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Silent Vigil for Peace (during US Execution)
January 15, 2021 @ 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm EST
On Zoom. Invitation to Silent Meditation/Prayer Vigils to Stop Executions & Assassinations & Promote Peace in the World
– You are invited to attend an upcoming series of 45-minute silent meditation/ prayer vigil sessions against human executions & assassinations—these sessions are aimed at bringing more peace to the community, to the nation, and to the whole world.
– Federal executions are scheduled to take place at 6:00 p.m. EST on Jan.12, Jan.14, and Jan.15 in Terre Haute, IN.
Why pray and meditate in a vigil?
– As Jesus once said, “Love one another…Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.” (New Testament, Luke 6: 37-38)
– As Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh once wrote: “We are all connected…We are all ‘inter-beings'”.
– Finally, as Buddhist monk and medical doctor Thau Van Nguyen once said, “People who pray and meditate everyday help others without even knowing it. Their spirits grow big like trees; their branches extend over their neighbors, family, and friends.”
Some purposes of these vigils:
– To show support for a fellow human being who is about to be executed by other fellow human beings.
– To show solidarity with others around the world who are against such executions and other forms of violence in our world.
– To create more peace within ourselves and, by so doing, create more peace in the world around us.
Schedule of Vigils:
When: 3:00-3:45 p.m. EST on each of the following days:
January 12: Vigil for Lisa Montgomery ZOOM link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77831391105?pwd=S0VaQW9TcnJkdlErNmt2VGIrSkR1dz09 (Passcode: 4nUT11)
January 14: Vigil for Cory Johnson ZOOM link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71643165103?pwd=T2hiRWl3R1l3RURuYjV0T1EwKzNmdz09 (Passcode: 8ujj37)
January 15: Vigil for Dustin John Higgs ZOOM link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/78450864419?pwd=NmdlVGJBajBxdytUNTRyRzRHSEd1UT09 (Passcode: 7gi1Ab)
For more information: thundersnowstorm@yahoo.com
How the sessions will run:
3:00 p.m. — A few minutes before the silent vigil, please get comfortably seated, connect to Zoom, and mute your microphone.
OPENING: 3:05 p.m. When the bell rings, the silent vigil (25 minutes in length) will begin. It will be a silent meditation session or silent prayer session (your choice).
CLOSING: 3:30 p.m. Another bell will ring at the conclusion of the vigil, at which point some short reflective meditations will display for another 15 minutes.
ZOOM will automatically time out after 40-45 minutes.