PCPJ Virtual Advocacy Day
Zoom Meeting NYJoin the People's Campaign for Parole Justice on January 11 for a virtual advocacy day. We'll gather via Zoom for rallies, legislative meetings, and a press conference. Please join us to support the movement to pass the Elder Parole and Fair & Timely Parole bills in 2022! Constituents Needed PCPJ has meetings scheduled with […]
Nuclear submarines, AUKUS & the NPT
OnlineFacilitation: Daryl Kimball, Arms Control Association Speakers: Tariq Rauf, former Head of Verification and Security Policy Cooperation at the International Atomic Energy Agency and Director of SIPRI's Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-proliferation Programme. Marianne Hanson, University of Queensland and Co-Chair of ICAN Australia More TBA.
Virtual Rally to Close Guantanamo
Witness Against Torture, Amnesty International, the Center for Victims of Torture, About Face – Veterans Against War, Center for Constitutional Rights, Dissenters, and Detention Watch Network online rally to commemorate the 20-year anniversary since Guantánamo Bay Prison was opened. This rally is a call for all of us to disrupt and confront the status quo […]
Understanding Peace Prospects with Korea
Zoom Meeting NYUnderstanding Peace Prospects with Korea: Korean Peace Treaty Key to a Nuclear Free Northeast Asia. Join Peace Action NYS for an informative hour about the history of the conflict and the status of peace possibilities with North and South Korea. The hour will include a question-and-answer session. Speaker Hyun Lee is the U.S. National Organizer for Women […]
Talking Peace taping: Eviction Emergency
Facebook LivestreamWith Cheney Brockington, LMSW, WNYPC board member; John Washington, Organizer and Political Educator, People's Action; Deidra EmEl, Executive Director of the WNY Peace Center; and Vicki Ross, WNYPC Community Coordinator, and Consultant for the Interfaith Peace Network. Discussion topics: NYS' eviction moratorium's looming expiration housing/economic injustices; exacerbated in pandemic Good Cause Eviction legislation (call […]
Talking Peace taping: Rev. Dr. King Today
Facebook LivestreamWith Rev Dr James Lewis, Community Leader, founder and pastor of Miracle Missions Full Gospel Church; Dr. Rolanda Ward, social work professor and Director of Niagara University's Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko Center for Race, Equity, and Mission; Rev. Mark Blue, President of Buffalo NAACP, pastor of Second Baptist Church of Lackawanna; Deidra EmEl, Executive Director […]
PPG 2022 Community Agenda Rollout
Zoom Meeting NYJoin Partnership for the Public Good for the 2022 Community Agenda Rollout event, where they will announce the policy planks making up the 2022 platform. This year's community agenda process was our most competitive year yet, with 25 policy proposals! Many of you attended the agenda vote back in November and voted for your […]
#CleanSlateNY Virtual Press Conference
Zoom Meeting NYLast week, Governor Hochul called for the passage of the Clean Slate Act in her State of the State. Her explicit support is a testament to the power of our collective organizing. Clean Slate can't wait - and we will build off this momentum as we fight to end perpetual punishment. This Thursday, join us for a […]
Free the People WNY General Meeting
Zoom Meeting NYJoin Free the People WNY for our first quarterly general meeting of the year! At this meeting we'll cover: Updates on the new 2022 state legislative session and our priorities Updates from the new City/County working group & 2022 local priorities Networking and connecting with partner orgs Join us on Zoom at this link, Thursday January 13, 3:00-4:30 […]
CEJ/BTRU General Meeting
Zoom Meeting NYJoin Buffalo Transit Riders United (BTRU) over Zoom in our continued fight for a more accessible, affordable, expansive public transit system in WNY! For January's General Meeting, Brian Dold will be presenting about the work of the Scajaquada Corridor Coalition and how to get involved. Register here: https://bit.ly/3rbFsXN
SURJ: Organizing White People to Stop Another January 6th
Zoom Meeting NYOne year later, we’re still asking ourselves, “How did January 6th happen? And what can we do to stop this kind of thing from happening again?” We know that the majority of actors in the insurrection were white and were motivated by a white nationalist and far-Right agenda. And these groups are continuing to recruit […]
DEADLINE: Good Cause Eviction Phone2Action
Use Housing Justice for All's toolkit to maintain pressure on Kathy Hochul and the state legislature to pass Good Cause Eviction before January 15. Our main goal is to promote our Phone2Action widely and drive calls to the governor and legislative offices. Phone2Action: hj4a.org/CallYourRep Articles to Boost: https://www.cityandstateny.com/policy/2021/12/good-cause-eviction-has-momentum-leading-2022/187324/ https://indypendent.org/2021/12/good-cause-eviction-tops-tenants-2022-agenda/ https://www.harlemworldmagazine.com/senate-to-host-hearings-on-good-cause-eviction-from-harlem-to-the-hudson/ Tweets to Boost: HJ4A tweet with […]