Dear Friends 716-332-3904 716-931-3520
Today’s May Day Unite & Resist is cancelled due to hurricane watch!
Many thanks to the many who made the People’s Solidarity Climate Rally so positive and strong (see post and fb event page). Thanks too to Activists of Buffalo’s Johanna C. Dominguez who took this and so many great pictures of people coming out to Defend the Sacred, protecting People and the Planet.
We will continue with the National Days of Action this Saturday with the Immigrants Solidarity March/Rally on May 6, 1pm. If we are weathered out with the rain, cold, or other climate events, we’ll hold the entire event at Pilgrim-St Luke’s (Richmond & Utica). Watch our and fb event page to keep posted
Many Thanks, Peace, Solidarity, and yes Love. Cresley, Kate, Peggy, Vicki, and All
Dear Friends 716-332-3904 716-931-3520
We’re so excited to continue with the National Days of Action this
Saturday (Climate) and next (Immigrants). Don’t miss the stellar
climatologist Dr. Mann tomorrow!! More events follow that detailed
Note two changes in the week’s event planning: this Saturday’s march is
from Niagara Square to the MARINA, and the previously scheduled May 3 No
Press No Freedom event is cancelled.
Many Thanks, Peace, Solidarity, and Love. Cresley, Kate, Peggy, Vicki, & All
Please join us tomorrow, 4/29, at the **People’s Solidarity Climate March
(Niag Sq to Marina)** in National Day of Action. **Dr. Michael Mann,
Renown Seminal Climatologist, will speak.** We’ll gather 1pm with tabling,
at Niag Sq. The Rally (w/Indigenous opening, Dr. Mann, and other speaers
and music) starts 1:30pm.
2pm-ish: March will go (southeast) down Niagara to go south on Franklin,
to Erie St, Marine Drive and along the Lake to the Marina Peace Garden for
brief gathering; then back the way we came, to Niagara Sq (est 3pm) for
more rallying, music, and speakers including an Indigenous closing.
Dr. Mann is was a key researcher in putting for the “hockey stick” graph
50th Anniversary Year of WNYPC!
April 21, 2017
Dear Friends,
The local Tax Day March, on Saturday April 15, was a great show of solidarity on this National Day of Action! Kudos to all who came out to protest the injustice of the president’s secretive tax returns and his plans to give the rich even more tax breaks as programs for people get cut down. We will get our message through! Si, se puede!
Onward! Let’s keep the pressure on!
The Buffalo March for Science
Today Saturday, April 22 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Begins 1pm at Soldier’s Circle, march up Lincoln Parkway, and end in a Rally and Science Festival in Delaware Park (area behind the Art Gallery and near Shakespeare in the Park).
See science writer, Elizabeth Schiavoni’s blog post: and we will be reaching out with future details as they come.
Talking Peace 91.3FM, WBNY Monday April 24 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Talking Peace radio show with the WNY Peace Center, on 91.3FM, WBNY
With Avery Edwards, Vicki Ross, special guests. Re National Days of Action, Non-violent direct action. Go to or
Nonviolent Direct Action Training
April 25 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Explore strategies; discuss principles and spirit; and practice de-escalation techniques (for ourselves and others) esp re rallies, protests, marches, plus. WNYPC/NRC, 1272 Delaware Ave, Bflo (entrance & pkg round back). Includes