
*Divest from War, Invest in People

by Kathy Kelly

January 28, 2017

All Trump, all the time. With a punishing, disorienting barrage of
executive orders, President Trump is reversing hard fought gains made in
environmental protection, health care, women’s rights, immigration policy,
and nuclear weapons reduction–with even more executive orders promised.

In his inaugural speech, Trump proclaimed “America First”. The U.S. does
rank first in weapon sales, in mass incarceration and in producing waste
material. Pope Francis urged President Trump to be first in protecting the
poorest in society. But instead, President Trump has surrounded himself
with generals and billionaires in cabinet level positions.

Demonstrating at Immigration Offices


Some of the demonstrators gathered in front of Immigration offices on Saturday, February 18 to let passing motorists and pedestrians know that they have to raise their voices to defend immigrants, many of whom our policies have placed in danger. The event, No Human is Illegal, was organized by Indivisible Seneca Falls with the cooperation of the WNY Peace Center. There will be many more actions to protect our brothers and sisters, and stop the racist, xenophobic, mysogenistic, and otherwise unjust and unwise agenda of the far right  in coming weeks.

Membership mtg 2/18; #Justice4India; and more 2-16-17

Dear Friends, 716-332-3904

Many thanks to the 150 or so people who came out for our Huddle: Coalition Building and Action Planning, this past Sunday. We had a very productive meeting with lots of collaboration. Groups were formed tailored to the interests of those assembled, with work already starting up! Andare!

Please join us for our

* WNYPC quarterly membership meeting Sat., Feb 18, at 2pm at 1272 Delaware Ave (entrance & pkg round back): Come review, reassess, and help us plan! New taskforces, new energy, and renewed hope in the face of Crisis = Opportunity. You can renew your membership on line, at the meeting, or by mail. Potluck as well.

* MPP – Major Progress Program: A Benefit Concert for the WNY Peace Center! Sun, March 12, 4-7pm, Sportsmen’s Tavern, 326 Amherst St., Buffalo. ($10). Paul Yates, George Puleo, Greg Opalinski, Paul Swisher, David Kane, Myron Deputat, Jack Prybyeski, Jim Linsner, Frank Pusateri, and special guest the Dooleys.

We’re grateful too for the many extremely persuasive testimonies at No Northern Access Pipeline! – NAPL public hearings! You can still send in written testimony until Feb 24! For more info, go to niagarasierraclub.com/issues/northern-access-pipeline/.

Peace/Salam/Shalom/Shanti! Nya weh/Asanti/Gracias/Tashakor/Thanks!!


Sat., Feb 18, from Noon to 2pm. NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL: solidarity rally, against expansion of ICE powers and raids. Starts at 130 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14202 Upstate residents will march in solidarity with our undocumented neighbors, and for anyone detained pending lengthy deportation proceedings, especially those detained in isolation. Rallies simultaneously happening in Syracuse (213 South Salina St) and Geneva (433 Exchange St). Organized by Indivisible Seneca Falls



Mon, Feb. 27, 7-9pm. Peace Coffeehouse: Politics, health, and social justice in South America – reports from recent local projects; report-backs are from students who were on-site. Sponsored by WNY Peace Center, LASC, and Peace Action-Canisius.

Tues, Feb 21, REMEMBER INDIA CUMMINGS. 5-6:30pm. Press Conference; Candlelight vigil at Sunset. Erie County Holding Center. Please come out in her memory. #JusticeforIndia, #sayhername.