PeaceJam Honoring Desmond Tutu
Social MediaFor 25 years Desmond Tutu has been an integral part of the PeaceJam Family, and he will be greatly missed. His memory and legacy will live on in the hearts of PeaceJam youth, Nobel Laureates and global community who have been profoundly inspired by his extraordinary spirit, compassion, wisdom and joy. A memorial service will […]
NYS Homeowner Assistance Fund applications open
Homeowners in NYS who were financially affected by COVID-19 and are behind on their housing payments may receive referrals to free housing counseling and legal services, negotiation help with their banks or mortgage servicers, and financial assistance with their past or future housing payments. Applications open January 3rd: 844-776-9423 (M-F, 9am-5pm) For […]
An Israeli & an Iranian talk about the NPT: Briefing on the Middle East WMD free zone
Zoom Meeting NYAs the 10th Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference (NPT RevCon) is about to open on the 4th of January, Middle East Treaty Organization (METO) is delighted to offer the chance for civil society campaigners to take a closer look at what is happening in efforts to create a weapons of mass destruction free zone in […]
Peace & Planet Online International Conference
Zoom Meeting NYYou are invited to the Peace & Planet Online International Conference, "Building our Movements & Impacting the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference" which will take place via Zoom on January 4, 2022 10 AM New York time. REGISTER HERE. The Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Review Conference will take place in New York City from January […]
WNYPC: World Day of Social Justice
SAVE THE DATE! Details to come.
Understanding Different Perspectives Around Nuclear Risk Perception & Deterrence
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom - register here. Hosted by the Hiroshima Organization for Global Peace.
The Time Is Now: Gender Equality In The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
OnlineA high-level dialogue during the NPT Review Conference, organised by UNIDIR and Sweden, on the relevance of gender equality and gender perspectives across the three pillars of the NPT. Moderated by the Director of UNIDIR, Robin Geiss, this conversation will involve foreign ministers, diplomats and experts who will share insights from their work to advance gender […]
ROCLA: The Nicaraguan People Are Speaking, Will We Listen?
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom - meeting details here. Becca Mohally Renk has lived and worked in Nicaragua with the Jubilee House Community and its project there, the Center for Development in Central America, for the past 20 years. In her work in sustainable community development with the JHC-CDCA, Becca has focused on health care, worker-owned cooperatives, at-risk teenage […]
Talking Peace taping: The Carceral System
Facebook LivestreamWith Community Activists - Jerome Wright, CAIC (Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement), VOICE Buffalo; Monica Lynch, & Sister of Connell Burrell, died from medical malpractice at the Erie Co Holding Center; Myles Carter, Imam at Erie's Alden carceral facility, former Erie Co Sheriff Candidate; Deidra EmEl, Executive Director of the WNY Peace Center; and […]
The Never-Ending Insurrection: Legacies of January 6
Zoom Meeting NYAAPF's Under the Blacklight series continues with a discussion about the legacies of the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol. “The Never-Ending Insurrection” will examine not merely the details of the shocking effort to subvert democracy by the Trump administration, but also the key undercurrents of racial resentment and right-wing authoritarianism that fed into the […]
Talking Peace taping: Afghanistan – Eyewitness Account
Facebook LivestreamWith Basir Bita, Afghan refugee relocated to Vancouver, CA; Doug Mackey, Fellowship Of Reconciliation; Ladaisha Williams, Community Outreach for Urban League's Young Professionals Program (focus includes Afghan refugees resettling in Buffalo); Deidra EmEl, Executive Director of the WNY Peace Center; and Vicki Ross, WNYPC Community Coordinator, and Consultant for the Interfaith Peace Network. values we […]