West Valley Nuclear Waste: Call for Full Clean Up!
Please endorse our letter to DOE/NYSERDA:
Search for West Valley
Charley Bowman
Co-Chair, Environmental Justice Taskforce
Please endorse our letter to DOE/NYSERDA:
Search for West Valley
Charley Bowman
Co-Chair, Environmental Justice Taskforce
Dear Friends! 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 3/6/18
We are so excited about the FreeNY campaign, working to right the injustices in the criminal “Just-us” system. Please join us on Weds, March 14 to bus to Albany (no payment needed) to lobby for Bail reform and more! The bus will leave on the morning of March 14, at 4am at PUSH office, 4:30 am at South Campus UB Park & Ride. We expect to have returned by ~4pm from Albany. Please call Heron Simmonds, the WNYPC Racial Justice Taskforce Chair and organizer for Voice Buffalo, for details and to reserve a seat on the bus. See you there!!
– Poor People’s Campaign event planning Thurs, March 8 at 4pm at the WNYPC (1272 Delaware Ave, entrance & pkg round back near bldg.) – plan for Sharing Stories event to build the Beloved Community and prepare for the Poor People’s Campaign national kick-off Mothers’ Day plus 40 days of Action.
– Native American Community Services social at Medaille College, Friday, March 9, 5-9pm.
– Major Progress Program: Benefit for the WNYPC by the Dooleys and Hearsay, at DHU Strand Theatre, 540 Oliver St., North Tonawanda. 5:30 doors open (and best time to come if you didn’t already buy your $10 tickets here). BYOB and potluck!! A real happening – don’t miss it!!
Again, please go to our website wnypeace.org and facebook page for info on more events and campaigns, including
– MARCH FOR OUR LIVES, WNY Local and bus(es) to DC, March 24 (bus funded by Mayor Brown).
– Women’s Ways ~ Peace Ways
– Resist Militarism
– West Valley Nuclear Waste: Clean-up NOW!
– and more!
#unitethestruggles We shall overcome – Together!/Harambe!!
Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, Justice, and yes Love.
Dear Friends! 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 12/5/17
It is an onslaught – yesterday it seemed the bad news just kept coming. However, ending the day with a discussion group (initiated by CEJ and cosponsored by the WNY Peace Center) on Rev. Barber’s book The Third Reconstruction (at 6-7:30pm at the Daily Planet, Parker & Hertel), all related to a renewal of Rev. Dr. King’s Poor People’s Campaign was very heartening. Join us for the next two weeks.
______ Net Neutrality!!__________
Please help us get the FCC to maintain Net Neutrality so the new public square is equally accessible and not sold to the highest bidder. (Net neutrality is the concept that consumers and businesses should be able to reach the online applications and services of their choosing without interference from their broadband provider.)
Please contact the following to urge that net Neutrality be kept:
FCC Leadership Contact:
Ajit Pai, Chairman
(202) 418-1000
Mignon Clyburn, Commissioner
Michael O’Rielly, Commissioner
Brendan Carr, Commissioner
Jessica Rosenworcel, Commissioner