AAPF Webinar: When Pandemics Don’t End

Zoom Meeting NY

This World AIDS Day, the African American Policy Forum, together with the Williams Institute at UCLA will bring leading thinkers and advocates from the HIV/AIDS community—both within the United States and beyond—to discuss the perilous intersection of criminalization and HIV. AAPF's Senior Research Fellow Kevin Minofu will moderate the conversation;  he will be joined by […]


Christmas Concert – Nan Hoffman & Friends

Please join Riverside Salem for a Christmas concert with Nan Hoffman and friends, to take place at Island Presbyterian Church, 1822 Huth Rd, Grand Island. Masks required; vaccination preferred.

NYIC Buffalo: Legislative Breakfast

Tewksbury Lodge 249 Ohio St, Buffalo, NY, United States

Don't miss the opportunity to hear from NYIC members and our legislative champions on how we are working together for legislative wins immigrant communities in the State and in Erie County. Join us for breakfast, panel discussion, and messages from our local elected leaders on the state of immigration in Western New York. Vaccination is […]


Roses to Missions II Meeting

Zoom Meeting NY

New Yorkers are meeting to discuss plans for January 2022 for TPNW's first anniversary and NPT Review Conference in NYC. No registration. Join Zoom meeting with this LINK.  Convened by Manhattan Project for a Nuclear Free World and PANYS. Contact info@panys.org for more information

Parole Justice New Member Training

Zoom Meeting NY

Join the People's Campaign for Parole Justice! This training is for anyone and everyone who wants to get involved in their campaign. It's specifically for individuals who aren't yet involved but want to be, including those whose doors were knocked, members/volunteers of organizations, etc.

The U.S., NATO & Russia: Arms Races, Confrontations & Common Security Alternatives

Zoom Meeting NY

Featuring Alexey Gromyko (Russian Academy of Sciences), Kate Hudson (British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament), and Daryl Kimball (U.S. Arms Control Association). Initiated by the Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, Co-sponsored by the International Peace Bureau, the Campaign for nuclear Disarmament, Peace Action, Massachusetts Peace Action and Kansas City Peaceworks. REGISTER HERE.

Teach-In on NYS Right to Counsel, Good Cause Eviction, & the Tenant Dignity & Safe Housing Ac

Facebook Livestream

Syracuse Teach-In on Statewide Right to Counsel, Good Cause Eviction, and the Tenant Dignity and Safe Housing Act. Hosted by the Syracuse Tenants Union!   Via Facebook Live and Zoom. Once you RSVP, you'll receive an email with the Zoom link and login information. Remember, you don't need a Facebook account to join the livestream!