Talking Peace – Candidates Forums
Livestreaming on WNYPC Facebook page, and at Think Twice Radio (both website and Facebook Page). Please join us for candidates forums. Early voting will have already started June 12-20, and (Primary)Election Day is Tues June 22. The segments will be re-broadcast audio on WBNY 91.3FM at 1pm Mon, June 7. (Also video will be put […]
Virtual Town Hall w/ Majority Leader Chuck Schumer: For the People Act
RSVP link: Join us for a massive virtual town hall with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. We’ll hear the latest update on the status of the bill, get answers on how the bill impacts you, and talk about its connections to the civil rights movement. By joining this event, you are helping us combat […]
ECHC Rally to Action
At Erie County Holding Center, 10 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY (btwn Church and Eagle). VOICE Buffalo is issuing an immediate and urgent call to action. Please plan to join us for a powerful action at the Erie County Holding Center due to both longstanding and acute issues in the faciliti(es). More information to follow.
Celebrating Bishop William Henderson
At Michigan St. Baptist Church, 511 Michigan Ave, Buffalo NY. The life and legacy of Bishop Henderson will be celebrated at the church he shepherded over a long period. Bishop Henderson, who died 1/21 at the age of 85, moved his El-Bethel Assembly into the historic church - a key stop on the Underground Railroad […]
B District Community Meeting
At D'Youville College, DaVinci High School Academic Center, Room 217. B District Community Police Officer Justin Pitts said the meeting will include light refreshments. All are welcome. (The regular monthly meeting place is Day's Park; however, thunderstorms are forecast for that day.)
At your local polling place.
Webinar. DRONE USE BY U.S. POLICE and the HUMAN IMPACT OF U.S. DRONE ATTACKS IN YEMEN. Please register for this webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. PANELISTS ARE: Rev. Dr. Emma Jordan-Simpson, Exec Dir Fellowship of Reconciliation; Mohammed Al-Ahmadi, Yemeni Journalists Syndicate. Moderator is Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator […]
History of West Valley Nuclear Waste Site PART 2 (incl actions)
Zoom. Digging Deeper, including Action Needed in 2021, Joanne Hameister, Coalition on West Valley Nuclear Wastes and Kathy McGoldrick, Register for Part II here:
Prep for Nuclear War w/ China re Taiwan – Then & Now (w Daniel Ellsberg)
Webinar. Interview with Dan Ellsberg on June 23, about his recent Taiwan revelations. This has implications both for No First Use, the danger of nuclear war, and for US-China relations. Moderated by Joseph Gerson. Organized by Massachusetts PeaceAction, cosponsored by WNYPC, PeaceActionNYS, and other PeaceAction groups. Please spread the word and share widely.
Talking Peace w/the WNYPC – Jim Mang, Presente!
Livestreaming on our Facebook page. Honoring Jim Mang, Presente! (times approximate) With Teresa Maciocha, former WNYPC employee; Jim Anderson, PeaceAction National Steering Committee, former Bd Member(/Chair) of NRC, WNYPC; Wayne Alt, WNYPC co-founder and longtime volunteer. With co-hosts Deidra EmEl, Executive Director at the WNY Peace Center, and Vicki Ross, WNYPC Human Rights & Peace […]
Talking Peace w/WNYPC – ECHC – Families – w/Sandra Bland’s mother
Livestreaming on our Facebook page. ECHC - Focusing On Families, w/Sandra Bland's Mom. With special guests Geneva Reed Veal (Mother of Sandra Bland; Mother to the Movement; Sandra Bland Center for Racial Justice); Ne Ne Cottom, sister of inmate Devon Cottom; Cariol Horne, shero and initiator of Cariol's Law; and Rev. Denise Walden, Lead Live […]
Celebrating Emily Rubino, PANYS Executive Director!
On zoom. Brilliant, visionary, and committed to peace and justice… A leader in the rising generation of young peace activists… EMILY is here to save the day! Please join the PANYS crew as we celebrate our newest Executive Director, Emily Rubino. Emily has been involved with PANYS/PAFNYS for over four years, helping build the organization’s […]