Black Immigrant Advocacy Day of Action

Social Media

February 17 is the Black Immigrant Advocacy Day of Action! Mark Black History Month by celebrating Black immigrant leaders + working to eradicate racism in the U.S. immigration system. Learn more at

Working for Peace in the Middle East

Zoom Meeting NY

Join CND and guest speakers to discuss the current situation in the Middle East and how we can best campaign for peace in the region. Will the Middle East ever be nuclear-free? And what is the UK’s role in the region?   1pm – 2:10pm: Voices from the Middle East: can the region be nuclear-free? […]


This Current Moment: US Nuclear Weapon Policy & Back from the Brink

Zoom Meeting NY

Please join NH Peace Action for a discussion about the danger this current moment presents with regard to nuclear weapons, and the ways in which Back from the Brink serves as a vehicle for effective grassroots organizing to eliminate the threat that they pose, with Michael Klare and Denise Duffield. This event is part of […]

Nuclear convoys: did you know that nuclear warheads could be driving through your town?

Zoom Meeting NY

Join CND, NFLA and Nukewatch for this online webinar to discuss nuclear convoys. Convoys carrying nuclear bombs often travel along Britain’s roads, putting at risk the communities which they travel through. No radiation warning symbols are carried and neither the public nor local authorities are warned of these nuclear convoys. This webinar will discuss these convoys, […]


#CommunitiesNotCages Townhall

Martha Mitchell Community Center 175 Oakmont Avenue, Buffalo, NY, United States

Right now, over 30,000 people are incarcerated in New York's prisons. 75% are Black or brown. #CommunitiesNotCages, is a campaign that demands our lawmakers eliminate mandatory minimums, end extreme sentencing, support transformation and bring our loved ones home!   This March and April, we're gathering local leaders across the state to learn more about #CommunitiesNotCages […]

Webinar: How will the Ukraine crisis reshape global politics?

Zoom Meeting NY

No matter how Russia's bloody invasion of Ukraine ends, the repercussions are enormous and will be felt for many years–perhaps decades–to come. What will be the consequences of a more united and militarized NATO? How will the reshuffling of energy markets affect global politics? Has this destroyed the prospects for nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament? Will […]