Meet the Big 5: How the Military-Industrial Complex Controls Politics
Zoom Meeting NYWe talk a lot about the military-industrial complex, but what exactly is it, who makes it up, and why are they so important? A new coalition groups opposing their local war companies has joined together to form the War Industry Resisters Network, focused on corporate control over US foreign policy. The political influence of several weapons manufacturers […]
LASC Peace Coffeehouse: For & From Haiti
Canisius College-Science Hall 2001 Main St., Buffalo, United StatesJoin the Latin American Solidarity Committee (#LASCwny) of the WNY Peace Center for our January Peace Coffeehouse. Featuring local activist Katherine Mang on her micro-lending program, Mother's Club-Haiti (, offering hope to rural Haitian families. LASC Peace Coffeehouses are in person with social distancing and masks required. At Canisius College Science Hall, Main and […]
Prospects for Peace in Korea in 2022
Zoom Meeting NYJoin us to hear the insights of two experts on the prospects for peace on the Korean Peninsula in 2022: Simone Chun, Ph.D., researcher in US foreign policy in the Korean Peninsula Jessica J. Lee, Senior Research Fellow on East Asia at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. Sponsored by the New England Korea […]
Climate Can’t Wait Statewide Mobilization (Albany)
Bus to AlbanyOn January 25th, a group of organizations under the banner Climate Can't Wait 2022 are coming together to demand that the state legislature and governor prioritize climate in the 2022 budget and legislative session. To send this message, hundreds of New Yorkers will gather in Albany to ensure the legislature hears our message: climate can't wait! If […]
Webinar: Community-Driven Climate Solutions in Buffalo
Zoom Meeting NYAs extreme weather events and disasters around the country make plain, the effects of climate change on human health are real and urgent. Communities are rapidly seeking solutions that address multiple problems at once, such as housing, health, climate change and equity. A local example of one such "triple-bottom line" solution is PUSH Green, a […]
Nuclear Colonialism in the Age of the Ban Treaty: From New Mexico to the Marshall Islands & across the Pacific
Zoom Meeting NYThe Affected Communities Working Group of the Nuclear Ban Treaty Collaborative will host this seminar. Speakers and artists of affected communities and allies will weave together the history of nuclear colonialism from uranium mining, nuclear testing, production and use— to the deadly waste that will be with us for generations to come. Moderator: Pam Kingfisher, […]
The Uyghurs of China: Who they Are, Human Rights Abuses, Implications for US Policy
Zoom Meeting NYA Panel Discussion with: Garner Bovingdon, author of The Uyghurs: Strangers in Their Own Land and professor of Central Eurasian Studies at Indiana University Kate Kizer, human rights advocate and columnist at Responsible Statecraft Alkan Akad, China Specialist, Amnesty International Register to attend. The Chinese government’s treatment of its Uyghur Muslim minority has become one of the most […]
JFMF Organizing Committee Meeting
Zoom Meeting NYWe will discuss ongoing campaigns, learn some new skills and talk about ways to get involved! You can register for the meeting by clicking the link below! When: Jan 25, 2022 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about […]
SURJ Buffalo Action Hour
Zoom Meeting NYCome take action with us during your lunch break. Our inaugural SURJ Buffalo Action Hour is the chance to come together and learn more about decarceration and abolition, and then take action to support Black and People of Color-led campaigns for policies seeking to create deeply needed change in the criminal legal system. We'll call […]
2022 Climate Movement Strategy Update
Zoom Meeting NYGeneral Meeting of Climate Crisis Policy & The Earth Bill Network. This meeting features updates on active campaigns in Congress, with expert guests from leading coalitions. We also work for The Earth Bill and a climate bill package, organizing by Congressional District. Featuring Rania Beatrice, March for Science; Todd Fernandez, Earth Bill Network; Felice […]
Way Forward in Haiti Mtg w/Asst. Sec. of State, Brian Nichols
Zoom Meeting NYRev. Dr. M. Bruce McKay, long-time friend of the Western New York Peace Center, is now Senior Organizing Consultant for Faith in Action - Northeast Region. They are sponsoring the "Way Forward in Haiti" Meeting to ask Assistant Secretary Nichols to take specific steps to change U.S. policy toward Haiti: to support civil society plans […]
Talking Peace taping, hour 1: Happy Nuclear Ban-niversary
Facebook LivestreamWith Kevin Martin, President, Peace Action (national) and Peace Action Education Fund; and Mari Inoue, of Manhattan Project for a NuclearFree World - both longtime nuclear abolition experts; and Vicki Ross, WNYPC Community Coordinator Discussion topics: How Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons went into effect 1/22/21 current worldwide danger and status of nuclear weapons […]