Talking Peace News

Buffalo Resistance Weekend

WNY Peace Center Weekly Update, January 19,2017
Office Phone: 716-332-3904

Dear Friends,
Buffalo Resistance Weekend has begun! after some wonderful events all this week!

Remembering Rev. Dr. King’s legacy of nonviolent direct action, we’ll join together this weekend with ongoing movement-building and advocacy in the weeks, months, and years to come! We will not sit idly by while some are building what looks like a 4th reich of facism (big business running the government), racism, and kleptocracy!

We are standing up for human rights, civil rights, justice, solidarity and true nonviolence (including stopping state-sponsored violence at home and aboard) – We shall overcome!/Si, se puede!!

Peace/Salam/Shalom/Shanti!! Nya weh/Asanti/Gracias/Tashakor/Thanks!!

Counterinaugural Activities

*Trips to DC:
It appears all buses to DC are full at this time. You can email to see if a seat opened up. And of course we’d love to have you join us in Buffalo at any of the below activities, including No Hate No Mandate,

Buffalo Resistance Weekend!! +++ Weekly Update, Thurs Jan 12

WNYPC Weekly Update, Thursday January 12, 2017
Contact WNYPC: , 716-332-3904


Dear Friends,
There’s a lot going on!
There’s more every day!
Thanks for your help with the ongoing CAMPAIGNS!
See below for peace and justice actions that could include you!

We hope to see you at the Buffalo Resistance Weekend!!

We Shall Overcome!/Si, se puede!
Solidarity, Justice, Thanks, and – yes, Love. Victory!

Resistance Weekend
Also see Nonviolent Direct Action workshops that follow (below trips and events listings).

*Trip to DC:

We are happy to advise there is another bus: leaving at 11 p.m. Friday the 20th from UB South campus Park and Ride parking lot, returning Sunday at about 1 a.m. $100 per person. Please call or email Maureen Milligan, , (716)310-5885.

End of the World Party, coordinated by Citizen Action
Thursday, January 19, 7:30-11:30pm. 322 Amherst St., Buffalo.
Contact Samantha Nephew: (716)812-

Announcements: Jan. 5, 2017

Dear Friends,

Many thanks to the many of you who came out today (in the biting cold ), and to you all for all of your activism, support, and solidarity!!

As you’’ll have noted, there’s a lot going on! More every day! We must stop the drumbeat toward more hate, war-mongering, and injustice. So here’s a supplemental (and slightly tweaked )weekly update including a few newly popped up events:
Sat, Jan 7, 3-5pm, Free Leonard Peltier!– Watch Movie, Sign Petitions, etc. all at Burning Books, 420 Connecticut St., Buffalo. Come watch “Warrior– The Life of Leonard Peltier” and sign petitions, send post cards to urge Pres. Obama in his last moments to grant Clemency to Leonard Peltier! Also, you can go to for more info.