Talking Peace News

No Nukes Vigil tomorrow (Sat 8/12) 1pm, Bidwell & Elmwood; more!

Dear Friends, 50th year 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 8/11/17

As megalomaniacs nuke-rattle over North Korea, Guam, and more; without sense and without reverence for life, please join us tomorrow:

No Nukes Vigil: Sat, Aug 12, 1-2pm. Bidwell Park, Bidwell Pkwy & Elmwood Ave, Buffalo. Come stand against war and war-mongering; and stand for a peaceful and Nuclear Free Future. Signs welcome; some on hand. (Directly follows Women In Black Nonviolence vigil, Noon to 1pm every Sat, same spot.) Sponsored by the Interfaith Peace Network and the WNY Peace Center.

Also, please continue to STOP The Attempts to repeal and/or de-fund the Affordable Care Act (ACA, aka Obamacare) by calling our US senators and reps. And call our state senators and ask them to support The New York Health Act, the bill to guarantee health care to all New Yorkers, passed the NY State Assembly for the third consecutive year in 2017. Call now to help #PassNYHealth in the State Senate. Contact info is on our website Learn more

We’re so excited about our Sept 16, 4th Annual Peace-Justice-Nonviolence Festival & Walk! Currently sponsored by 150 groups! To sign your group up as a partner, contact Tom Casey; as a sponsor ($), contact Paul McQuillen; as a tabler, Sr. Maureen Harris We’ll start at 11am with tabling and Special Children & Youth Workshop

Tomorrow 8-8: Indigenous Peoples Nuclear Free Future 3pm-dusk, Bflo Hist Museum

Dear Friends, 50th year 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 8/7/17

We had a very exciting week with our 1-2-3 Resist Militarism! Triad! There wasn’t a dry eye in the house at the Lonely Soldier Monologues; Lisa Ling and Paul K. Chappell were wonderfully inspired and inspiring speakers, and National Bird deserves another viewing!!

Join us tomorrow at Indigenous Peoples Nuclear Free Future Day! Again – an inspired and inspiring event, and a wonderful opportunity to support both. Come from 3pm to dusk or any portion thereof, at the Buffalo History Museum (just north of the 198 at Elmwood Ave).

Also, it’s important to continue to STOP The Attempts to repeal and/or de-fund the Affordable Care Act (ACA, aka Obamacare)! See Weds 7-9pm Canvassing Training below.

FYI, the National Fuel Eminent Domain Case is being decided by the Judge. It was not an immediate ruling in favor of the Corporation as the other two case were, so -> there’s hope!!

And Sept 16 will be our 4th Annual Peace-Justice-Nonviolence Festival & Walk! We’ll start at 11am with tabling and Special Children & Youth Workshop with the Anne Frank Project; continue with an interfaith intercultural program and C&Y play at 1pm; Walk at 1:45pm. All at Canalside!! Music, food, fun and inspiration! To sign your group up as a partner, contact Tom Casey; as a sponsor ($), contact Paul McQuillen; as a tabler, Sr. Maureen Harris – All are welcome

Please go to the calendar page of as well as our Facebook page for additional information and events. Si, se puede!!

Fight the repeal of ACA, Infringement events, Speak Out for Ethical Peace Officers + more

Dear Friends, 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 7/24/17

Fight the push to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)! (AKA, Obamacare)
These next few days may be the most important of this fight and we have to keep up the pressure. Congress is working to take away health coverage from 22 million Americans by repealing Obamacare. It will hurt everyone by stealing insurance, but women, transgender people, and marginalized communities will be hit the hardest. Republicans will soon vote on dropping coverage for mothers, people with disabilities, working families, and anyone who is vulnerable.
Saturday, July 29, is Healthcare National Day of Action and all across the country, hundreds of thousands of people will tell Senators NO to this attack on women, our families and our communities.
Please call 1.844.311.1880 and urge our senators to vote ‘no’ on any attempt to repeal or weaken the Affordable Care Act. You can let our Congress people know as well. All at 202-224-3121, or see

Lots going on, especially about Racial Justice on Tuesday – and Resist Militarism virtually daily from July 29! – exciting events with nationally known guests and special opportunities! See you there!! Please also go to the calendar page as well as our Facebook page for information. We shall overcome!!