Capitol Calling Party: Say NO to New Nuclear Weapons.

On zoom. Hosted by CODEPINK. RSVP HERE (for zoom link). Featuring: William D. Hartung is the director of the Arms and Security Program at the Center for International Policy and a senior adviser to the Center’s Security Assistance Monitor. He is the author of Prophets of War: Lockheed Martin and the Making of the Military-Industrial Complex. Yasmeen […]

Albany Rally to End Qualified Immunity

In person. Trip to Albany to urge the NY legislature to End Qualified Immunity for police officers. Free bus from Buffalo (times below very approximate - rsvp provides more precise info). Organized by HALTsolitary. fIf you are able and willing to go we need as many people as possible on the bus! To RSVP for […]

Sanctuary & The Global Migration Regime

Webinar from the Fellowship of Reconciliation for the 2nd program in the 4-part international webinar series on sanctuary & migration. Tomorrow’s program will feature speakers offering diverse expertise about asylum processes from Kenya/Germany; Colombia/Canada; Mexico/USA; and the moderator from Germany. Please find details below and register for the free live Zoom event here: Register in […]

Talking Peace – Israel/Palestine

On our Facebook page, livestreaming. Also at Think Twice Radio (both website and Facebook Page). Please join us for a discussion with young Palestinian and Israeli/Jewish persons about their respective feelings, thoughts and experiences re the situation in Is/Pal. Re-broadcast audio on WBNY 91.3FM at 1pm Mon, June 7. (Also video will be put on […]

Talking Peace – Happy Birthday Brother Cornel!

On our Facebook page, livestreaming. Also at Think Twice Radio (both website and Facebook Page). Please join us on Beloved Brother Cornel West's actual birthday! To celebrate the occasion, we'll share a portion of our Evening with Dr. Cornel West. Re-broadcast audio on WBNY 91.3FM at 2pm Mon, June 7. (Also the video of the […]

Buffalo 5 Court Date

In court, Buffalo NY (place to be shared here when known). The Buffalo 5 case (indictment no. 41-413) and their wrongful conviction and imprisonment (and parole) will be revisited. Three of the original Buffalo 5 remain living and are seeking a complete exoneration and clearing of their names. Please also see the org petition and […]

Clean Slate Rally (both virtual & in-person)

At 65 Court St, Buffalo NY (also at various sites statewide). Over-policing, over-prosecution, the criminalization of low-level drugs, and other unjust and archaic practices continue to keep people in a state of perpetual punishment that feeds the mass incarceration crisis and harms our communities. Join us this Thursday as we lift up the Clean Slate […]

Meditation/Prayer Vigil to Stop Executions

On zoom. Meditation/Prayer Vigil to Stop Executions, Torture, Murders & Assassinations & Promote Peace in the World upcoming 30-minute silent meditation/prayer vigil sessions against human executions, torture, murders & assassinations—these sessions are aimed at bringing more peace to the community, to the nation, and to the whole world. ZOOM link:   For more information, contact:

March for Parole Justice

In person in NYC - buses are going from WNY so sign up if interested (below times very approximate - specifics on signing up). Please join the People's Campaign for Parole Justice for a march in NYC at 12 pm to demand passage of Elder Parole and Fair & Timely Parole. Help bring people home! […]

Native Plant Sale

In person at 2489 Whitehaven Road, Grand Island, 14072. Plant Sale on the Historic Alt Farm To Benefit Wildlife and Environment. (Social distancing and masks required – thank you!) The plant sale is a fundraiser to support the educational and outreach activities of the Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environment. Native and wildlife-beneficial plants will […]

Vigil for Victims of Buffalo Police Brutality

In person at MLK Park (btwn Casino & Basketball Court). Organized by Alia Williams with VOICE-Buffalo and the WNY Peace Center, with more in process. You're welcome to bring candles. Some snacks and drinks will be on hand.

Kings Bay Plowshares – Celebration for Mark Colville (Catholic Mass)

On zoom. In preparation for Mark Colville's upcoming incarceration, join him and his family for a Celebration on zoom, a Catholic mass to, as Mark as his wife Luz put it," joyfully celebrate the victory of life over death, epitomized in the sacrifice of Christ and made real in the world whenever people make sacrifices […]