Clean Air Coalition: Knocking Out Proof-of-Work Cryptocurrency Mining in NYS

Zoom Meeting NY

Proof-of-Work Blockchain Mining has exploded as an industry in Upstate NY, particularly for cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. Join us for a brief presentation about what this practice is, the environmental and community impacts, why it has arisen in Upstate NY, and what steps we can take today to regulate this industry. Register here:

SURJ Buffalo Orientation

Zoom Meeting NY

Are you looking to get re-anchored or refreshed on the work for racial justice? Do you know someone who's interested in SURJ Buffalo and our work?  Invite them to our virtual Orientation.

The Black Alliance for Peace: Human Rights from an Anti-war & Anti-imperialist Perspective

Zoom Meeting NY

Join Massachusetts Peace Action for a webinar discussion with Ajamu Baraka, the National Organizer for the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP). BAP was founded on April 4, 2017, 50 years after Martin Luther King, Jr's historic Riverside Church anti-war speech. Baraka stated then that BAP's purpose is " to recapture and redevelop the historic anti-war, […]

Communities Not Cages goes to Albany

Bus to Albany

On January 19th, Center for Community Alternatives is headed to Albany to fight for #CommunitiesNotCages to overhaul New York’s racist and draconian sentencing laws. RSVP here. "Right now, over 30,000 people are incarcerated in New York’s prisons. 75% are Black or brown. We are demanding that our lawmakers stand with us to: Eliminate mandatory minimums […]

Nuclear Disarmament & Human Security

Zoom Meeting NY

The Inter-Parliamentary Union, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the World Future Council (WFC) are co-organizing a webinar on Parliamentary action to reduce nuclear risks and advance nuclear disarmament. 2021 has been a busy year with regard to nuclear weapons with both advances and setbacks. On […]


Citizens for Regional Transit Annual Meeting

Zoom Meeting NY

Join Citizens for Regional Transit for their Annual Meeting: The Past Year in Public Transit and the Exciting Year to Come Presentation by By Doug Funke, President, Citizens for Regional Transit Register here:

NYS Environmental Agenda for 2022 with Roger Downs

Have you resolved to do more for the environment in 2022? Are you concerned about the climate crisis but wondering how you can make a difference? Please join our Sierra Club Niagara Group for monthly Information Sessions designed to inform our members and inspire action. Our core group of active Niagara Group members have some […]

RAPP Parole Justice Partners Meeting

Zoom Meeting NY

The second Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP Campaign) Parole Justice Partners Meeting of 2022 will be Thursday, January 20th at 11am on Zoom. This meeting will include updates on PJP's work as the legislative session begins, and ways for your organizations to get further involved in the coming weeks, as well as collaborative strategizing […]

SURJ: Abolition Action Hour

Zoom Meeting NY

Join SURJ for their first Abolition Action Hour of 2022! As usual, we'll gather en masse on Zoom to take collective action together to close jails, defund police, invest in communities, and protect Indigenous rights to land and water. You'll receive education and training in community, and then be supported to participate in frontline racial […]
