Talking Peace News

Busy Day Tomorrow; Nat’l Fuel vs People/Planet – Jul 18; more

Dear Friends, 50th Anniversary Year 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 7/11/17

Many thanks to all who supported the #ImpeachmentMarch & Rally for the Public Good. The speakers, music, and message were all very well received – both by the crowd (125 per the Buffalo News) and the many who didn’t make it out during the holiday weekend. Each day brings more information supporting impeachment. And each day we continue working for the common good.

We draw your attention to

~Camp Peaceprints is looking for drivers on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons to bring children swimming down the road from St. Mary’s School for the Deaf. Please call 931-3520 to volunteer. We also may need help with transport to and from

~Cariol Horne Court Support, July 12, 9am, Buffalo City Court (50 Delaware), petition re misuse of power; and Court Support for Cariol FB event page
~Twitterstorm for Political Prisoner Jalil Muntaqim, 7/12 Jalil Twitterstorm Support FB Event Page.
~Sign the petition for Congress to debate the Authorization for the Use of Military Force at

And call our congresspeople to ask them to vote to repeal it – see below. Vote expected Th/F.

and particularly:

~ Erie County Landowners – Eminent Domain Court Case; July 18, 9am. Erie County Court, 25 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY Part 21; 25 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14202. Justice: Hon. John F. O’Donnell J.S.C. Petitioner National Fuel v 15 Landowners. Clerk’s Phone: 716-845-9486. This court case is the last of a series with National Fuel taking homes for a pipeline that is not permitted. National Fuel has won the previous two cases. Please come to support people and the planet. Any adverse disruption could jeopardize the case for the landowners. Please know too, the dates (time) can change. It is best to call the day before to confirm.
Judge O’Donnell Court Clerk #: 716-845-9486.

~Planning Meetings, July 18, 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance & pkg round back).
5-6:30pm Indigenous Peoples/Nuclear-Free Future Day (8/8; 3-dusk, Buffalo History Museum).
6:30-8pm WNYPC 50th Annual Dinner (to be held 11/3 at Buffalo Niagara Convention Ctr) with special keynote speaker.

~Speak Out for Ethical Peace Officers; 8th in a series; in District C. July 25, 6:30-8:30pm; Rafi Greene

Speak-Outs: Ethical Peace Officers; The Future of Health Care in WNY; Impeachment March and more

REMEMBER: June is Gun Violence Awareness Month!

Camp Peaceprints needs drivers for swimming! (You could swim too!)
Afternoons, Monday through Friday, July 17 – 28 @ St. Mary’s School for the Deaf, 2253 Main Street. Call 716 332 3904 or email


Check out Campaigns and Regularly Scheduled Events below.
For more info and more events – including those being added daily! – go to

We’re all in this together! Many thanks for all your work, wishes, and support!

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes, Love.


Speak-Out re Ethical Peace Officers
This series resumes with Prof. Heron Simmonds, Chair of WNYPC Racial Justice Taskforce.
Mayoral Candidates and police will be present.
All are welcome. Come to dialog on this important issue!
Today, Tuesday, June 27, 5:30-7:30pm, West Side Community Center, 161 Vermont St.


The Future of Health Care in WNY

Follow-up on U.S./Saudi Arms Deal, Camp Peaceprints, Speak-Out and more!

Dear Friends 50th Year 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520

-Register your children for Camp Peaceprints, July 17-28 (click through picture of Camp on picture carousel for more info and registration).

-June is Gun Violence Awareness Month!

-For more events – including those being added daily! – go to

See more below, including campaigns and regularly scheduled events. We’re all in this together! Many thanks for all your work, wishes, and support!

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes, Love.

Tonawanda Tomorrow Celebration
June 21, 6:30-8pm

Contemplative Water Walk
Water is Life!
Friday, June 23, 9-11am.

For the 41 still at Guantanamo: Stop Torturing Them!!
Monday, June 26 @ 7:00 pm – 7:10 pm

Speak-Out re Ethical Peace Officers
Tuesday, June 27, 5:30-7:30pm

World Refugee Day in WNY
Saturday, July 1, 8am-8pm.

Impeachment March