Albany Advocacy Day: Protect Bail Reform!
Bus to AlbanyDespite evidence that bail reform is keeping New Yorkers safe and not connected to the concerning increase in violence, there are current efforts to roll it—along with discovery reform and Raise the Age—back in the state's budget. These rollbacks would mean that thousands more people would be harmed by our criminal legal system and we simply can't […]
Virtual Press Conference: No Reform Rollbacks!
Zoom Meeting NYThe Partnership for the Public Good will join Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo, NYCLU, #HALTsolitary Campaign, and others on Monday, March 28 at 10 a.m. via Zoom for a virtual press conference ahead of New York State's April 1 budget deadline in opposition to Governor Hochul's proposed reform rollbacks. We will also discuss misconceptions about the 2019 […]
Voice Buffalo’s Live Free meeting
Zoom Meeting NYDuring this meeting we will be saying see you later to our amazing Executive Director, Whitney Walker and have some major updates to share, including introducing our new organizer! We can't wait to see you then.
Live Free Meeting
Zoom Meeting NYWe will be celebrating Whitney Walker's time with VOICE Buffalo and wishing her well, and say "see you around soon," as she embarks on her next journey. We will also be introducing our NEW Live Free Lead Organizer! Finally, we will be sharing some exciting upcoming improvements we are making at VOICE. Tune in […]
LASC Peace Coffeehouse: A new moment for Honduras: Solidarity after elections
Canisius College-Science Hall 2001 Main St., Buffalo, United StatesMonday March 28, 7:00-9:00pm A new moment for Honduras: Solidarity after elections. Canisius College Science Hall, near Main and Jefferson and the metro. Street parking on Main or in parking lot by the M&T bank. Karen Spring has worked in Honduras for over 12 years as human rights defender & researcher, especially with the Honduras Solidarity […]
Prisoners Are People Too monthly meeting
Rafi Green Masten Resource Center 1423 Fillmore Ave , BuffaloPrisoners Are People Too will be resuming regular monthly meetings on the last Monday of each month beginning this month on March 28th. While trips to various prisons have been curtailed, the work has never ceased, and daily conversations with people who have incarcerated loved ones have never diminished. *** In-person and masks are […]
World Premiere: Never Forget Tibet
Regal TheatresOver sixty years after China's Most Wanted Man the Dalai Lama escaped from occupied Tibet, this powerful documentary follows the Dalai Lama as he recounts his escape through the Tibetan borderlands into India to tell his remarkable escape story as he fled Tibet in 1959. This is the first time the historic story has been […]
WNYPC 2022 Annual Meeting
Network of Religious Communities 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo , NY, United StatesJoin the WNY Peace Center for our 2022 Annual Meeting on April 3rd @ 2pm EST in-person at the NRC or online via Zoom! Featuring a presentation by Kareema Morris, WNYPC Board Co-Chair and Founder of Bury the Violence, Inc.: "The Most Unprotected and Disrespected Species" In-person at the Network of Religious Communities, 1272 Delaware […]
Becoming the Beloved Community: A Celebration of the Feast of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Buffalo History Museum 1 Museum Ct, Buffalo, NY, United StatesPanel discussion at the Buffalo History Museum with local community activists - including Vicki Ross and Heron Simmonds - reflecting on Dr. King's legacy and the road ahead. The "Feast of Dr. King" honors him as a pastor and as a martyr each year on the day of his assassination. This event, which will be […]
IAC Webinar: The Greatest Purveyor of Violence
Zoom Meeting NYNATO: "The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World Today" April 4 1949 - US Commanded NATO Military Alliance is founded April 4 1967 - Dr. Martin Luther King condemns U.S. military aggression in Vietnam April 4 1968 - Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King April 4 is a key date to recall Dr. […]
Talking Peace Radio taping: Poetry Month ft. Jillian Hanesworth
Facebook LivestreamFeaturing Jillian Hanesworth, Buffalo's Poet Laureate and author of The Revolution Will Rhyme; with Shaina Merchant, WNYPC Office Manager and poetry afficianado; Deidra EmEl, WNYPC Executive Director and arts instigator; and Vicki Ross, WNYPC Community Coordinator. Discussion: values we bring Poetry and Activism Poetry and Healing - for individuals; for the community The origins […]