Talking Peace News

Si, se puede! We’re making progress! Sustainable & steady…. (2/4/17)

Dear Friends, 716-332-3904

What wild times, with the wonderful and terrible ever more evident! Don’t forget your deep slow breathing. We look forward to seeing you at some of the wonderful happenings, and work with you on some campaigns. And please senators to urge them to use the full 30 hours permissible for debate to stop each nominee in Trump’s #SwampCabinet! (see below).

* No Ban. No Wall. March for Immigrant Refugee & Muslim Solidarity! Sun, Feb 5, 1-4pm, starting at Columbus Park, Niagara & Porter St. (moving inside, after 1 hr, for tabling plus)

* The WNYPC’s quarterly membership meeting will be Sat., Feb 18, at 2pm at 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance & pkg round back). Come review, reassess, and help us plan! Potluck as well.

The “Water is Life Walk on Buffalo” was a wonderfully uplifting. Thanks to so many of you (see another great photo below!) for coming out – the police estimated the crowd at 400. “One: We are the people. Two. We love each other. Three: We will not let them wreck our planet.” Nya weh especially to our dear Indigenous brothers and sisters.

WATER IS LIFE Walk, Sunday 1/29, Start 1pm NiagSq; and more ;)

Dear Friends, 1/25/17 716-332-3904

As our dear and beloved hero Daniel Berrigan said, “Our apologies, good
friends, for the fracture of good order …. ” upon the burning of draft
files by the Catonsville Nine. We do nothing so noble or courageous, yet
we have been turning our “Weekly Update” announcements into daily
announcements because – the time is now, things are happening fast, and
this is not a practice run.

So we urge you to use good self-care, deep slow breathing, and whatever
helps you deal with the terrible acts and threatening horizons of the
Trump administration, and to come out when you can, publicize the events
and campaigns as you can, and know that we are all in this together.

As Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr said, “I believe that unarmed truth and
unconditional love will have the final word in reality. That is why right,
temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

Update Jan 23, Incl Correction: No Hate No Mandate crowd 3,500-3,600

Dear Friends, 716-332-3904

What a wonderfully inspiring gathering we had at the No Hate, No Mandate
March and Rally, with – to correct our estimate – 3,500-3,600 people
from all over WNY – a diverse, determined, and dynamic group that stood up
for each other and for our principles.