Talking Peace News

Last chance to stop Cuomo tax TODAY; Speakout tomorrow; and more

Dear Friends,

We are still trying to come to grips with the past week!

The wonderful was apparent in our dinner with Speaker Aly Wane, and the
Thousand strong Humanity over Oppression, Peace & Unity rally in Niagara
Square on Sunday. Thanks to the many of you who came out! But the terrible
is evidenced by the election of a man who has shown himself to lack
integrity, and who frequently disrespects and even attacks people, is of
grave concern. We need to take action to ensure a healthy and just
direction for our country!

Please get actively involved!! It is our courageous stand that will make
all the difference!!

Rally Sunday 11/13 Noon; plus – busy week

Dear Friends,

Our work is more important now that ever before!! Crisis=Opportunity; and as Rev. King said, unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. So, we shall overcome!!

The annual dinner was a rousing success! Many thanks to Aly Wane, our honorees, and all who attended and or supported it.

Don’t forget to support the #Buffalo25, suffering from ICE raid breaking up families. Donations can be sent to First Presbyterian Church, One Symphony Circle, Buffalo, New York 14201, with #Buffalo25 in the memo line. Their situation is very serious, financially and otherwise.

**Please come out to the following:

Weekly News: Stand w/ Standing Rock 10/10; and more

** Buffalo Stands with Standing Rock! **
You Can’t Drink Oil! Water is Life!
Monday, October 10, 11am – Rally at Army Corp of Engineers, 1776 Niagara St. Buffalo.
March down Niagara to W. Ferry to the foot of Ferry then back along the river to Unity Island (located slightly south of Army Corp of Engineers at 1731 Niagara St.)
Press conference at 11:30 am. Demand the Army Corp of Engineers STOP the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline and respect Indigenous Sovereignty of the Standing Rock Sioux and honor the Fort Laramie treaties.
Please bring a dish if you can for a potluck following the rally and march at Unity Island.
and many more announcements! . . . .