Urgent Appeal

Tomorrow: Giving Tuesday; “Surviving Criminal Justice in US..” Anthony Ray Hinton

716-332-3904 12/2/19 wnypeace.org

Dear Friends,

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday! Please support the Western New York Peace
Center – any day, and especially this Giving Tuesday – to help enable us
to do even more organizing, collaborating, and energizing as we #Unite in
#OneLove. Support our youth PeaceJams, marches, rallies, vigils, lobbying
efforts, and campaigns.

Please remember to support our Friends of Democracy Now! in Buffalo
campaign. Democracy Now! gives vital news, and we need donations to help
keep it on WBNY. Please contribute via the WNYPC – online or with a check
sent (and made out) to WNY Peace Center, 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY
14209, and write in the memo line: Friends of Democracy Now! in Buffalo
(or in a note in the online submission).

Of course, your donations – for Democracy Now! or for the WNYPC itself –
are fully tax-deductible.

Just fyi, if you haven’t already seen it, the WNY Peace Center was
appointed one of the 3 community groups to nominate a representative to
the new Corrections Advisory Board. Congrats to Heron Simmonds, our
representative to the Board; to April Baskin, Co Leg Chair who led the
initiative; and to the legislators who voted it in. Please also call your
County Legislator (see wnypeace.org/getInvolved/govtContacts) and urge
them not to approve an increase in funding for the Sheriff’s Department.
They have not yet used their funds for decent medical and mental health
care. You can also use what SURJ organized at the bottom of this email.
Many thanks to SURJ and all!

Please make a special point of going Weds, 12/4, to No More Deaths and
Maltreatment, Erie County Holding Center Vigil, 4-5:30pm, Delaware btwn
Church & Eagle. We are hoping to make our point even “pointy-er” re the
lethal mismanagement by the Sheriff’s Department. Also please do call Gov
Cuomo (518-474-8390) and urge him to recall Sheriff Howard for his
terrible performance of his duties.

This week also sees:

– Tuesday, 12/3, Former Death Row Inmate and Exonoree Anthony Ray Hinton,
7pm (doors open 6:30pm), Montante Center.

– Thurs, 12/5, Environmental Justice Taskforce Mtg, 6-7:30pm, At Isaías
González-Soto Branch Library (formerly Niagara Branch), 280 Porter Ave,
Buffalo NY.

Read below (especially regularly scheduled events) and/or on our website
at wnypeace.org for more info.

We are excited to have a new WNY Peace Center – Buff State Chapter
brewing! Welcome, student organizer Toby Brisson, and many thanks, faculty
advisor Prof. Mike Niman, author and commentator extraordinaire!

If you haven’t already, please sign the WNY Youth Climate Council’s
petition to Buffalo Common Council to declare a Climate Emergency! Please
Sign Now
(if link doesn’t come through, you can go to our website wnypeace.org,
select Get Involved; and it’ll be immediately under Current Campaigns!)

As always, more below, and lots more at wnypeace.org, and on our facebook
page, twitter (@wnypeace), and Instagram (wnypeace)!

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love.

#Unite! #OneLove


Events this week:

“Surviving Criminal Justice in America,” – Anthony Ray Hinton
December 3 @ 7:00 pm
At the Montante Center at Canisius College. Death Row Survivor and NYTimes
Best-Selling Author, Anthony Ray Hinton speaks. Doors open at 6:30pm.
Signed copies of Anthony Ray Hinton’s book The Sun Does Shine: How I Found
Life, Freedom, and Justice will be available for sale. Free and open to
the public • Parking available in the Science Hall Parking Ramp For more
information, call the Office of College Communications at 716-888-2790.

Environmental Justice Taskforce Mtg
December 5 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
At Isaías González-Soto Branch Library (formerly Niagara Branch), 280
Porter Ave, Buffalo NY *Hazardous Materials Transportation and Citizen
Science: Shipping by Rail; by Michael Ziolkowski. Associate Professor
of International Business, Brockport State University of New
York.Formerly, Michael worked in Logistics for Ingram Micro, Inc; and
*Overview of Our Four 24-hour-long Trainspotting Efforts in 2019, by
Charley Bowman, Chair, Environmental Justice Taskforce of the WNY Peace

Saturday Academies at Lafayette Community School
December 7 and 14 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Free activities for the whole community! Join the WNY Peace Center for a
Peace Jam (from 10am). Includes free breakfast and lunch.

Celebrate fair trade & justice with LASC at El Buen Amigo
December 16 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
ACROSS ALL BORDERS 7-9 pm Monday, December 16 El Buen Amigo, 114 Elmwood
Ave. Music and Refreshments welcome El Buen Amigo (the Good Friend) opened
on Elmwood in 1989 as part of the Latin American Cultural Association.
They deal directly with crafts people, cooperatives and small family
businesses, and returns profits to the artists and their communities.
Everyone welcome to our party. With reports on Chiapas and political
developments in Mexico from Tom Potts and Bill Jungels, and other
solidarity news.
www.elbuenamigo.org WNY Peace Center: www.wnypeace.org
& its taskforce, the Latin American Solidarity Committee: www.lascwny.org

Resist Militarism! Taskforce Mtg
December 18 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
At Isaías González-Soto Branch Library (formerly Niagara Branch), 280
Porter Ave, Buffalo NY. Discuss, among other things, a possible spring
action at the NF Air Force base in response to the “Warheads on foreheads”
article in the Buffalo News this fall (focus on making action plans more

REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS in the One Struggle, One Vision, One Love:

Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on 91.3FM, WBNY.
Mondays, 1-3pm. Call-in show with Vicki Ross hosting. Also streaming
on-line at wbny.buffalostate.edu. On 12/9, special Human Rights program
with Andrea O’Suillibain, Director, Partnership for the Public Good, to
celebrate 12/10 UN Human Rights Day.

Buffalo Nekanesakt. Indigenous support group/allies. 1st & 3rd Tuesdays,
6:30-8pm. At Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Ave. All are welcome!! Reading
group for the Great Law of Peace meets on the last Tuesday of the month.

Prisoners’ Rights Taskforce – NO MORE Deaths! Vigil/protest Wednesdays
4-5:30pm at the Erie County Holding Center (Delaware & Church). Another
Death! 4 in 2 ½ months! The Sheriff’s Administration is a Public Health
Emergency!! All are welcome. Please bring signs.

Resist Militarism! Taskforce – Regular monthly planning meeting third Weds
of the month, Nov 20; 5-6:30pm. at Isaías González-Soto Branch (formerly
Niagara Branch) Library, 280 Porter Ave, Buffalo 14201.

Interfaith Peace Network, 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 9:15am at
1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY 14209 entrance and parking round back.)
Breakfast potluck, planning/publicizing, & discussion.

End ICE Terror – Thursdays, 5-6pm, vigil in front of the ICE building on
the corner of (@250) Delaware and Chippewa. Bring your signs and spirit of
Solidarity. We will not stay silent! #EndICETerror #FamiliesBelongTogether
#AbolishICE #CLOSETHECAMPS #NeverAgainIsNow

Buffalo Youth Climate Strike – all are welcome 2-3pm at Niagara Square for
a youth-led rally to stand up for People and the Planet, and radical
change to mitigate and avert climate catastrophe. Bring signs! See you

Environmental Justice Taskforce – Vigil to Protest the Shipments of VERY
Dangerous Radioactive Liquid from Canada coming over the Peace Bridge.
Fridays 2-3pm, Front Park at Vermont & Busti, Buffalo. Signs welcome and
also usually available.

Stop The Violence Coalition – 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month; 6pm,
United Way Building, Delaware and Summer Sts.

Women In Black – Nonviolence vigil, Bidwell and Elmwood. Saturdays,
Noon-1pm. Signs also available. (and you don’t need to be a woman or dress
in black)

Riverside Salem Environmental Cottage & UCC/DC – Various progressive
spiritual activist and naturalist programs, Sundays, 4-6pm followed by a
pot-luck. 3449 West River Road, Grand Island, NY 14072.

Of note: Little Africa Culture Club, 356 S. Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY.
African Drumming Sundays, 12-2pm.

We shall overcome #Unitethestruggles #Loveislove #PowerWITH-NOTPowerOver

From SURJ, a WNYPC ally:

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are grateful for Mother Earth, for the people here and everywhere, for the beings and creatures of all creation, for the sky and all in it, for the Water which is Life, for the love, wisdom and courage that we will exercise together to defend the Sacred – people and the Planet, and all the cosmos.

We are grateful for the ancient wisdom and the new energy, for the Peace and Love that will lead us to create and sustain that same spirit.

Nya weh/Thanks/Merci/Gracias/Asanti/Sheh Sheh/Dhanyabaad/Sucran/Kyay Zuu/Sukryiya/Danke/Spasiba/Arigatou/Grazie/Wopila !

Yagwoneest Claus offering a Gnonyoh!

Mini Wachoni! – Water is Life! 1/29/17

Si, se puede ….!/Yes, we can ….


Ensha’Allah ….. God willing ……

Women’s March, Buffalo, 1/21/18

Om, Shanti ….. /Alpha to the Omega, Peace …..

Emergency: Medea Benjamin being falsely arrested in DC for alleged assault; please make calls (see email)

716-332-3904      11/14/19                  wnypeace.org

Dear Friends,

Emergency: Join me in outrage and protest shero Medea Benjamin of CodePink, is in the process of being falsely arrested for an alleged assault on Cong. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Please call

– DC Police at (202) 727-9099
– Cong. Wasserman Schultz at (202) 225-7931
– Cong. Higgins at (202) 225-3306
– Sen Gillibrand’s case-mgmt office at (212) 688-6262
– Sen Schumer at (202) 224-6542

You can see the video of Medea’s impending arrest with 5 cop cars, and riot police on our Facebook page. (Please share). Also on our twitter feed at @wnypeace.

Today (Thurs, Nov 14) the Corrections Advisory Bd will not be dealt with. It is being postponed to Thurs. Nov 21, at about 2:30pm, Old County Hall, 92 Franklin, 4th floor, the Erie Co Leg Public Safety Committee will cover Legislator Baskin’s Resolution for the Corrections Advisory – for which we have nominated Heron Simmonds. Please come out to support!

Pllease sign the WNY Youth Climate Council’s petition to Buffalo Common Council to declare a Climate Emergency! Please
Sign Now
(if link doesn’t come through, you can go to our posting of this email and click on “Read More” – it’ll be under Environmental Justice!) They’ll be submitting it to the Buffalo Common Council in about a week.

Again, please don’t forget to support our Friends of Democracy Now! in Buffalo campaign. Democracy Now! gives people the info needed to build a movement/ #unite, and we need the funds to keep it on WBNY. Please contribute via the WNYPC – online or with a check sent (and made out) to WNY Peace Center, 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14209, and write in the memo line: Friends of Democracy Now! in Buffalo (or in a note in the online submission). We need to keep DEMOCRACY NOW! BROADCAST Live MONDAY-FRIDAY, 8AM-9AM (LIVE) ON WBNY 91.3FM. and streaming live at wbny.buffalostate.edu.

As always, more below, and lots more at wnypeace.org, and on our facebook page, twitter (@wnypeace), and instagram!
Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love.

#Unite! #OneLove

Events this week:

Riverside Salem Environmental Cottage
November 17 @ 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Riverside Salem Environmental Cottage & UCC/DC – Various progressive spiritual activist and naturalist programs, Sundays, 4-6pm followed by a pot-luck. 3449 West River Road, Grand Island, NY 14072. This week write your own obit.

Talking Peace w WNYPC on WBNY 91.3FM
November 18 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on 91.3FM, WBNY. Mondays, 1-3pm. Call-in show with Jim Anderson and Vicki Ross co-hosting. Also streaming on-line at wbny.buffalostate.edu.

Transforming Transportation – Panel
November 18 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
UB South Campus, Hayes Hall 402.  This is a Sierra Club panel discussion that will dig in to the needs of our community, environmental justice as well as the CLCPA and the study that was just presented by the Atlantic Chapter of the Sierra Club, Transforming Transportation. Parking available at St. Joseph’s University Church; or the Park & Ride.

No More Deaths! – Vigil at Erie Co Holding Center
Weds, Nov 20 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm – 4 DEATHS in 2 ½ months! Sheriff Howard is (yet another) elected official who needs to be impeached. Please join with the WNYPC’s Prisoners’ Rights Taskforce and our many allies at this regular Wednesday vigil at the Erie County Holding Center (Delaware & Church). Come ahead – All are welcome. Grieving families will be joining us, and people with related lived experience are more than welcome! Please, too, bring signs. Cosponsored by Voice Buffalo, Brothers Doing Better, Prisoners Are People Too, Buffalo AntiRacism Coalition (BARC), Black Love Resists in the Rust, SURJ, and more. Also please call Gov Cuomo at (518) 474-8390 to urge him to remove Sheriff Howard as he clearly is not up to the job.

Erie Co Leg Public Safety Com – Corrections Advisory Bd Res’n
November 21@ 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
At Old County Hall, 92 Franklin, 4th floor, the Erie Co Leg Public Safety Committee will cover Legislator Baskin’s  Resolution for the Corrections Advisory – for which we have nominated Heron Simmonds. Please come out to support!

No Nuclear Waste over the Peace Bridge
November 15, 2-3pm
At the corner of Busti Ave and Vermont St. in Buffalo NY. Vigil against the shipment of high level LIQUID radioactive spent fuel from Chalk River Ontario to Aiken South Carolina. If any of it spills out, it will be next to impossible to clean>
Peace Coffeehouse: Cuba & the US: Friendshipment Caravans
November 25 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
At Canisius College – Science Hall (convenient parking on Main near Delavan) Cuba and the United States: Friendshipment Caravans Speakers Vicki Ross and Marie Schuster: a report on their experiences with the Pastors for Peace Caravan which visited Cuba this July, organized by the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization (IFCO). With IFCO, they challenged the travel restrictions imposed by the United States, which try to stop us from seeing the truth of Cuba for ourselves. Come learn about Cuba-US bilateral relations, reject the new activation of titles III and IV of the Helms-Burton Act, and call for the end of the US blockade against Cuba.
Sponsored by Peace Action-Canisius, and www.lascwny.org/ and WNY Peace Center http://wnypeace.org/ Free and open to the public

(WNYPC) Gender Justice Taskforce Mtg
November 25 @ 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm
At the Merriweather Library meeting room, 1324 Jefferson (at E Utica), Buffalo. Come out to discuss the Women’s March, intersectionality, and much more. All are welcome! (light snacks provided)
REGULARLY SCHEDULED EVENTS in the One Struggle, One Vision, One Love:

Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center Radio Show on 91.3FM, WBNY. Mondays, 1-3pm. Call-in show with Vicki Ross hosting. Also streaming on-line at wbny.buffalostate.edu.

Buffalo Nekanesakt. Indigenous support group/allies. 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30-8pm. At Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Ave. All are welcome!! Reading group for the Great Law of Peace meets on the last Tuesday of the month.

Prisoners’ Rights Taskforce – NO MORE Deaths! Vigil/protest Wednesdays 4-5:30pm at the Erie County Holding Center (Delaware & Church). Another Death! 4 in 2 ½ months! The Sheriff’s Administration is a Public Health Emergency!! All are welcome. Please bring signs.

Resist Militarism! Taskforce – Regular monthly planning meeting third Weds of the month, Nov 20; 5-6:30pm. at Isaías González-Soto Branch  (formerly Niagara Branch) Library, 280 Porter Ave, Buffalo 14201.

Interfaith Peace Network, 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, 9:15am at 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY 14209 entrance and parking round back.) Breakfast potluck, planning/publicizing, & discussion.

End ICE Terror – Thursdays, 5-6pm, vigil in front of the ICE building on the corner of (@250) Delaware and Chippewa. Bring your signs and spirit of Solidarity. We will not stay silent! #EndICETerror #FamiliesBelongTogether #AbolishICE #CLOSETHECAMPS #NeverAgainIsNow

Buffalo Youth Climate Strike – all are welcome 2-3pm at Niagara Square for a youth-led rally to stand up for People and the Planet, and radical change to mitigate and avert climate catastrophe. Bring signs! See you there!

Si, se puede! We shall overcome. #Unite

Peace, Thanks, Solidarity, and yes Love.
