Buffalo Speaks Out Against Uber

Albright-Knox Art Gallery 1285 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY, United States

We saw Uber's true colors last night when they crossed picket lines in New York City and failed to support human rights for immigrants detained at airports. This is in addition to their CEO coming to Trump's defense on the treatment of his employees and signing off on his racist, xenophobic agenda. Come testify and […]

Coalition Building and Action Planning

WNY Peace Center 1272 Delaware Avenue (Carriage House), Buffalo, NY, United States

Meet up with fellow activists and get to know groups that work every day to promote and defend principles of peace and nonviolence in WNY. Discuss current issues, learn about ways we can resist policies and actions that harm our communities and planet, and work in small and large groups to plan next steps for […]

Coalition Building and Action Planning

WNY Peace Center 1272 Delaware Avenue (Carriage House), Buffalo, NY, United States

Meet up with fellow activists and get to know groups that work every day to promote and defend principles of peace and nonviolence in WNY. Discuss current issues, learn about ways we can resist policies and actions that harm our communities and planet, and work in small and large groups to plan next steps for […]

Talking Peace, 91.3FM, WBNY

Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center radio show on 91.3FM, WBNY; with Avery Edwards, Vicki Ross. Special guest Dr. Arjun Makhajani, President of Institute for Energy & Environmental Research, re ecological residential temp control. Go to wnby.buffalostate.edu or http://tunein.com/radio/WBNY-913-s27549/.

Talking Peace, 91.3FM, WBNY

Talking Peace with the WNY Peace Center radio show on 91.3FM, WBNY; with Avery Edwards, Vicki Ross. Special guest Dr. Arjun Makhajani, President of Institute for Energy & Environmental Research, re ecological residential temp control. Go to wnby.buffalostate.edu or http://tunein.com/radio/WBNY-913-s27549/.

Anti-Trump and Puzder Rally

McDonalds' @Utica & Main 1338 Main St, Buffalo, New York

Rally to defend working people from Trump's pick to head the Department of Labor. Andrew Puzder, CEO of fast food chains Hardee's and Carl Jr's is known for wage theft, ignoring complaints of workplace. Please dress warm and join us at 1338 Main St. Buffalo, NY - a McDonald's, a chain known for the same […]

Anti-Trump and Puzder Rally

McDonalds' @Utica & Main 1338 Main St, Buffalo, New York

Rally to defend working people from Trump's pick to head the Department of Labor. Andrew Puzder, CEO of fast food chains Hardee's and Carl Jr's is known for wage theft, ignoring complaints of workplace. Please dress warm and join us at 1338 Main St. Buffalo, NY - a McDonald's, a chain known for the same […]

Gas is a problem, What’s the Alternative

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bflo 695 Elmwood (@Ferry), Buffalo, New York

Climate friendly residential heating and cooling presented by Arjun Makhajani, President, Institute for Energy & Environmental Research. Sierra Club and PUSH Buffalo. Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo, 695 Elmwood (@Ferry) Buffalo, New York 14222.    

Gas is a problem, What’s the Alternative

Unitarian Universalist Church of Bflo 695 Elmwood (@Ferry), Buffalo, New York

Climate friendly residential heating and cooling presented by Arjun Makhajani, President, Institute for Energy & Environmental Research. Sierra Club and PUSH Buffalo. Unitarian Universalist Church of Buffalo, 695 Elmwood (@Ferry) Buffalo, New York 14222.    

Flowers for Sen. Gillibrand

Larkin Office Bldg, West Lobby 726 Exchange St. , Buffalo, New York

Sen. Gillibrand has the best voting record of all regarding Trump's proposed #swampcabinet!! Please come for a TRUTHFUL TUESDAYS thank you to our valentine, Sen. Gillibrand!! Flowers are provided, and you can bring thank-you cards, notes, and signs! Gather in the Larkin Bldg's West Lobby (cnr of Van Rensselaer & Exchange Sts). Visitor parking is […]

Flowers for Sen. Gillibrand

Larkin Office Bldg, West Lobby 726 Exchange St. , Buffalo, New York

Sen. Gillibrand has the best voting record of all regarding Trump's proposed #swampcabinet!! Please come for a TRUTHFUL TUESDAYS thank you to our valentine, Sen. Gillibrand!! Flowers are provided, and you can bring thank-you cards, notes, and signs! Gather in the Larkin Bldg's West Lobby (cnr of Van Rensselaer & Exchange Sts). Visitor parking is […]

NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL: solidarity rally

130 Delaware Ave Buffalo, New York

Wed. Feb.15, 4pm-6pm NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL: solidarity rally, against expansion of ICE powers and raids. Starts at 130 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14202 Upstate residents will march in solidarity with our undocumented neighbors, and for anyone detained pending lengthy deportation proceedings, especially those detained in isolation. Rallies simultaneously happening in Syracuse (213 South Salina […]