Talking Peace News

Stop US weapons sale to Saudis + Stop Nuclear Waste Shipments!

Dear Friends 50th Year 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520

The struggle continues! Make your demands known to your representatives in Congress and the Senate regarding huge arms sales to Saudi Arabia! Join the protest against Highly Radioactive Nuclear Waste Shipments! That and more, right here.

Many Thanks, Peace, Solidarity, and yes, Love.


Help stop the U.S. sale of $110 Billion arms to Saudi Arabia!
This arms deal is the largest arms deal in U.S. history, and it’s being offered to a country that’s been indiscriminately bombing Yemen with U.S. support for over two years, killing thousands of civilians in the process.
Thankfully, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is planning to introduce a bill anytime now to block a key component of the arms deal; the portion containing munitions being used against civilians in Yemen. Thanks to the Arms Export Control Act, Paul can actually force a vote in the Senate, making this a crucial time for your Senators to hear from you. You can write to your representatives at the following address:


Resist Militarism! Meeting
Come out for an action-planning meeting for our women in the military play and possible street theatre at the Infringement Festival; showing of National Bird;

PLACE CHANGE: Health Care Die-In tomorrow @Walden Pond Park

Dear Friends 50th Year 716-332-3904 716-931-3520

This Thursday’s die-in HAS BEEN MOVED TO WALDEN POND PARK (WALDEN AVE & RANSON RD, LANCASTER, NY 14086) rather than Congressman Chris Collins’ office. It’s still at 4:30-5:30pm tomorrow/Thurs, 5/11. Chris Collins and others who voted for the AHCA took coverage away from the most vulnerable to pay for tax breaks for the rich.

Thanks for the great turnout and spirit at the Immigrants Solidarity March/Rally last Saturday! While we’ll finally have a breather on National Days of Action, there’s still plenty to do every day. See events and campaigns below, and on our website ( and Facebook page.

We’re hoping too that you’ve put our 50th Annual Membership Meeting and Pot/Snack-Luck, 2pm on Saturday, May 20, at the WNYPC/NRC, 1272 Delaware (entrance & pkg round back), on your calendar. Assessing, planning, and connecting is vital to our struggle and progress. And let’s pace ourselves!

Many Thanks, Peace, Solidarity, and yes Love. Cresley, Kate, Peggy, Vicki, and All

Sat. May 6 Immigrants Solidarity March

Immigrants Solidarity March – National Day of Action
Saturday, May 6, Rally, 1pm

Show and share the Buffalove of our welcoming community for all our brothers and sisters!! Health care is included – it’s part of caring!

Please dress warmly, and waterproof yourself and your signs! (and/or bring umbrellas  ;-)! The Love and Solidarity in our hearts will counter the weather and the threats in the political environment. Details below. Please share and come!

Gather at Massachusetts Ave Playground (by Winter St) and walk, with speakers, music (incl Ismail & Co), and inspiration! Rally at 1pm, with walk at 1:30 up Lawrence to Hampshire to Grant St – where we’ll stop at West Side Bazaar – on to Lafayette (with a brief talk at Lafayette High School), past Colonial Circle’s General Bidwell, down Richmond to finish at Pilgrim-St. Luke’s UCC, a declared sanctuary church. There’ll be a welcome at the church with tabling, SNACK-LUCK, etc. as well. The #Buffalo25 will be representing. Pilgrim-St Luke’s UCC also is a shelter for any or all throughout the event, especially to get out of the weather. Bienvenidos/Karibu/Bienvenu!


Understanding I.C.E and Border Patrol in WNY – Local efforts to protect immigrants
7-9 pm Monday May 22, 2017.  Network for Religious Communities, 1272 Delaware Ave.  parking behind building.   Sponsored by LASC and WNY Peace Center

We need to hold Customs and Border Protection practices accountable, and to control any harmful and aggressive operations in our border-zone communities. Guest speakers include
John Lory Ghertner MD (Migrant Support Services Wayne County, and Greater Rochester Coalition for Immigration Justice) and Peter Mares (Rural and Migrant Ministry).