Dear Friends! 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 3/28/18
Thanks for coming out to MARCH FOR OUR LIVES the many of you who did. The youth were eloquent, and the spirit was energizing!! With 3,000 turning out – at the very least – and some 50 cosponsors; 2 full buses and more going to DC; and more to follow including especially working with young people to #unitethestruggles and #stoptheviolence, all we can say is #NeverAgain; #WeShallOvercome; #SiSePuede!! Please stay tuned.
Please join us tomorrow at:
WATER, THE ENVIRONMENT AND A SOCIALLY JUST WORLD UB School of Social Work 4th Annual Symposium
March 29 @ 2:00 pm – 9:00 pm
THURSDAY, MARCH 29 2:00 PM- 9:00 PM 403 HAYES HALL, SOUTH CAMPUS -FOOD PROVIDED Climate change and its impact on vulnerable populations is now at the forefront of public awareness and policy. What happens when water is restricted, contaminated, or becomes inaccessible? Social Work plays a key role in prevention, intervention, advocacy, and policy creation in these issues. Great speakers re Flint water crisis, Indigenous rights, etc.
Again, please go to our website and facebook page for more events and campaigns, with new ones cropping up all the time! (Keep checking 😉 We’re all in this together and We shall overcome – Together!/Harambe!!
Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, Justice, and yes Love.
Huge thanks to the young people who spoke passionately and eloquently, with Truth, Love and Courage; to the youth who came out in the bitter cold, standing up and marching (“Hey, hey, ho, ho – the NRA has got to go”); and to the community for backing our youth – listening and learning from their refusal to accept the status quo.
Many came out – AT LEAST 3,000; really looked like more, especially when you compare it to the Women’s Solidarity March, when 4,500-5,000 came out! This was a colder day tho, with more people going to DC. Thanks to Mayor Brown, who paid for one bus in full. We’re grateful to New Yorkers Against Gun Violence for organizing, Mayor Brown for hosting, and the 50-some organizations that cosponsored!!
Also to Activists of Buffalo and Jay Burney for great photos (Activists of Buffalo for the post’s 1, 3, & 4th photos, Jay for 2nd); The Dooleys, Ismail & Co, and Women’s Resistance Revival Chorus for the Music; the Lifesavers for their wonderful presence and spirit; our wonderful speakers from the community and elected officials backing MFOL, and the stalwarts who stayed to the end in the bitter cold. However, we have our love to keep us warm, and our courage to keep us moving! And our lessons learned to make each event linked, sequential, escalating action that WILL lead to real social change. Thanks to Youth for the promise of real change to come, and the courage to make it happen. We’re all in this together.
You’ll find lots more photos, videos, etc., on the Facebook event page. Thanks everyone for posting.
We Shall Overcome!! #neveragain; #unitethestruggles.
Dear Friends! 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 3/20/18
Put this Saturday’s MARCH FOR OUR LIVES in your calendar – please join us (including MANY YOUTH, host Mayor Brown, co-organizer NYers Agains Gun Violence; and 37 cosponsors) to stop gun violence and create a culture of peace. We’ll be starting at 1pm with an Indigenous Gnonyoh, then music from the Dooleys; rally at 1:30pm, with a (less than one mile) march, and more rallying.
Our many speakers will be brief and high impact, with – again- HALF OF THEM YOUTH!!, leading the way! Please commit to going and spread the word Facebook event page or the page on our website. The National Day of Action includes the March in DC to with our 2-3 buses going from Buffalo, one fully funded by Mayor Brown. #NeverAgain
You can still get seats on the bus to DC ( buffalo-2), and/or you can always come see the student-filled filled buses off! That’s Friday night 11:30 – 11:59PM, UB South Park & Ride, 3471 Main St, Buffalo 14214. facebook event page
The rest of the week is exciting and important too:
– today, Tues, 6pm, press conference on West Valley Nuclear Cleanup; at Erie County Community College, 121 Ellicott St, Buffalo, NY 14203, followed by public testimony at Scoping Session re same (last Scoping Session 3/21 at Cattaraugus Council Chambers, 12837 Route 438, Irving, NY 14081; you can also submit written testimony at;
Also today: please call Sen Schumer (716) 846-4111; and/or 202-224-3121 and urge him to vote yes on the War Powers Resolution, to end U.S. military involvement in the war on Yemen (sponsored by Senators Bernie Sanders and Mike Lee). You could also thank Sen Gillibrand (716-854-9725 or 202-224-3121) and thank her for her support. If you’d prefer to send an email to your senators, you can do so here.
Tomorrow, March 21, celebrate Now Ruz, Persian New Year and the biggest holiday of the year in Afghanistan, in Solidarity with Our Journey To Smile and Afghan Peace Volunteers, with:
– Global Day of Listening from 7:30-10:45am, with the Afghan Peace Volunteers – streaming online at link;
– Fly Kites Not Drones; meet at Niagara Porter Public Library at 4pm; walk over to LaSalle Park to fly kites from 4:30 (til ~6pm. Bundle up!! It will be cold and breezy!). Cosponsors Veterans For Peace #128; Lafayette HS. Kites will be available for flying, or bring your own!
On Friday, March 23, our Women’s Ways ~ Peace Ways continues:
-With Betty Jean Grant, We Are Women Warriors; Patricia Elliot-Patton, WNYPC Education & Human Rights Taskforce; and Andrea O’Suilleabhain, Ass’t Dir, Partnership for the Public Good. Noon hour at the Central Public Library, Ring of Knowledge.
Again, please go to our website and facebook page for more info on events, and campaigns, many new ones cropping up all the time! (Keep checking 😉 We’re all in this together and We shall overcome – Together!/Harambe!!
Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, Justice, and yes Love.