Vigil for Mr. Ramiro Felix Gonzales (Texas Death Penalty victim)
On zoom: For more information, contact: How the sessions will run: 1:00 p.m. -- A few minutes before the silent vigil, please get comfortably seated, connect to Zoom, and mute your microphone. 1:05 p.m. When the bell rings, the silent vigil (25 minutes in length) will begin. It will be a silent meditation […]
Nekanehsakt Meeting
On zoom. We will have updates on Line 3 and people heading out there for a May 9th paddle event, Canawagus and Stamp plant and more. Thank you all hope to see you zooming :)! OUR ZOOM MEETING for TUESDAY APRIL 20TH at 630 pm- Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 862 5047 8013 Passcode: […]
March for George Floyd
At Niagara Square, Buffalo, with masks and physical distancing. No matter the verdict, we still have so much work to do!! With special guest Cariol Horne. Organized by Allies for Black Justice. See you there!!
Talking Peace w/the WNYPC – Just Transition Challenges
On WNYPC and Think Twice Radio Facebook Livestreams. An Earth Day Special. With Paul Winnie, Seneca (Tonawanda); Keilka Salabury, Community Activist; Ellen Banks, Niagara Sierra Club Executive Committee Member and Atlantic Chapter Delegate; Agnes Williams, Seneca (Cattaraugus), Indigenous Women's Initiatives; and host Vicki Ross, WNYPC Executive Director, and Interfaith Peace Network Peaceful Conflict Resolution Consultant. […]
Talking Peace w/the WNYPC – Just Policing/Accountability
On WNYPC and Think Twice Radio Facebook Livestream. With Cariol Horne, lead organizer and inspiration for Cariol's Law; Kartika Carr, VOICE Buffalo Organizer; De'Jon Hall, Police Advisor Board member/advisor; and Vicki Ross, WNYPC Executive Director, and Interfaith Peace Network Consultant. (The session audio will be broadcast on WBNY 91.3FM on Monday, 1-2pm; and then go […]
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom – register here. WHO: youth ages 8+ WHERE: on Zoom WHEN: 4 to 5 PM on Thursdays, Feb 25th through Apr 29th WHAT: “Inspiration, Education, and Action” includes a Global Call to Action service-learning project learning goals: solidarity, social justice, peaceful conflict resolution, integrity, lives of the Laureates, and more activities: mindfulness, deep […]
Alliance of Families for Justice – WNY Mtg
On zoom. Second meeting of our Alliance of Families for Justice (AFJ) Western New York Region meeting, taking place Friday, April 23rd at 6:00pm via Zoom. As you might be aware, the Alliance of Families for Justice (AFJ) is an amazing non-profit organization based in Harlem, NY, founded by Soffiyah Elijah, a brilliant attorney, organizer, and […]
Challenging Conversations
Zoom Meeting NYSaturday, April 24th, 9:30 am -Noon Zoom Webinar (Register here to receive a Zoom invitation - Our program is a gathering for white people of faith who are aligned with the causes of racial and economic justice. How can we deepen our commitment? How can we share our new understanding with members of our own families and […]
WNYPC Annual Membership Meeting
Zoom Meeting NYOn Zoom - register at Join the WNY Peace Center for our 2021 Annual Meeting to reflect on accomplishments of the past year and discuss the work ahead, including the coordinating board election (member-only vote; join at
Riverside Salem: Discussion re Policing
On zoom. Join RS for a discussion about policing. Below are a few articles on the history of policing and some conclusions about how we got where we are. Feel free to bring your own knowledge of the subject to the discussion. Everyone is welcome. Cathy Rieley-Goddard (she/her) is inviting you to a […]
60th Anniversary: Cuba’s Successful Literacy Campaign!
Online webinar. The Che Guevara Volunteer Work Brigade Celebrates! REGISTER ONLINE AT: April 2021 marks the 60th anniversary of the Cuban literacy campaign, which eradicated illiteracy on the island in just 8 months. This impressive accomplishment was carried out by the massive mobilization of 308,000 volunteers, many of them students and young women, who […]
Talking Peace – WNYPC Thru the Years.
Livestreaming on Facebook (Here , also on Think Twice Radio facebook page). With Wayne Alt, a initial/founding member of WNYPC, and longstanding volunteer; Maxine Insera, WNYPC and Latin American Solidarity Committee volunteer; Deidra EmEl, currently Office Mgr/Coordinator of WNYPC and incoming WNYPC Executive Director; and Vicki Ross, current WNYPC Executive Director {til June 1}, and […]