Rally for Marvin Pena
In front of ICE offices, 250 Delaware Ave (at Chippewa), Buffalo. Organized by Rochester Rapid Response.
Rally for For The People Act
In front of Sen Schumer's Buffalo office, 130 South Elmwood, Buffalo. Come help Open Buffalo deliver hundreds of postcards to Sen Schumer, insisting he get the For The People Act passed without any watering it down, as our very democracy is a risk through rampant vote suppression efforts aimed at BIPOC.
Racism Today: Its Emergence, Causes and Consequences
Facebook LivestreamEvent by Academy for Diversity and Innovation Online: diversityinnovation.academy Price: Free Public · Anyone on or off Facebook The Master Class is designed to create a safe, respectful space to approach perspectives and deepen the discussion about racism. Is an opportunity to surface and engage the points of view of victims, observers, unintended supporters, and perpetrators. Participants will be […]
Kuleta Pamoja (Let’s Come Together)
Event by Johnnie B Wiley Sports Pavilion Johnnie B Wiley Sports Pavilion Price: Free · Duration: 7 hr SUMMER VENDING AT JOHNNIE B WILEY For the summer of 2021, Johnnie B Wiley Amateur Athletic Sports Pavilion will be presenting “Kuleta Pamoja”. Kuleta Pamoja will occur each Saturday beginning June 26th until September 25th, 8:00am to 3:00pm […]
“ Pull the Plug” Rally – stop the Plug Power Hydrogen Plant
Meet at Tonowanda Indian Community House 372 Bloomingdale Rd, Akron, NY 14001, at 10 am; moving on to Stamp plant site at 11am. For more info please call- Grandell Logan 7169822909
Camp Peaceprints – Explores the World
Registration Form Here At the NRC building, 1272 Delaware Ave, Buffalo NY 14209 (entrance and parking round back behind main building). Alternative Day Camp M-F 10am-3pm. CAMP PEACEPRINTS is a summer camp designed to introduce youth to social justice, while providing them with peaceful conflict resolution skills and exposure to a broader community. It is […]
Reaching Our Youth
Time-6-8pm Where: Johnnie B. Wiley Sports Pavilion WHO: The Monarch of Infinite Possibilities (MIP) in collaboration with the Omega Mentoring Program (OMP) www.omegamentoring.com, will host an event called “Reaching Our Youth.” WHAT: “Reaching Our Youth,” is an event that will include a panel discussion with members from the WNY Youth Climate Council (WNY YCC) and […]
Being an Ally for Native & Indigenous People LESSONS LEARNED
On zoom. Hear perspectives from two main organizers of the Neighbors of the Onondaga Nation (NOON, Syracuse NY) and the Nekanehsaht Coalition (Buffalo NY). Panelists include: Freida Jacques, Agnes Williams, Cindy Squillace, & Nate Buckley Please register at: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/GGM2021-BeingAnAllyofIndigenousPeoples
LASC Planning Meeting
At Canisius College Science Hall at the Griffin statue, outside, along Main Street between Delevan and Jefferson, (street parking or parking lot beside the M & T bank). There are benches and we will bring chairs. Inside in usual coffeehouse space if raining. Agenda items include: planning topics for LASC-Peace Coffeehouses at Canisius Science Hall: […]
Buffalo 5 Court Date
In person, 3rd Fl, 25 Delaware Ave/Old Co Hall, Buffalo NY. The Buffalo 5 case (indictment no. 41-413) and their wrongful conviction and imprisonment (and parole) will be revisited. It has been postponed numerous times - and yet again (3 times in three weeks). Three of the original Buffalo 5 remain living and are seeking […]
Nekanehsakt Meeting
A Zoom Meeting for the allies' group, Nekanehsakt - Friends of the Ekwehewe. Planning and sharing for Indigenous and Environmental support and activity. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86250478013?pwd=M1NoMkNLb1MyTU8zWitnUnhTOFZYdz09 Meeting ID: 862 5047 8013 Passcode: 269980 One tap mobile +19292056099,,86250478013#,,,,*269980# US (New York) +13126266799,,86250478013#,,,,*269980# US (Chicago)
Riverside Salem: Celebrating Parents’ Day
At 3449 West River Road, Grand Island, NY. Come join in the conversation - Celebrating Our Parents! As this is National Parents' Day, we will share stories about our parents: - how they were or are, how they helped make us who we are, how we see our parents in ourselves. Our own experiences as […]