Talking Peace News

3/7: Now: Planned Parenthood, 2697 Main; 3/8 Women’s Day; back to back events

Dear Friends,

You’ll never believe how many things are going on! So wear your raincoat, bring some water (and coffee if you indulge), and get ready – it really is fun to do the right thing with all this good company.

Please come out to Planned Parenthood today at 5:30pm, 2697 Main St, to stand in support of health care, and women’s reproductive health care and rights! Women’s rights are human rights!!

Weds, March 8, is International Women’s Day – “A Day Without Women” – a National Strike Day for Women. Come join us in that and at a brief gathering and press conference now at 4pm sharp on the steps of City Hall, then marching on to Elmwood and Tupper for Amplifying Women Power. See immediately below.

Mar 4, Noon-1:30 Peoples Education Justice; Drone Resisters Acquitted!; more!

Dear Friends, 716-332-3904 or 716-931-3520 for more info

Wanted to notify you all that the People’s March for Education Justice tomorrow will just be Noon-1:30pm. Bundle up – it’ll be cold but we’ll have our love, devotion to our children, and solidarity to keep up warm:

* People’s March for Education Justice – Sat, March 4, Noon-1:30pm. See under Peaceful Conflict Resolution below, or go to

You also need to know that FOUR DRONE RESISTERS WERE AQUITTED OF ALL CHARGES IN A GREAT VICTORY FOR NONVIOLENT DIRECT ACTION AND AGAINST WEAPONIZED DRONES IN DEWITT (OUTSIDE SYRACUSE) NY. See below for the entire press release, or tune in to our radio show (1-3pm at 91.3FM, WBNY, see Regularly Scheduled Listings at end of missive below) to hear former codefendant James Ricks tell about the case and the issue!

And please join us this Sunday, March 5, at 2pm at the Jewish Community Center, 787 Delaware (& Summer), for Hands Across the JCC. Assemblyman Sean Ryan and the Jewish Community Center of Greater Buffalo will host “Hands Across The JCC”, a community event to show solidarity with the Western New York Jewish community in the wake of recent anti-Semitic acts of hate directed at Jewish community centers and cemeteries across the country. We’ll unite against acts of hatred by locking arms together.

Donating for sanctuary; No NAPL Today! (2/24); many events – Solidarity!

Dear Friends,

Our “frequent announcements” includes that, one of our two recently declared Sanctuary Churches, Pilgrim St-Luke’s needs to put in showers for people staying there! Please send your contribution (payable) to:

Pilgrim St-Luke UCC
335 Richmond
Buffalo, NY 14222

with Sanctuary Care in the memo. Or go to their website here to donate on line. Also any plumbers who would be willing to work pro bono or at a discount should contact Rev. Justo Gonzalez (716-989-9207; or