Eastside Service day-Spring Cleaning (Open Buffalo)

Become part of a transformative community effort with Open Buffalo as we dedicate ourselves to nurturing the East Side's neighborhoods. The CS53 Outdoor Classroom, a once vibrant but now deteriorated […]

LASC Peace Coffeehouse: Food Sovereignty vs Climate Change

Canisius University-Science Hall 2001 Main Street, Buffalo, NY, United States

LASC Peace Coffeehouse, 7-9 pm Monday, April 22: Food Sovereignty vs Climate Change Agroecology partnerships across Central and North America. Canisius University Science Hall, on Main, near Delevan metro Speaker: […]

Resist Militarism Monthly Mtg

WNY Peace Center 1272 Delaware Avenue (Carriage House), Buffalo, NY, United States

Join the Resist Militarism Taskforce! CeaseFire Now Campaign

WNYPC Membership Meeting

WNY Peace Center 1272 Delaware Avenue (Carriage House), Buffalo, NY, United States

Resist Militarism Monthly Mtg

WNY Peace Center 1272 Delaware Avenue (Carriage House), Buffalo, NY, United States

Every Fourth Tuesday of the month @ The WNY Peace Center 1272 Delaware Ave. The Carriage House. All are welcomed!

Daniel Ellsberg Week:

You’re invited to join us in celebrating Daniel Ellsberg week!! Hero, whistle-blower, and stellar activist Daniel Ellsberg, who passed away just a year ago, revealed to the U.S. public the truth […]

Northrop Grumman Action

Northrop Grumman facility at 1740 Wehrle Drive, Buffalo (/Amherst area), NY 14221-7032. Northrop Grumman facility at 1740 Wehrle Drive, Buffalo (/Amherst area), NY 14221-7032., Amherst, NY, United States

WHAT: Northrop Grumman will be notified that it's violating 6 U.S. laws through its providing manned aircraft missile systems, and (in collaboration with Lockheed Martin) F-35 Fighter Jets and Apache […]

LASC planning meeting

Canisius University-Science Hall 2001 Main Street, Buffalo, NY, United States

LASC planning meeting for August, 7-9pm at Canisius University Science Hall (entrance near the Griffin stature along Main Street) We are planning Cuba events for this Fall., in connection with […]

Living with the Land: Water and Sustainability

1272 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY 1272 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY, United States

What Saving a Remote Pastoral Tribe in Ethiopia Can Teach Us About Our Own Humanity. Guest Speaker, Jane Jacobson. Western New York Peace Center , at 1272 Delaware Ave. Network […]

Resist Militarism taskforce meeting

Burning Books 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo, NY, United States

The Resist Militarism taskforce of the WNY Peace Center will have a meeting on Monday August 26, to plan for local events calling for "not another bomb". Place: Burning Books, […]

Talking Peace Circle-September

1272 Delaware Ave. Buffalo, NY 1272 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY, United States

Talking Peace Circle-first Thursday each month for Fall 2024 7pm at the WNY Peace Center Carriage House, 1272 Delaware Ave. Buffalo Working toward peace in the world and our community […]