
EmDomain Case POSTPONED; SpeakOut 7/25; Resist Mil 7/29; 8/1,2,3

Dear Friends, 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520 7/17/17

POSTPONED; ~ Erie County Landowners – Eminent Domain Court Case; originally scheduled for July 18, 9am. Erie County Court. This court case is the last of a series with National Fuel taking homes for a pipeline that is not permitted. National Fuel has won the previous two cases.

It is not unusual for cases to be cancelled, which ends up keeping the pressure on the Defendants. We will support them every way we can, and will keep you posted.

We draw your attention to

~Planning Meetings, July 18, 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance & pkg round back).
5-6:30pm Indigenous Peoples/Nuclear-Free Future Day (8/8; 3-dusk, Buffalo History Museum).
6:30-8pm WNYPC 50th Annual Dinner (to be held 11/3 at Buffalo Niagara Convention Ctr) with special keynote speaker.

~Speak Out for Ethical Peace Officers; 8th in a series; in District C. July 25, 6:30-8:30pm; Rafi Greene CAO Masten Community Center, 1423 Fillmore Ave., Buffalo. Police, public officials, and mayoral candidates will be invited, and all are welcome. Recruitment, Training, Personnel and Advancement Policies, Accountability and more will be discussed, in the inform-reform-transform paradigm.

We’ll have a special series of events originated by the Resist Militarism Taskforce on July 29, August 1, 2, and 3; and more. For more info, please go to wnypeace.org/events/ and to our facebook page. Very important!!

Below are regularly scheduled events as well as ongoing campaigns.

We’re all in this together – and si, se puede! We shall overcome! With Peace, Justice, & Nonviolence.

Impeachment March, July 2, emphasizing Law, & Standing Up for Public Good

You are invited to join in the National Day of Action that is the #ImpeachmentMarch. We will hear (UB) Constitutional Law Professor Martha McCluskey’s perspective, as well as speakers on the public’s needs re

Health Care (care for the most vulnerable, poor, elderly, and needy);
Racial Justice (desperate need for equal protection under the law);
Renewable Energy (Environmental Protections; upholding Climate Accords); and Immigration/Refugee protections (stop travel ban& massive deportations).

Where & When: Sunday, July 2, Lafayette Sq (other side from Central Public Library side)
1:30 Tabling at Lafayette Sq, with music by Ismail & Co
2:00 Event (w/ impeachment grounds per Prof McCluskey, by Sara Faduski; speakers re common good)
2:25 March (west) on Court St; to and around Niagara Square and back
3:00 Conclusion

Why: Constitutional Scholars such as Harvard’s Lawrence Tribe (L Tribe: Impeachment for Obstruction of Justice; Wapo) and a number of those at UB Law School (Constitutional Law Prof Martha McCluskey;

Speak-Out, Impeachment March, Camp Peaceprints and more!

WU 6-21-2017

Dear Friends 50th Year
wnypeace.org 716-332-3904; 716-931-3520

-Register your children for Camp Peaceprints, July 17-28 wnypeace.org (click through picture of Camp on picture carousel for more info and registration).

-June is Gun Violence Awareness Month!

-Speak-Out Re Ethical Peace Officers: This series resumes with Prof. Heron Simmonds, Chair of WNYPC Racial Justice Taskforce. Tuesday, June 27, 5:30-7:30pm, West Side Community Center, 161 Vermont St. Mayoral Candidates and police are especially invited. All are welcome. Come to dialog on this important issue!

-For more info and more events – including those being added daily! – go to

See more below, including campaigns and regularly scheduled events. We’re all in this together! Many thanks for all your work, wishes, and support!

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes, Love.

Tonawanda Tomorrow Celebration
June 21, 6:30-8pm

Resist Militarism! Taskforce Meeting
Thursday, June 22,