr Anniv of Meech’s Death in police custody today … ; Cariol Court Fri; 2/17 Member Fling

Dear Friends! 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 2/7/18
#PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver is a basic principle for a just and peaceful society as we #unitethestruggles. Our government and its agents must operate that way as well. Please join us today –
Weds, Feb 7 – for
4:30-5:45pm One year anniversary of death of unarmed Wardell “Meech” Davis in police custody. 74 Franklin St, Buffalo Police Central Booking. Rally for Police Accountability,
7-9pm Film: Sir! No Sir! With discussion re this inspiring documentary on antiwar movement in the military during the war on Vietnam. At Burning Books, 420 CT St. (Sponsors Veterans For Peace, BB, WNYPC).
and on
– Fri, Feb 9, 9:30am Cariol Horne Court Support; Buffalo City Court, 60 Delaware Ave, Judge Hannah’s courtroom. Stand with a s-hero being victimized by misuse of power by Sheriff’s personnel and DA’s office.
Please plan to come to our Bringing in the Spring Membership Fling for inspiration, education, action, and fun on Sat, 2/17, 3-5pm at the WNYPC (1272 Delaware Ave, entrance & parking round back). No-worries potluck, music, #unitethestruggles.
For lots more ways to participate through community building events and campaigns, please go to
Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, & yes Love. #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver

The #StillResisting Weekend was amazing!! Huge thanks to SO MANY!

Dear Friends!                 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520         1/31/18
The #StillResisting Weekend was amazing!! Huge thanks to the 35 cosponsors for sharing, and to the ~5,000 who participated!!

We had
– a wonderful time with our friends Science Demands Action (/Buffalo March for Science) at great sign-making parties on Friday and Sunday, with scores of participants;

– a day to remember gathering and going on the #StillResisting Bus to Women’s March in Seneca Falls, the birthplace of the US Women’s Movement (on this 100th year after we women won the right to vote!). Many thanks to Maureen Milligan and the stalwart bus-full!! We did it!;

– 4,500-5,000 –yes!!- at the Sunday Women’s Solidarity March!! (police estimate). Not only was the turnout record-breaking, the Spirit and principles very evident, the speakers fantastic, and the support overwhelming, but the message also came through loud and clear – Equality, Empowerment and SOLIDARITY!!
Attendees and reporters seemed crystal clear the we were there to #UnitetheStruggles in Truth and Love. #wepersistBUF!! While there was a few unhelpful and/or unrepresentative message(s) – ie too much about particular persons and/or too nasty – and some of the signs were x-rated (the family nature of the event was thrilling; sorry that we didn’t ask people to bear that in mind in sign-making); we’ll keep on improving our events in every way possible. We do keep learning!
More than anything, it was a tribute to Women’s Ways ~ Peace Ways; to
WNY and our burgeoning justice and peace movement, and to Solidarity. Si, se puede! We Shall Overcome!!

Once again, so grateful to
– Jill Yagwoneest Clause, Tuskarora;
– the Women’s Resistence Revivial Chorus with Drea D’Nur and ensemble.
Our Inspired and Inspiring Speakers! (see topics above under Route):
Tanya Loughead, Chair of WNYPC Gender Justice
Mayor Byron Brown
Karima Amin, Founder/Director of Prisoners Are People Too
Betty Jean Grant, former Co Legislator, Director of We Are Women Warriors
Cariol Holloman-Horne, community activist (former Buffalo Police Officer)
Kelly Ann Kowalski, Director of Food for All
Andrea Ó Súilleabháin, Ass’t Director of Partnership for the Public Good.

The other elected officials attending as well as Mayor Brown, who spoke to vouch for their solidarity with our #UnitetheStruggles #PowertothePolls Women’s Solidarity Movement:
– Lt Gov Kathy Hochul
– Congressman Brian Higgins
– Assemblyman Sean Ryan

And the wonderful co-sponsors! Activists of Buffalo, Bee Social, Buffalo for Freedom, Buffalo AntiRacism Coalition Official; @Buffalo Parent-Teacher Organization (BPTO), Burning Books; Buffalo Democratic Socialists of America, Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment, Food For All, Indigenous Women’s Initiatives, Interfaith Peace Network of WNY, Liberty Union Progressives, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, NYCLU Western Regional Office, Open Buffalo, Partnership for the Public Good,Pax Christi WNY (Pax Christi), Peacejam Buffalo, Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York Action Fund, Prisoners Are People Too, Inc., @Puerto Rican Committee for Community Justice, Rise Collaborative, Riverside Salem Environmental Cottage, Science Demands Action – Buffalo March for Science, Sierra Club Niagara Chapter, Sister District for Western New York, a NYPAN Chapter, StandUp WNY, Stronger Together WNY, Corp., Temple Beth Zion, UB School of Social Work, Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo, Veterans For Peace VFP 128, We Are Women Warriors, @WNY Coalition of Peace-Justice-Nonviolence Advocates (Peace, Justice & Nonviolence Festival and Walk 2017). Yes 35 …. #unitethestruggles

POWER WITH !!!!         NOT POWER OVER!!!!