
PLS fill out Inaug survey; Sandy Hook 4th anniv today Weds Dec 14

Dear Friends,

Please fill out the survey monkey below by Friday, so we can best reflect
your preferences re the January Inaus[ . . .] – oops, we mean
Inauguration, re buses to DC as well as local event(s) planning.

Fill it out here:

Day of Prayer today, walk tomorrow at CatRes 4 Standing Rock; MORE

Dear Friends,

It is a time of intense need and activity, as we are all challenged by
threats looming on the horizon, as well as very current and real.

One very real threat is that of eviction and/or arrest for our courageous
brothers and sisters at Standing Rock. Please note that

* Today, Sunday Dec 4, is a special day of interfaith prayer, as
designated by Lakota Spiritual Leader Arvol Looking Horse, who graced our
city at a gathering of over 200 last Monday (see Orin Langelle’s photo-essay photolangelle.org/2016/11/30/arvol-looking-horse/#comment-150460 and our previous post);