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Memorial Day Commemoration (Veterans For Peace)

May 31, 2021 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT

Virtual. What would Memorial Day look like if we commemorated all the victims of war, and not just the military fallen from our own country? What would it be like to honor all the dead and acknowledge all the destruction wrought around the world by U.S. military actions? Join us  to explore this theme, as NYC Veterans For Peace pairs Americans, mostly military veterans, with speakers who have been on the receiving end of U.S. military aggression. Register here.

Cheyenne Arapaho Nation: Larry Bringing Good

Afghanistan: Nematullah Ahangosh, Basir Bita, Kathy Kelly, Danny Sjursen

Iraq: Matthew Hoh, Lubna Mousa

Vietnam: Peggy Akers, Theresa Mei Chuc, Doug Rawlings

Japan: Susan Schnall, Kiyoko Takei, Masashi Takei

Okinawa: Ken Mayers, Teiko Yohana Tursi

Korea: Soobok Kim, Stan Levin, Georgia Wever

Palestine: Afaf Alnajjar, Miko Peled

Closing: Leah Bolger, Rory Fanning

Moderator: Susan Schnall

Music: Anthony Donovan


May 31, 2021
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT

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